'There Is No Letter' - Kushner Accusation Based on 'Anonymous' Letter Never Proven To Exist

What Is the Washington Post Hiding About Its Jared Kushner Story?

"To date, there has been no independent verification the letter is real or that WaPo’s description of its contents is accurate. The Washington Post editors also never explain why they withheld the letter."

The Washington Post just set the new world's record for FAKE NEWS, filing a FALSE STORY in which they hurl a FALSE Accusation against the Trump Administration (already debunked with the news that Russia, not Kushner, proposed a temporary back communication channel with the Trump administration specifically to deal with the Syria situation) without having any source ('Anonymous') and no actual 'letter' which they claim is the basis for their story.

Such criminal 'journalism' should not be tolerated. The Trump administration should go after them legally, and at any point it is discovered or they admit that the letter does not exist legal action should be taken against the reporter, those running the WP, and the WP itself. They should be made an example of!

The Democrats and their surrogate Propaganda-Pushing media is the source and to blame for the very same Fake News Hillary claimed harmed her in the election. (Hillary claimed the news about her having broken laws was false...only to have Comey testify before Congress not long ago to confirm that she DID break laws with her un-authorized server / e-mail, though. So in HER case, it really WASN'T 'fake news.)

"Another issue testing the credibility of mainstream news organizations is a May 16 New York Times article claiming a memo former FBI Director James Comey wrote revealed President Donald Trump asked him to drop his investigation of former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn.

But The NYTimes never possessed the Comey memo. According to the newspaper, “The New York Times has not viewed a copy of the memo, which is unclassified, but one of Mr. Comey’s associates read parts of it to a Times reporter.”

Freedom of speech is one thing; however, when national media begin intentionally reporting LIES as fact they need to be held legally, judicially accountable!
Liar. When you use the tea bagging Daily Caller as source or Brietbart or Infowars or Gateway your points HAVE NO MERITS.
The question is whether Jared is so naïve as to think people wouldn't learn of a secret back channel to allow communication between president_ELECT, Trump and Putin.
Kushner did nothing on his own. Tramp had to direct him to set up the secret channels.

Breaking News: Comey has said he'll testify that Tramp did ask him to shut down the Russian investigation. Of course Tramp lied. He's incapable of telling the truth. CLEARLY this is obstruction of justice.
Let the impeachment hearings begin you spineless republicans.
What Is the Washington Post Hiding About Its Jared Kushner Story?

"To date, there has been no independent verification the letter is real or that WaPo’s description of its contents is accurate. The Washington Post editors also never explain why they withheld the letter."

The Washington Post just set the new world's record for FAKE NEWS, filing a FALSE STORY in which they hurl a FALSE Accusation against the Trump Administration (already debunked with the news that Russia, not Kushner, proposed a temporary back communication channel with the Trump administration specifically to deal with the Syria situation) without having any source ('Anonymous') and no actual 'letter' which they claim is the basis for their story.

Such criminal 'journalism' should not be tolerated. The Trump administration should go after them legally, and at any point it is discovered or they admit that the letter does not exist legal action should be taken against the reporter, those running the WP, and the WP itself. They should be made an example of!

The Democrats and their surrogate Propaganda-Pushing media is the source and to blame for the very same Fake News Hillary claimed harmed her in the election. (Hillary claimed the news about her having broken laws was false...only to have Comey testify before Congress not long ago to confirm that she DID break laws with her un-authorized server / e-mail, though. So in HER case, it really WASN'T 'fake news.)

"Another issue testing the credibility of mainstream news organizations is a May 16 New York Times article claiming a memo former FBI Director James Comey wrote revealed President Donald Trump asked him to drop his investigation of former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn.

But The NYTimes never possessed the Comey memo. According to the newspaper, “The New York Times has not viewed a copy of the memo, which is unclassified, but one of Mr. Comey’s associates read parts of it to a Times reporter.”

Freedom of speech is one thing; however, when national media begin intentionally reporting LIES as fact they need to be held legally, judicially accountable!
Liar. When you use the tea bagging Daily Caller as source or Brietbart or Infowars or Gateway your points HAVE NO MERITS.
but it's true. It was debunked yesterday. You're a day behind.
What Is the Washington Post Hiding About Its Jared Kushner Story?

"To date, there has been no independent verification the letter is real or that WaPo’s description of its contents is accurate. The Washington Post editors also never explain why they withheld the letter."

The Washington Post just set the new world's record for FAKE NEWS, filing a FALSE STORY in which they hurl a FALSE Accusation against the Trump Administration (already debunked with the news that Russia, not Kushner, proposed a temporary back communication channel with the Trump administration specifically to deal with the Syria situation) without having any source ('Anonymous') and no actual 'letter' which they claim is the basis for their story.

