"There Is NO 'Border CRISIS'....Says 'Baghdad' Biden!


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015


On the bright side, Biden keeps his streak of being wrong on every Foreign Policy decision he has ever made during his 47-year political career going!

Way to go, Joe!
I believe his reason for not calling this a "border crisis" (other than suffering from Dementia) is, he "feels the need to help these foreign illegal human beings have the a new life in America. It's never been about the American people. As long as he can keep the traditional Democrat stance, folks on the left are happy. It's all about keep HIS folks happy. He wants to be the "President Without Borders".
When did he ever care about these cartels and sex traffickers bringing these folks here? Knowing they will spread COVID and other dangerous diseases? When did the left ever tell you, "Enough is enough"?
I believe his reason for not calling this a "border crisis" (other than suffering from Dementia) is, he "feels the need to help these foreign illegal human beings have the a new life in America. It's never been about the American people. As long as he can keep the traditional Democrat stance, folks on the left are happy. It's all about keep HIS folks happy. He wants to be the "President Without Borders".
When did he ever care about these cartels and sex traffickers bringing these folks here? Knowing they will spread COVID and other dangerous diseases? When did the left ever tell you, "Enough is enough"?
The Left thrives on the poor and addicted to drugs and sex.
This dementia-ravaged, CCP-puppet declared that IF you American sheep behave and are good little boys, girls, LGBTUVWXYZs, wear your masks, keep your distance, don't mention stolen elections or how Democrats have wiped out 50%+ of all minority-owned small businesses, don't leave your house, don't cough on anyone, and comply with orders nt to travel (while Biden sends thousands of COVID-19-infected illegals all over the US on buses), he May ALLOW YOU TO CELEBRATE 'INDEPENDENCE DAY' in small numbers in your own back yards....quite possibly with govt-mandated mandatory attendance by 1-4 new liberated-American illegals.


"There Is No 'CRISIS'!




Is Biden so dementia-ravaged that he does not know calling in the


Federal EMERGENCY Management Agency
DISASTER Assistance

is a screaming admission that his policy has created an EMERGENCY....a DISASTER....at the border?!

Biden's poll numbers are dropping by the day....if it keeps up he will be under 40% by November 2022....
View attachment 467937


On the bright side, Biden keeps his streak of being wrong on every Foreign Policy decision he has ever made during his 47-year political career going!

Way to go, Joe!
Biden is a idiot.
View attachment 467937


On the bright side, Biden keeps his streak of being wrong on every Foreign Policy decision he has ever made during his 47-year political career going!

Way to go, Joe!
what's the stock symbol for kiddie cages? strong buy
Just wait till the caravans from South America get here. Trump had the perfect way to handle them. Biden, of course, did away with that.

Oh and they should ask the border states about that lack of a Border Catastrophe as they are taking the brunt of it. Texas has already sent their NG to the border. All the other States should do the same.

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