The Word is Out – Corporate Media Start the Biden Removal Process

MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
Linear Time
Biden's crimes are becoming too much a problem to ignore. Damage control is not an option anymore as more revelations about the bribes come out.

It would be great news except for the fact that the Commie Left will find a replacement who's just as corrupt as Pedo Joe is. Maybe even worse. I suspect that Gavin Newsom is a possible pick. Commies and queers will love him for his policies and ideology. Women will vote for him based on his youth and looks. Minorities would vote for him because he'll offer them free stuff.

All said and done: It will be business as usual.
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I mean you have to be a totally blind Liberal to not see what a lecherous CREEP Joe Biden is, a dysfunctional dementia ridden puppet that allows the Dems to control the country.

I'm not intending this to offend you, but you have to be blind to think Joe Biden is allowing Dems to control the country.

Is he part of the problem? Oh yes. But the man has been a complete retard for decades. Since Biden took office we have seen the country change more in 2 years than it has in the past 10. No way Biden did that on his own. It's the entire administration responsible. If we got rid of him right now things would just continue on as they are, America's problems don't rest on one man. He is just a mouthpiece and says what he told to say and signs what he is told to say.

So he's responsible, but only a small part as an enabler for the ones really destroying the country.
It would be great news except for the fact that the Commie Left will find a replacement who's just as corrupt as Pedo Joe is. Maybe even worse. I suspect that Gavin Newsome is a possible pick. Commies and queers will love him for his policies and ideology. Women will vote for him based on his youth and looks. Minorities would vote for him because he'll offer them free stuff.
Have highlighted this dangerous and ghastly creature a few times . A paid up WEF member /partner and a Young Global Leader in 2005 . Marked for Deep State action .
I mean you have to be a totally blind Liberal to not see what a lecherous CREEP Joe Biden is, a dysfunctional dementia ridden puppet that allows the Dems to control the country.
It would be great news except for the fact that the Commie Left will find a replacement who's just as corrupt as Pedo Joe is. Maybe even worse. I suspect that Gavin Newsome is a possible pick. Commies and queers will love him for his policies and ideology. Women will vote for him based on his youth and looks. Minorities would vote for him because he'll offer them free stuff.

All said and done: It will be business as usual.
I don't think Newsom is their guy. He survived a recall in CA, but I think that is too much baggage for the rest of the country.
I don't think Newsom is their guy. He survived a recall in CA, but I think that is too much baggage for the rest of the country.
But look at all the baggage Biden came with. Two failed attempts at the Presidency. A proven and habitual liar. And an idiot who couldn't (and still can't) form a complete sentence without sounding like a drunken meth user.

Plus, the Dems have voter fraud down to a fine art. So anything is possible these days.
A backroom deal will be made with the deep state/uniparty and Newsom for Joe to not run for re-election in exchange for assurance of a "Hillary" investigation outcome. Biden will announce he's not running for re-election and claim it was always his plan to only serve 1 term.
It would be great news except for the fact that the Commie Left will find a replacement who's just as corrupt as Pedo Joe is. Maybe even worse. I suspect that Gavin Newsom is a possible pick. Commies and queers will love him for his policies and ideology. Women will vote for him based on his youth and looks. Minorities would vote for him because he'll offer them free stuff.

All said and done: It will be business as usual.
We win again.

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