Then Why Don't You Start -

that man makes me sick, but it is the typical liberal/Democrat turned Progressive/Democrat/Socialist.

after he made HIS MILLIONS/Billions off of us, our country and capitalism. They become some Fascist tyrant who spews BS such as this. which makes up the whole of the Democrat party as you see they spew the same garbage using: Glowbull warming AKA Climate change.

now he spews we need socialism. unfortunately too many people will fall for these people who is just downright evil in my book.

Not a damn thing stopping him from GIVING away his billions to save the Planet and Mother earth. Put your money where your mouth is.
Well, this thread sure got quiet. :lmao:

Obviously y'all need to keep an eye on that Gates guy. He and his wife have a plan to take over the world:

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

I need an MRI of my left shoulder - rear shoulder , to the top left of my scapula. It is difficult for me to put weight on it & bench press . When I push forward... left shoulder fails .

The kicker is- is that if..... IF I need surgery, I doubt I would let them cut on it. So I lift ( curls and shoulder shrugs ) weight no more than the weight I lift while performing my job - 30 pounds.

I try to bench press - but only get two or three reps in at 95 pounds before my shoulder tells me to quit. I use to bench press 155 pounds - now my left shoulder will not let me.

I am hoping taking it easy and it will heal before summer .

My job got contracted out 5 years ago; so instead of free and good insurance- my coverage sucks and I have to pay for it ; it is taken out of my check twice a month - I get paid every two weeks.

Bill Gates - help ..........

Shadow 355
Well, this thread sure got quiet. :lmao:

Obviously y'all need to keep an eye on that Gates guy. He and his wife have a plan to take over the world:

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

I need an MRI of my left shoulder - rear shoulder , to the top left of my scapula. It is difficult for me to put weight on it & bench press . When I push forward... left shoulder fails .

The kicker is- is that if..... IF I need surgery, I doubt I would let them cut on it. So I lift ( curls and shoulder shrugs ) weight no more than the weight I lift while performing my job - 30 pounds.

I try to bench press - but only get two or three reps in at 95 pounds before my shoulder tells me to quit. I use to bench press 155 pounds - now my left shoulder will not let me.

I am hoping taking it easy and it will heal before summer .

My job got contracted out 5 years ago; so instead of free and good insurance- my coverage sucks and I have to pay for it ; it is taken out of my check twice a month - I get paid every two weeks.

Bill Gates - help ..........

Shadow 355

Lovely story, completely irrelevant to the topic. There's a lively discussion about health insurance in not one but two appropriate forums, but I doubt you'll take advantage of that, so I'll ask you here: Do you have health insurance and, if not, why not?
Well, this thread sure got quiet. :lmao:

Obviously y'all need to keep an eye on that Gates guy. He and his wife have a plan to take over the world:

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

I need an MRI of my left shoulder - rear shoulder , to the top left of my scapula. It is difficult for me to put weight on it & bench press . When I push forward... left shoulder fails .

The kicker is- is that if..... IF I need surgery, I doubt I would let them cut on it. So I lift ( curls and shoulder shrugs ) weight no more than the weight I lift while performing my job - 30 pounds.

I try to bench press - but only get two or three reps in at 95 pounds before my shoulder tells me to quit. I use to bench press 155 pounds - now my left shoulder will not let me.

I am hoping taking it easy and it will heal before summer .

My job got contracted out 5 years ago; so instead of free and good insurance- my coverage sucks and I have to pay for it ; it is taken out of my check twice a month - I get paid every two weeks.

Bill Gates - help ..........

Shadow 355

So I made a pragmatic suggestion in Post 7 and you immediately went off-line. Let's hope when you return you'll have a better grasp of what the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation actually does.

That's called an "investment". See your title. Not redistribution.

Redistribution would be to send sad, indolent and impecunious me a billion dollars. :laugh2:

Sorry, he's giving it to me first to pay me back for all the grief I've had with Microsoft products over the years. You'll have to wait in line. :p

I think what bothers you is that he actually is spending his own personal funds to do something that will benefit a great many people - not something I see RW billionaires doing, but maybe I'm wrong and you can supply some data - as opposed to the "handouts" y'all are always squawking about.

You should really be squawking about the Foundation. I mean, it's investing in infrastructure in developing nations. I'm sure you could work up a nice healthy "Why Does Bill Gates Hate America?" out of that.

That's called an "investment". See your title. Not redistribution.

Redistribution would be to send sad, indolent and impecunious me a billion dollars. :laugh2:

Sorry, he's giving it to me first to pay me back for all the grief I've had with Microsoft products over the years. You'll have to wait in line. :p

I think what bothers you is that he actually is spending his own personal funds to do something

Nah. What bothers me is to hear otherwise intelligent people making stupid-as-shit statements.
Well, this thread sure got quiet. :lmao:

Obviously y'all need to keep an eye on that Gates guy. He and his wife have a plan to take over the world:

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

I need an MRI of my left shoulder - rear shoulder , to the top left of my scapula. It is difficult for me to put weight on it & bench press . When I push forward... left shoulder fails .

