The word "Raid" is not PC, so stop using it

^ another conservative fantasy
30 FBI Agents show up at your door un-annouced, flash badges, present a questionable search warrant, barge into the home, begin conducting a search, kick the occupants lawyer out of the room, pack 30 boxes of material they don't even go through on-scene, put it in vans, then leave...

It was a RAID.

Trump and his team had already been voluntarily cooperating with the DOJ and had given them 15 boxes of material.

CNN said it - this RAID was not warranted....and the use of the word 'raid' makes the FBI seem as criminally politically partisan and abusive of power as they are.

F* them - they do not deserve / warrant concessions of any type on this one.
The orange crybaby had plenty of time to settle this amicably. He likes dragging his feet and now it’s come back to bite him. If it were anyone else, you’d be cheering
30 FBI Agents showing up unannounced and snatching / taking 30 boxes of material without looking at any of it on-site is a RAID.
30 is, indeed, a lot, however, the Trump compound is quite massive, so they were within reason to come prepared.

Not to mention, anything can happen when dealing w/criminals.

Why didn't Trump just comply to the initial request?
You’re one of the few that seems to care. Isn’t it tiring to live in constant outrage and have no one give a crap?
30 is, indeed, a lot, however, the Trump compound is quite massive, so they were within reason to come prepared.

Not to mention, anything can happen when dealing w/criminals.

Why didn't Trump just comply to the initial request?
Why didn't you do the Dem thing and get aborted ?
Dems started to shit themselves when the American people reacted negatively to RAIDING the home of a POTUS. The invasion of privacy and abuse of government power hit home with most of the American people. Dems are dumb but who knew they are this dumb, wow they blew it big time.
Only one this ends. It is a war. When it starts don't hesitate or let them convince you this is our fault.

Don't hesitate.

Life if just one continuous war with never ending revolutions.........around the sun! ;)
Can you even imagine the firestorm if Obama's home was RAIDED by the FBI? Or if the UK RAIDED the home of the Queen and rifled through all her personal belongings?

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