There goes that 'there are no victims in homosexuality' argument...

...I'm counting the minutes until the bs comment is made:

"It's not about sex, it's about control (of the victim)"..


it IS about sex...about urges unrestrained.
-=d=- said:
...I'm counting the minutes until the bs comment is made:

"It's not about sex, it's about control (of the victim)"..


it IS about sex...about urges unrestrained.

Absolutely, 100% right. Man, by his nature, is utterly depraved. If one would understand human nature, he needs only to observe a small child. It's all about "what feels good, what tastes good, and what's going to make me happy in the next thirty seconds of my life". Some human beings manage, eventually, to triumph over their essential nature. We used to call it, "growing up".
musicman said:
Absolutely, 100% right. Man, by his nature, is utterly depraved. If one would understand human nature, he needs only to observe a small child. It's all about "what feels good, what tastes good, and what's going to make me happy in the next thirty seconds of my life". Some human beings manage, eventually, to triumph over their essential nature. We used to call it, "growing up".

Part of the problem imo, is the likes of Dr. Spock and his 'don't make a child unhappy' bullcrap. Our society lives, breathes, and worships Hedonism.


If something FEELS good, it by default IS good.

-=d=- said:
Part of the problem imo, is the likes of Dr. Spock and his 'don't make a child unhappy' bullcrap. Our society lives, breathes, and worships Hedonism.


If something FEELS good, it by default IS good.


And, conversely - if something makes you feel bad (e.g., guilty or ashamed), it is, by definition, bad. To hell with learning and the (sometimes painful) opportunity for growth. You don't need it. You are, after all, perfect. You are the center of the universe.
musicman said:
And, conversely - if something makes you feel bad (e.g., guilty or ashamed), it is, by definition, bad. To hell with learning and the (sometimes painful) opportunity for growth. You don't need it. You are, after all, perfect. You are the center of the universe.

that concept is being forced on our kids from early ages - such as the whole "nobody loses" games during physical education.
Well, the horse is almost dead, but I'm going to make my point one last time.

Let's leave the lesbians out of the picture all together as their contribution to the molestation rate is negligible. Approximately 2.8% of the U.S. population are homosexual males. Approximately 45% of the U.S. population are heterosexual males. That comes out to 1 homosexual male for every 15 heterosexual males.

Since studies have shown that any one homosexual pedophile will create as many as 7 times more victims than any one heterosexual pedophile, when you crunch the numbers it proves that even though homosexual pedophiles commit 25-40% of the molestations, the actual percentage of pedophiles among homosexuals is no greater than than the percentage of pedophiles among heterosexuals. Based on the 25-40%, for example, homosexual molestations would account for 2-3 out of 8, or 4-6 out of 16, or 5-8(1 homosexual pedophiles worth) out of 20. That gives you a ratio of 1 homosexual pedophile for over 13 heterosexual pedophiles. That is amazingly close to the population ratio and would give rise to the conclusion that a certain percentage of males are going to be pedophiles, whether they are homosexual or not.

I am disturbed and have no theory as to why there is a significant disparity in the voracity of homosexual pedophiles. But it still doesn't change the fact that the premise of the original post was wrong. The boy was molested by a pedophile.
MissileMan said:
:blah2: :blah2: :blah2:
Instead of making up your own quotes, why don't you try to refute the numbers?

making up my own quotes?? wha?

Because I could show numbers telling you the sky was blue, but you'd find a way to argue the sky is purple.
-=d=- said:
making up my own quotes?? wha?

Because I could show numbers telling you the sky was blue, but you'd find a way to argue the sky is purple.

Nice dodge! :wank:
Missile Man:

As I said in post #101, we have a choice between the findings of two scientific studies upon which to base our discussion. We seem to have opted for finding "B". O.K - that's fine.

Having decided that, though, we can't now just throw our hands in the air and say, "Oh, well - they're all just pedophiles". That would constitute a dangerous, willful blindness. We dare not do that - not with numbers like these. We can't blithely separate a molester's sexual preference from his act - remember, his sexual preference (and his depraved unwillingness to control same) is the REASON for his act.

If homosexual child molesters number only one for every thirteen heterosexual monsters, we cannot turn away from the fact that that ONE is committing 25-40% of the offenses! This absolutely says something about homosexuality. This urgently demands the light of day, not hurt feelings and impotent excuses. We have to start asking some tough questions, and we can't turn away in fear and shame from the answers. We do so at our peril.
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MissileMan said:
Well, the horse is almost dead, but I'm going to make my point one last time.

Let's leave the lesbians out of the picture all together as their contribution to the molestation rate is negligible. Approximately 2.8% of the U.S. population are homosexual males. Approximately 45% of the U.S. population are heterosexual males. That comes out to 1 homosexual male for every 15 heterosexual males.