The kicker is- is that if..... IF I need surgery, I doubt I would let them cut on it. So I lift ( curls and shoulder shrugs ) weight no more than the weight I lift while performing my job - 30 pounds.

I try to bench press - but only get two or three reps in at 95 pounds before my shoulder tells me to quit. I use to bench press 155 pounds - now my left shoulder will not let me.

I am hoping taking it easy and it will heal before summer .

My job got contracted out 5 years ago; so instead of free and good insurance- my coverage sucks and I have to pay for it ; it is taken out of my check twice a month - I get paid every two weeks.

Bill Gates - help ..........

Shadow 355

Lovely story, completely irrelevant to the topic. There's a lively discussion about health insurance in not one but two appropriate forums, but I doubt you'll take advantage of that, so I'll ask you here: Do you have health insurance and, if not, why not?

Instead of working on some liberal project - why does Bill Gates not help those whom have trouble paying for college - low income families - disabled Veterans - homeless Veterans - and those without or little health insurance?

Instead of helping the Al Gores and Bill Clinton's ...... of the world he should help those who need it.

Shadow 355
Y'all make it too easy:

College Ready Education

Education Pathways

Careful now. Don't click on the links; you might learn something. And that could give you a rash.

Alternatively, maybe one of you can provide some information about the billionaires on your own side. We're aware of the Koch Brothers' "contributions" to the petroleum industry, so you can skip those.

Got anything else?
I need an MRI of my left shoulder - rear shoulder , to the top left of my scapula. It is difficult for me to put weight on it & bench press . When I push forward... left shoulder fails .

The kicker is- is that if..... IF I need surgery, I doubt I would let them cut on it. So I lift ( curls and shoulder shrugs ) weight no more than the weight I lift while performing my job - 30 pounds.

I try to bench press - but only get two or three reps in at 95 pounds before my shoulder tells me to quit. I use to bench press 155 pounds - now my left shoulder will not let me.

I am hoping taking it easy and it will heal before summer .

My job got contracted out 5 years ago; so instead of free and good insurance- my coverage sucks and I have to pay for it ; it is taken out of my check twice a month - I get paid every two weeks.

Bill Gates - help ..........

Shadow 355

I feel your pain bro. Went through it myself about 5 years ago, More and more lifting will cause injuries. I'm at the point where about all I can do is cardio.
I feel your pain bro. Went through it myself about 5 years ago, More and more lifting will cause injuries. I'm at the point where about all I can do is cardio.

I like to just keep up with my weightlifting to keep my chest and shoulders in shape due to the nature of my job,

But I like putting on my jogging pants and my Diplomatic Security Service T - Shirt...... And running on the tread mill.

I honestly believe that after the almost 15 years of employment, the hard work I have done where I am employed - has caught up with me. I have done mounds and mounds of lifting, pulling and pushing by myself ; and it has finally caught up with me .

Some work and tasks that I was made to do by myself, when I should not have..... But I had to because a supervisor made me; has taken its toll on me finally.

Shadow 355
I feel your pain bro. Went through it myself about 5 years ago, More and more lifting will cause injuries. I'm at the point where about all I can do is cardio.

I like to just keep up with my weightlifting to keep my chest and shoulders in shape due to the nature of my job,

But I like putting on my jogging pants and my Diplomatic Security Service T - Shirt...... And running on the tread mill.

I honestly believe that after the almost 15 years of employment, the hard work I have done where I am employed - has caught up with me. I have done mounds and mounds of lifting, pulling and pushing by myself ; and it has finally caught up with me .

Some work and tasks that I was made to do by myself, when I should not have..... But I had to because a supervisor made me; has taken its toll on me finally.

Shadow 355

It's just age. At some point our joints wear out, and building muscle isn't enough to compensate for it.
- redistributing your wealth, Bill? Aren't you a bit too bourgeoisie for your sentiment?

Bill Gates says that only socialism can save us from climate change
In other words, Bill Gates got "his" now it's "fuck you" to everyone else.

Actually, Bill Gates is one of the more charitable billionaires that there is. He donates medicine, mosquito screens in malaria stricken areas as well as does a lot of other stuff.

Telling him to put his money where his mouth is, is a stupid statement, he already does (as a poster or two has already shown).

But, keep up with the partisan hackery, we already know that the word "socialist" scares the crap out of you conservatives.
- redistributing your wealth, Bill? Aren't you a bit too bourgeoisie for your sentiment?

Bill Gates says that only socialism can save us from climate change
In other words, Bill Gates got "his" now it's "fuck you" to everyone else.

Actually, Bill Gates is one of the more charitable billionaires that there is. He donates medicine, mosquito screens in malaria stricken areas as well as does a lot of other stuff.

Telling him to put his money where his mouth is, is a stupid statement, he already does (as a poster or two has already shown).

But, keep up with the partisan hackery, we already know that the word "socialist" scares the crap out of you conservatives.
He's still a billionaire. It seems he hasn't caught on to this whole "wealth redistribution" thing he's prescribing for everyone else.
Still waiting for one of you to show what benevolent billionaires on the Right are doing for their fellow man...nah, not really. You've got nothing.

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