The WORST Obama scandal yet


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
Obama to transfer Blind Sheikh to Egypt?

This sure doesn’t look good for Obama. First the Muslim Brotherhood comes to visit the White House, then the White House hosts a member of a known terrorist group. *Not to mention, both visitors are asking for the release of the "Blind Sheikh".

A veteran intelligence analyst and researcher for TheBlaze said he met with an official within the Obama administration who told him that the transfer of the Blind Sheikh to Egypt is something that is being “actively considered” by the administration as a solution to the ongoing crisis in the Middle East.* His source asked not to be identified.

When asked if the transfer of the convicted terrorist was being seriously considered, the intelligence analyst said yes, according to his source, who stressed that the move, if executed, was not intended to take place or be announced until after the presidential election (just like his intentions with Russia that he was caught whispering to Dimitri Medvedev - that he would not announce them until after the election).

Obama to transfer Blind Sheik to Egypt? – Glenn Beck
He's on the islamis side. There's no question about it....

I fully expect this will come out next term if he wins. He will go right for the first amendment to silence us!
Glen Beck???????????????

Oh where is my little tin hat, little tin hat........................................
Who cares ... nowhere did you mention the name Mitt Romney. Therefore, it's not newsworthy.
Hey, nobody forced Mittens to say the things that he has in the last two weeks.

16 trillion in debt and increasing. A lot of this is being caused by a ever growing welfare class.

We have the same problems as greece WAKE UP!!!
Can't be any worse than the way the military treated Pat Tillman's family. See below.
Can't be any worse than the way the military treated Pat Tillman's family. See below.

Really? Releasing the convicted terrorist behind the first World Trade Center bombing isn't worse?

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