Since studies have shown that any one homosexual pedophile will create as many as 7 times more victims than any one heterosexual pedophile, when you crunch the numbers it proves that even though homosexual pedophiles commit 25-40% of the molestations, the actual percentage of pedophiles among homosexuals is no greater than than the percentage of pedophiles among heterosexuals. Based on the 25-40%, for example, homosexual molestations would account for 2-3 out of 8, or 4-6 out of 16, or 5-8(1 homosexual pedophiles worth) out of 20. That gives you a ratio of 1 homosexual pedophile for over 13 heterosexual pedophiles. That is amazingly close to the population ratio and would give rise to the conclusion that a certain percentage of males are going to be pedophiles, whether they are homosexual or not.

I am disturbed and have no theory as to why there is a significant disparity in the voracity of homosexual pedophiles. But it still doesn't change the fact that the premise of the original post was wrong. The boy was molested by a pedophile.

give it a rest...having been a child porn investigator..I can tell you that out of all the cases I worked...approximately 500...65% were homosexual males...25% were hetrosexual males and the remainder divided between hetro and homo females....and for the most part homosexual pedophiles had a higher ratio of being attorney's and other professionals...maybe this is why the ACLU defends them so voraciously! :whip:
-=d=- said:


If the guy wasn't 'gay' - he wouldn't have abducted that boy. Cause and Effect. Because the guy enjoyed ramming into the butt of another male, he found a boy to attack. If the guy did NOT enjoy such behavior, that boy would have been safe.

Pedophillia is not the same as homosexuality. Some pedophiles are homosexuals just as some are straight. Get over it. No self-respecting gay man would have anything but scorn, revulsion and contempt for a pedophile.

Your fixation on homosexuality is indicative of very real concerns about your own sexual identitiy. And, in such individuals, the likelyhood of deviant behavior such as pedophilia is far more likely than in healthy straight or gay individuals.
Bully, you can take issue with much of what was said here. I know I do. But please do not fall back on ludicrous talking points and stupid liberal "gotcha" games.

The whole "ooh, you said something even remotely negative about homosexuality...did you know that that means you're a closet homosexual and possibley even a future pedophile yourself??? oooh...gotcha!!!" line is tired and pointless.

There are real arguments and discussions to be had about this topic...falling back on bullshit just demonstrates that you don't have anything real to why bother?
LOL - I thought that the bias displayed by the original message on this thread was extinct. (sigh). I debated this and debated this and demonstrated the fallacious reasoning, but some people will still hold firm to their biases no matter how offensive and unwarranted they are. I'm not going to dwell on it.

Oh, I read that a young girl was raped by her father. It wasn't due to him being a rapist. It was because he was a heterosexual. There goes that 'there are no victims in heterosexuality' argument. (shakes his head).

Look. There is a difference between mosestation/rape and homosexuality just as there is a difference between molestation/rape and heterosexuality. Oh well. I may as well be talking to a wall.

Oh yeah. You posted some statistics. Try researching this: how many children are abused by heterosexual parents vs homosexual parents? How many adults (women or men) are raped by heterosexuals vs homosexuals?

Oh well. It my opinion the focus is wrong. We should avoid linking sex crimes with sexual orientation. We shouldn't go after the whole of Islam because some Muslims are prone to terrorism. We shouldn't go after the Whole of the Negro community because Black commit a disproportionate number of violent crimes, and we shouldn't go after the whole of homosexuality because some people who are supposedly homosexuals abuse children.
Gem said:
Bully, you can take issue with much of what was said here. I know I do. But please do not fall back on ludicrous talking points and stupid liberal "gotcha" games.

The whole "ooh, you said something even remotely negative about homosexuality...did you know that that means you're a closet homosexual and possibley even a future pedophile yourself??? oooh...gotcha!!!" line is tired and pointless.

There are real arguments and discussions to be had about this topic...falling back on bullshit just demonstrates that you don't have anything real to why bother?

Ya know...I could give a shit whether someone is gay or straight. I could give a shit if someone says something 'negative' about homo or heterosexuality. However, when some twit insists on engaging in the logical fallacy -=d=- engaged in with his post, in an attempt to sow lies and hatred, it cannot go unremarked.

Attempting to link criminal sexual behavior with the normal expression of homosexuality is one of the hallmarks of internalized, or ego-dystonic, homophobia. This behavior amngst LBG people is an attempt to suppress and repress their desires for same-gender relations and "fit in" with a percieved heterosexual norm.

So, dearie, the only bullshit here is that of -=d=- and his fellow travelers.

Now, how long will it be before 'Turd-Blossom' is indicted?

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