The "women of color" trope


Gold Member
Oct 9, 2017
alaska, usa
The term is old and it carries negative stereotypes.

A "woman of color" is assumed to be
  • "sultry;" native to a hot, humid climate;
  • bodaceous, curvy, voluptuous; (with a lot of emphasis on showing off the actual skin of whatever color it is)
  • foreign, exotic, "available," subservient;
  • somewhat or somehow uncomfortable with English as a native language;
  • etc.
"Colored" is rather archaic in reference to human skin. Also, in English, an adjective is usually placed before the noun it modifies.

I'm sorry if someone's first impression of a "woman of color" upon meeting her face to face is that she is "black" (or some other race) but that is just a basic fact of life. You aren't going to change people's skin color.

Jeremiah 13:23 KJV: Can the Ethiopian change his skin, or the leopard his spots? then may ye also do good, that are accustomed to do evil.

Or why do we need to be so concerned if a leopard has spots whereas a lion has stripes?
Brown and Black are not colors. Europeans are people of color. All kinds of eye color, hair color, skin color. Browns and Blacks are people of non-color generally speaking. The used to be called Darkies actually and rightly so.

And this might be offensive, but porn sites show Black females are gross, Brown females often have clits bigger than Asian dudes, but are still gross. Every male on Earth is turned on by White women. Which is why Browns and Blacks often assault White women since they usually find them repulsive. Biology is reality.
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The term is old and it carries negative stereotypes.

A "woman of color" is assumed to be
  • "sultry;" native to a hot, humid climate;
  • bodaceous, curvy, voluptuous; (with a lot of emphasis on showing off the actual skin of whatever color it is)
  • foreign, exotic, "available," subservient;
  • somewhat or somehow uncomfortable with English as a native language;
  • etc.
"Colored" is rather archaic in reference to human skin. Also, in English, an adjective is usually placed before the noun it modifies.

I'm sorry if someone's first impression of a "woman of color" upon meeting her face to face is that she is "black" (or some other race) but that is just a basic fact of life. You aren't going to change people's skin color.

Jeremiah 13:23 KJV: Can the Ethiopian change his skin, or the leopard his spots? then may ye also do good, that are accustomed to do evil.

Or why do we need to be so concerned if a leopard has spots whereas a lion has stripes?
You sound like a paranoid racist who obsesses on color and has a strong preconception that racist behavior is dominant. Live and let live
The term is old and it carries negative stereotypes.

A "woman of color" is assumed to be
  • "sultry;" native to a hot, humid climate;
  • bodaceous, curvy, voluptuous; (with a lot of emphasis on showing off the actual skin of whatever color it is)
  • foreign, exotic, "available," subservient;
  • somewhat or somehow uncomfortable with English as a native language;
  • etc.
"Colored" is rather archaic in reference to human skin. Also, in English, an adjective is usually placed before the noun it modifies.

I'm sorry if someone's first impression of a "woman of color" upon meeting her face to face is that she is "black" (or some other race) but that is just a basic fact of life. You aren't going to change people's skin color.

Jeremiah 13:23 KJV: Can the Ethiopian change his skin, or the leopard his spots? then may ye also do good, that are accustomed to do evil.

Or why do we need to be so concerned if a leopard has spots whereas a lion has stripes?

“Colored” is a reference to race...not skin color.
"People of color"

the only "color" I see is mud.

Sky is blue, the grass is green. Those are colors.

People of "color" just look dirty to me
The term is old and it carries negative stereotypes.

A "woman of color" is assumed to be
  • "sultry;" native to a hot, humid climate;
  • bodaceous, curvy, voluptuous; (with a lot of emphasis on showing off the actual skin of whatever color it is)
  • foreign, exotic, "available," subservient;
  • somewhat or somehow uncomfortable with English as a native language;
  • etc.
"Colored" is rather archaic in reference to human skin. Also, in English, an adjective is usually placed before the noun it modifies.

I'm sorry if someone's first impression of a "woman of color" upon meeting her face to face is that she is "black" (or some other race) but that is just a basic fact of life. You aren't going to change people's skin color.

Jeremiah 13:23 KJV: Can the Ethiopian change his skin, or the leopard his spots? then may ye also do good, that are accustomed to do evil.

Or why do we need to be so concerned if a leopard has spots whereas a lion has stripes?
The entire "POC" confederation, is nothing more than a singular banner under which the envious hateful can rally under, in honor of their shared hatred of whites....
Brown and Black are not colors. Europeans are people of color. All kinds of eye color, hair color, skin color. Browns and Blacks are people of non-color generally speaking. The used to be called Darkies actually and rightly so.

And this might be offensive, but porn sites show Black females are gross, Brown females often have clits bigger than Asian dudes, but are still gross. Every male on Earth is turned on by White women. Which is why Browns and Blacks often assault White women since they usually find them repulsive. Biology is reality.
Negro women are the least desirable, lowest pain, and least in demand performers in porn. And the best to-do amongst them, are the least negro looking when it comes to facial features. When it comes to sex folks pay with their wallets. And wallets don't lie. She boons look like fucking animals. And No one of any race would prefer to fuck them over any other race on the planet. It sucks for them; I know... But someone had to draw the short straw...
The entire "POC" confederation, is nothing more than a singular banner under which the envious hateful can rally under, in honor of their shared hatred of whites...


You have to be "served" and sirred and ma'amed just because you're white, guns are banned, and the liberals are always clogging up the court system with outdated "civil rights" nonsense twisted far out of proportion to reality.

And it's some kind of music fest, people are high on drugs, and they've got some kind of garish LGBT rainbow or dyed hair or face paint if it isn't the color of their skin.
yes, the get all upset when you call them ''colored'' --but they use the same term
hahahahahha = they are dumbasses

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