There Has Never Been A Greater Betrayal By A President

It's clear that this guy assaulted police. It's not clear if the cop that died was in that particular assault.

The guy who threw the cop over the wall also needs to be identified and I'm sure he will be.

The fact that the guy pictured is likely a member of the Chicago FD brings shame on that entire Department
The bitch should NOT have been inside the US Capital, and because she was, she is a criminal. You brainwashed trump cultists condone breaking laws to enter the US Capital (while Congress is in session mind you). What does that say about you? So much for the Law & Order party.

Too bad more of these fucking insurrectionists didn't receive the same fate.

You shitheads aren't American, your allegiance is to trump and not the Constitution or the US.
The penalty for trespassing is not extrajudicial murder. You don't give a fuck so you go on ignore.
Burn in Hell.
Good riddance - I love it when I OWN you fucking un-American cultists to the point where all you can do is ignore. You've achieved that status as well.
The bitch should NOT have been inside the US Capital, and because she was, she is a criminal. You brainwashed trump cultists condone breaking laws to enter the US Capital (while Congress is in session mind you). What does that say about you? So much for the Law & Order party.

Too bad more of these fucking insurrectionists didn't receive the same fate.

You shitheads aren't American, your allegiance is to trump and not the Constitution or the US.
The penalty for trespassing is not extrajudicial murder. You don't give a fuck so you go on ignore.
Burn in Hell.

The truth hurts.

This is no different than charging surviving bank robbers with felony murder during the commission of a bank robbery if the bank's security guard shoots and kills one of the bank robbers.
This stain of democracy must end

^^^^ COMMUNIST INFORMER. You are a stain on our republic. How dare you threaten democracy.

There can be no rights, no freedom, no democracy when a nation's own President is muzzled, denied a defense, conspired against and lied about, then overthrown by an installed usurper.

The TRUTH will come out!
You're an idiot. Sure, the cop who died because a fire extinguisher was thrown at his head, died of his own"medical issues"

Break free of your delusional state or seek help for it.
That's Antifa's M.O. Not a Trump supporter. Want to comment on the unarmed woman who was
murdered in cold blood?
Ashli Target was not murdered in cold blood, you imbecile. She had to be put down like the rabid dog she was as she tried to advance on Congressmen/women who were holdup in the House chamber. She died a traitor.
Republicans want this stink of Trump washed away. McConnell wants every last vestige of putrid Trumpism purged from the GOP. Real patriotic Americans want Trump thrown to the trash heap of history.

Unfortunately, this stink will not be easily washed away. Republicans have abetted, encouraged and coddled Trump’s Anti-American rhetoric and quasi-authoritarianism for far too long.

The American people will not soon forget this Republican abandonment of American principles.

Barak Obama weaponized the IRS and used it against US Citizens who legally opposed his re-election

According to Joe Biden's vide-taped confession of extorting the former Ukraine President, Barry knew in advance and supported Biden's extortion of the Ukraine PM

Barry and Hillary gave Russia Uranium, Crimea, permission to hack / interfere in the US, and allowed Russia to intimidate, bribe, and extort US Nuclear Commission Reps and politicians. In exchange for all of this, Putin gave Barry permission to invade Syria.

And it has been undeniably, irrefutably proven that Barry and his administration acquired Russian Intel Service propaganda through a foreign ex-spy working for Russians and intentionally, knowingly used that propaganda as the basis to initiate a treasonous failed coup attempt to overthrow the United States by removing the newly elected President. During all of this Obama Directors / Agencies (DOJ, NSA, CIA, & FBI) violated both Constitution and Laws by illegally spying on Americans / Trump and his team.
-- The FISA Court released their own investigation report proving the FBI - to include Directors Mueller and Comey - have been violating both Constitution and Rule of Law, committing FISA Court CRIMES, FOR DECADES!

This was all PROVEN foreign-collusion-aided a US President and his administration!

ALL of this is documented, recorded, reported, official, substantiated, proven, and even CONFESSED to by various participants, by official members of the US govt under oath before Congress, by undeniable, irrefutable evidence....

So, again, Liz Cheney and the OP are out of their f*ing minds!

The continued denial by this proven nut-job (OP) cannot be explained as loyalty to the Democratic Party or even 'Orange Man Bad' hatred. It is at a level of insanity now, deranged, dangerous, unstable insanity.

This was the last straw for me with this lying, mentally unstable psycho. I'm not wasting any more time with his propaganda and lies.
Trump has 75 million supporters and unlike your stupid ass they know a good POTUS when one gets elected.
Hitler had millions of rabid supporters as well.

Did that make him right?

