There are areas where the Sanders agenda overlaps that of Donald Trump


Gold Member
Sep 30, 2014
Bernie is an anti-interventionist, anti-nation-building, anti-empire leftist of a breed common in the Labor Party after World War II, when the British Empire was liquidated, Churchill notwithstanding.

Moreover, Sanders is no free-trade globalist of the Davos school. He opposed NAFTA, GATT and MFN for China. Like Trump, he backs a trade policy that puts American workers first.

Thus, on both trade and foreign policy, there is common ground between the rebellions in the Democratic and Republican parties, even as Clinton has ideological allies among the GOP free-traders and neocons of the Bush I and II presidencies.

Is a New Era Upon Us?
Yes there are.

I think we probably are in a new era.

The era from WWII to ~1980 was the era of rising Keynesianism. This saw conservative parties around the world generally embrace, albeit reluctantly, more government programs.

From ~1980 to probably 2009 was the era of open markets and increased liberty. This saw liberal/socialist parties around the world generally embrace, albeit reluctantly, more emphasis on the market.

This new era looks more like an era of populist nationalism, although it is probably too early to say. Populist nationalism often leads to disaster, whether that's war - think Nazi Germany - or economic ruin - think of the tin-pot dictators in Latin America in the 80s.
Bernie is an anti-interventionist, anti-nation-building, anti-empire leftist of a breed common in the Labor Party after World War II, when the British Empire was liquidated, Churchill notwithstanding.

Moreover, Sanders is no free-trade globalist of the Davos school. He opposed NAFTA, GATT and MFN for China. Like Trump, he backs a trade policy that puts American workers first.

Thus, on both trade and foreign policy, there is common ground between the rebellions in the Democratic and Republican parties, even as Clinton has ideological allies among the GOP free-traders and neocons of the Bush I and II presidencies.

Is a New Era Upon Us?
Agreed. The fact that Bernie is very much a non-interventist is to his credit. Not too sure the Donald is. Staying out of war should be our number one goal. I suspect other than Bernie, all the others love war.

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