Such criminal 'journalism' should not be tolerated. The Trump administration should go after them legally, and at any point it is discovered or they admit that the letter does not exist legal action should be taken against the reporter, those running the WP, and the WP itself. They should be made an example of!

The Democrats and their surrogate Propaganda-Pushing media is the source and to blame for the very same Fake News Hillary claimed harmed her in the election. (Hillary claimed the news about her having broken laws was false...only to have Comey testify before Congress not long ago to confirm that she DID break laws with her un-authorized server / e-mail, though. So in HER case, it really WASN'T 'fake news.)

"Another issue testing the credibility of mainstream news organizations is a May 16 New York Times article claiming a memo former FBI Director James Comey wrote revealed President Donald Trump asked him to drop his investigation of former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn.

But The NYTimes never possessed the Comey memo. According to the newspaper, “The New York Times has not viewed a copy of the memo, which is unclassified, but one of Mr. Comey’s associates read parts of it to a Times reporter.”

Freedom of speech is one thing; however, when national media begin intentionally reporting LIES as fact they need to be held legally, judicially accountable!
Liar. When you use the tea bagging Daily Caller as source or Brietbart or Infowars or Gateway your points HAVE NO MERITS.
Bwuhahahaha....TRIGGERED. :p
Tell us which Sunday shows. That will tell us the legitimacy of the claims. Lol
What Is the Washington Post Hiding About Its Jared Kushner Story?

"To date, there has been no independent verification the letter is real or that WaPo’s description of its contents is accurate. The Washington Post editors also never explain why they withheld the letter."

The Washington Post just set the new world's record for FAKE NEWS, filing a FALSE STORY in which they hurl a FALSE Accusation against the Trump Administration (already debunked with the news that Russia, not Kushner, proposed a temporary back communication channel with the Trump administration specifically to deal with the Syria situation) without having any source ('Anonymous') and no actual 'letter' which they claim is the basis for their story.

Such criminal 'journalism' should not be tolerated. The Trump administration should go after them legally, and at any point it is discovered or they admit that the letter does not exist legal action should be taken against the reporter, those running the WP, and the WP itself. They should be made an example of!

The Democrats and their surrogate Propaganda-Pushing media is the source and to blame for the very same Fake News Hillary claimed harmed her in the election. (Hillary claimed the news about her having broken laws was false...only to have Comey testify before Congress not long ago to confirm that she DID break laws with her un-authorized server / e-mail, though. So in HER case, it really WASN'T 'fake news.)

"Another issue testing the credibility of mainstream news organizations is a May 16 New York Times article claiming a memo former FBI Director James Comey wrote revealed President Donald Trump asked him to drop his investigation of former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn.

But The NYTimes never possessed the Comey memo. According to the newspaper, “The New York Times has not viewed a copy of the memo, which is unclassified, but one of Mr. Comey’s associates read parts of it to a Times reporter.”

Freedom of speech is one thing; however, when national media begin intentionally reporting LIES as fact they need to be held legally, judicially accountable!
From something I heard on the Sunday shows, it sounds as if some classified types have actually seen the memos in question. They are real enough.
You shouldn't believe everything Trump tells you, either. You will be embarrassed later.
Unnamed sources again from CNN. Has to be fake. And probably originated from someone at the world.
Sources: Mueller visits FBI headquarters, briefed on Comey memos - CNNPolitics.com
Two weeks ago, Mueller was briefed on the memos you and Trump are declaring as imaginary.
The fact that the newspaper doesn't give YOU their sources doesn't mean they are unknown to them. They know who they're talking to. Drive you crazy? You bet. But when the administration won't tell the truth, the people will.
Mueller reportedly goes to the FBI and is 'briefed on' the memos. Did he ever SEE them? Without confirmation we only have a promise they exist.

During the last 10 months of investigations there have been a lot of reports of things existing but never any evidence that they do being released / proven.

"Chaffetz then points out that the investigation has continued despite Comey’s removal, and called into question whether the memo exists at all"

The House Oversight Chairman does not even know if they exist.

"Chaffetz said, “Well nobody’s seen them. Even the reporter that did the story hasn’t seen them. Nobody that I know of, even the reporter, has not actually seen those documents."
- Chaffetz: Do we even know Comey has memos? - Hot Air

So don't try to continue to blow smoke up my ass and call it evidence simply because media who have been proven to have engaged in Fake News in the past claims they have 'anonymous sources' and a letter whose existence has NOT been verified.
Mueller reportedly goes to the FBI and is 'briefed on' the memos. Did he ever SEE them? Without confirmation we only have a promise they exist.
Now you're just being silly. Don't go all Dale Smith on me.
And trust me, I would never blow smoke up your ass. Ick.


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