Oh at the time his people thought he was right. It was only after the war was over and they saw the movies of concentration camps that they learned what an monster he was.

Trump has 75 million supporters and he isn't a monster so his supporters make him right.

They knew.. There were a thousand concentration camps in the Reich.
Republicans want this stink of Trump washed away. McConnell wants every last vestige of putrid Trumpism purged from the GOP. Real patriotic Americans want Trump thrown to the trash heap of history.

Unfortunately, this stink will not be easily washed away. Republicans have abetted, encouraged and coddled Trump’s Anti-American rhetoric and quasi-authoritarianism for far too long.

The American people will not soon forget this Republican abandonment of American principles.
You mean the freedom to render millions unemployed by signing on to legislation?

That's Liz Cheney talking about her impending vote to Impeach Donald J Trump

Cheney is no AOC clone. She's a hard core right wing Republican.

Today Trump will be Impeached for the second time and it will be a bi-partisan effort.

End this. This stain of democracy must end
Cheney is just another Nazi traitor. She has attacked Trump since the day she was elected.

That's Liz Cheney talking about her impending vote to Impeach Donald J Trump

Cheney is no AOC clone. She's a hard core right wing Republican.

Today Trump will be Impeached for the second time and it will be a bi-partisan effort.

End this. This stain of democracy must end
Cheney is just another Nazi traitor. She has attacked Trump since the day she was elected.
Are you expecting Lesh to comprehend context?
Liar..that was a Trumper who killed the police officer. A domestic terrorist who murdered the officer for doing his job.

If you can't admit to that one simple truth, then there is no hope.

As I said you need to break free of your delusional state or seek help.

If you know he's a Trump supporter, it also means you must know him personally. I suggest you call the FBI and report your friend.
One or two Republicans will peel off and vote to impeach

The rest are still prepared to look the other way while he shoots someone on Fifth Ave
Trump has ready shot someone on 5th Avenue. A cop lies dead because of Trump’s incitement of insurrection. The rest of the Pubs supporting Trump are now dancing on his corpse.
Claiming Trump shot the cop is the lowest kind of slime imaginable. You only proved that there is no bar so low that you aren't eager to slither under it.

That's Liz Cheney talking about her impending vote to Impeach Donald J Trump

Cheney is no AOC clone. She's a hard core right wing Republican.

Today Trump will be Impeached for the second time and it will be a bi-partisan effort.

End this. This stain of democracy must end
The fraudulent election ended democracy. There is nothing to stain.

If democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner, what the communists are giving us as their vision of democracy is two wolves tearing the sheep apart without taking a vote.

Liberty is a well armed sheep contesting the action vote or not.

That's Liz Cheney talking about her impending vote to Impeach Donald J Trump

Cheney is no AOC clone. She's a hard core right wing Republican.

Today Trump will be Impeached for the second time and it will be a bi-partisan effort.

End this. This stain of democracy must end
Cheney is just another Nazi traitor. She has attacked Trump since the day she was elected.
Are you expecting Lesh to comprehend context?
I don't expect him to comprehend anything. I'm not actually attempting to change his mind about anything. My posts are for the lurkers, not the NAZIs like Lesh who infest this forum.

That's Liz Cheney talking about her impending vote to Impeach Donald J Trump

Cheney is no AOC clone. She's a hard core right wing Republican.

Today Trump will be Impeached for the second time and it will be a bi-partisan effort.

End this. This stain of democracy must end
The fraudulent election ended democracy. There is nothing to stain.

If democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner, what the communists are giving us as their vision of democracy is two wolves tearing the sheep apart without taking a vote.

Liberty is a well armed sheep contesting the action vote or not.
Especially when they were still angry even prior to the DC protest.
Liberals won't be happy until every who disagrees with them is dead.
One or two Republicans will peel off and vote to impeach

The rest are still prepared to look the other way while he shoots someone on Fifth Ave

I for one was dismayed at his "5th Avenue" comment. He probably would have had a more target-rich environment down on MLK Blvd.
He never made that comment. It was an early communist lie since accepted as truth.
You're an idiot. Sure, the cop who died because a fire extinguisher was thrown at his head, died of his own"medical issues"

Break free of your delusional state or seek help for it.
That's Antifa's M.O. Not a Trump supporter. Want to comment on the unarmed woman who was
murdered in cold blood?
Ashli Target was not murdered in cold blood, you imbecile. She had to be put down like the rabid dog she was as she tried to advance on Congressmen/women who were holdup in the House chamber. She died a traitor.
She was a heroinne trying to stop coup leaders inside the building.
You should name a plaza after her.

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