There Is a Pony in the Mueller Heap of Dung...

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
The real problem, as I see it, is not that the Russian investigation is bogus.

The real problem, as I see it, is that Mueller uncovers, unintentionally, the fact that the DOJ is full of treason, criminals and otherwise punishable by imprisonment scumbags and totally ignores it while at the same time indicting Trump associates for events that took place years ago and these events are ordinarily settled with fines, not imprisonment.

The same is true of the FBI, the CIA and a host of other government agencies.

So the real danger is not the Russians but the fact that our government has become so close to that of a banana republic that we are in very serious danger of losing our constitutional government thus becoming a government under which one is imprisoned for the T-shirt, the book on your bookshelf, the joke told in the local bar, etc.

So it is not that Mueller is investigating the so called Russian connection, but that he is well aware of but refusing to indict those who participated in treasonous actions against our government and therefore against you and me.


It is increasingly obvious that there is a pony in the heap of Mueller Trump-Russia dung, and the pony is a corrupt FBI and CIA covering up their unlawful conduct. Even the best efforts by the wrongdoers' media mouthpieces are not sufficient to keep us from seeing that.

The Heap

Despite spending millions of dollars, hiring 13 of the most vicious anti-Trump prosecutors available, and having allies in the DoJ and FBI continuing to delay congressional efforts to reveal the machinations of their anti-Trump colleagues, it is increasingly obvious that they have turned up no evidence of any Trump-Russia collaboration. (Something common sense would have indicated at the outset.)

Scott Johnson at Power Line blog has a laugh at the latest "Mueller madness":

Today's New York Times exposé of the nefarious activities under investigation in the Mueller probe is "Prosecutors Examining Ukrainians Who Flocked to Trump Inaugural" (accessible here on Outline). It carries the bylines of four of the Times's top reporters – Kenneth P. Vogel, Scott Shane, Mark Mazzetti and Iuliia Mendel, but they also had the help of Sharon LaFraniere and Maggie Haberman, who contributed reporting from Washington. That makes six. I read their long, long article with increasing incredulity and amusement. I asked a trusted friend who has closely followed the Mueller probe whether I was wrong to find the story funny. I regret that I must keep my friend's identity secret to protect him from the long arm of Team Mueller. He responds:

Funny? This is serious stuff. Not only did these pro-Russian Ukrainians suggest peace plans, they posted pictures on social media about inaugural balls that some attended and some did not attend. We all know how nefarious social media posts are. And if you're going to propose a peace plan to lawmakers, you better darn well have your FARA filings up to date.

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The real problem, as I see it, is not that the Russian investigation is bogus.

The real problem, as I see it, is that Mueller uncovers, unintentionally, the fact that the DOJ is full of treason, criminals and otherwise punishable by imprisonment scumbags and totally ignores it while at the same time indicting Trump associates for events that took place years ago and these events are ordinarily settled with fines, not imprisonment.

The same is true of the FBI, the CIA and a host of other government agencies.

So the real danger is not the Russians but the fact that our government has become so close to that of a banana republic that we are in very serious danger of losing our constitutional government thus becoming a government under which one is imprisoned for the T-shirt, the book on your bookshelf, the joke told in the local bar, etc.

So it is not that Mueller is investigating the so called Russian connection, but that he is well aware of but refusing to indict those who participated in treasonous actions against our government and therefore against you and me.


It is increasingly obvious that there is a pony in the heap of Mueller Trump-Russia dung, and the pony is a corrupt FBI and CIA covering up their unlawful conduct. Even the best efforts by the wrongdoers' media mouthpieces are not sufficient to keep us from seeing that.

The Heap

Despite spending millions of dollars, hiring 13 of the most vicious anti-Trump prosecutors available, and having allies in the DoJ and FBI continuing to delay congressional efforts to reveal the machinations of their anti-Trump colleagues, it is increasingly obvious that they have turned up no evidence of any Trump-Russia collaboration. (Something common sense would have indicated at the outset.)

Scott Johnson at Power Line blog has a laugh at the latest "Mueller madness":

Today's New York Times exposé of the nefarious activities under investigation in the Mueller probe is "Prosecutors Examining Ukrainians Who Flocked to Trump Inaugural" (accessible here on Outline). It carries the bylines of four of the Times's top reporters – Kenneth P. Vogel, Scott Shane, Mark Mazzetti and Iuliia Mendel, but they also had the help of Sharon LaFraniere and Maggie Haberman, who contributed reporting from Washington. That makes six. I read their long, long article with increasing incredulity and amusement. I asked a trusted friend who has closely followed the Mueller probe whether I was wrong to find the story funny. I regret that I must keep my friend's identity secret to protect him from the long arm of Team Mueller. He responds:

Funny? This is serious stuff. Not only did these pro-Russian Ukrainians suggest peace plans, they posted pictures on social media about inaugural balls that some attended and some did not attend. We all know how nefarious social media posts are. And if you're going to propose a peace plan to lawmakers, you better darn well have your FARA filings up to date.

Read more at ..

Nothing is unintentional by Mueller. Follow the evidence wherever it goes to uncover any criminal activity, and if other things are uncovered along the way, that is the nature of law enforcement. Are you trying to tell us that law enforcement should ignore an unearthed unknown crime in pursuit of the actual crime in question? If so, then you can forget it. The law and its investigative bodies have never worked any other way. That is law enforcement you clown.
Nothing is unintentional by Mueller. Follow the evidence wherever it goes to uncover any criminal activity, and if other things are uncovered along the way, that is the nature of law enforcement. Are you trying to tell us that law enforcement should ignore an unearthed unknown crime in pursuit of the actual crime in question? If so, then you can forget it. The law and its investigative bodies have never worked any other way. That is law enforcement you clown.

No. He is trying to tell you that once they unearth unknown crime they should not sweep it under the rug if it pertains to "their side" like Mueller does.
That's the nature of law enforcement, you Mushrooms. 13 Ap 2013 Kremlin Hits Back
'....Magnitsky....Sixteen of the 18 Russians on Obama's list....two other names are....Dukuzov.'

RFE RL 20 NOv 2017 Russia Names Suspect in 2004 Klebnikov Killing Detained in Ukraine
'....Kazbek Dukuzov....'

Importantly, Ukraine did not name whom it captured, though Russia did. There has been no new news, so Dukuzov, only named by Russia, is still setting in a Ukrainian jail and is ideal exchange fodder for current politics, because the U.S. State Department has prodded Russia to solve the Klebnikov case as it nears the fifteen-year statute of limitations. Klebnikov and Politkovskaya were American-born journalists, and both murders concentrate the perpetrators to three-districts in central Chechnya.

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