There is only one way for Trump to win the election and become president.

Trump will tear Sanders to pieces.

I wouldn't be so sure about that. In the March 23, 2016 polls, Bernie would do better than Clinton at beating Trump.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Latest Polls

Trump vs. Clinton FOX News Clinton 49, Trump 38 Clinton +11
Trump vs. Clinton Quinnipiac Clinton 46, Trump 40 Clinton +6
Trump vs. Clinton Bloomberg Clinton 54, Trump 36 Clinton +18

Trump vs. Sanders FOX News Sanders 52, Trump 38 Sanders +14
Trump vs. Sanders Quinnipiac Sanders 52, Trump 38 Sanders +14
Trump vs. Sanders Bloomberg Sanders 58, Trump 34 Sanders +24
You know that's all bullshit. For one, Sanders is getting a free ride. Most don't know Sanders spent 25 years in congress and did nothing noteworthy. Most don't know he wants a revolution. Almost no one knows Sanders sees Castro as a hero. Almost no one knows he wants to raise your taxes by a lot. Sanders is getting even more of a free media ride than Trump.

Once people see Bernie Sanders, they won't like what they see.
What did Hillary do that was noteworthy?
Besides working for health care for all Americans, being Secretary of State, being a US Senator, working to keep black children from going to adult prisons and more than I can write about here, she has been hounded by the GOP since the 1970's and beat their nasty asses every single time.

If one woman can beat one of the most powerful US political parties for nearly 40 years and hand them their asses again and again, she has a lot going for her.
... Corporatism, uber alles!
Corporations are as American as apple pie.

corporatism ≠ corporations

Think 'crony capitalism'.
Can't stand Bernie Sanders. We don't need a revolution because they have a tendency to not turn out well. We need the damage caused by Republicans under Bush fixed and Republican obstructionism under Obama fixed.

Big business and corporations are American as apple pie. We need good government to protect the middle class from their excess and we need good government to protect our business from unfair overseas business practice. Bernie does not understand this.
Republicans hate government, Bernie hates business. They are both wrong. Either one will be as terrible for our country as Trump or Cruz.
Republicans have it reversed. They want tiny government looking out for our safety and our economics. They want giant government in our bedrooms.

We saw what they did under Bush, that's why Bush isn't welcome at their convention. But it's not Bush's fault. He followed GOP economic and foreign policy. It's not the man, it's GOP policies that are failures.

When you say "this equals that", then you aren't really thinking. Someone is leading you.
... Corporatism, uber alles!
Corporations are as American as apple pie.

corporatism ≠ corporations

Think 'crony capitalism'.
Can't stand Bernie Sanders. We don't need a revolution because they have a tendency to not turn out well. We need the damage caused by Republicans under Bush fixed and Republican obstructionism under Obama fixed.

Big business and corporations are American as apple pie. We need good government to protect the middle class from their excess and we need good government to protect our business from unfair overseas business practice. Bernie does not understand this.
Republicans hate government, Bernie hates business. They are both wrong. Either one will be as terrible for our country as Trump or Cruz.
Republicans have it reversed. They want tiny government looking out for our safety and our economics. They want giant government in our bedrooms.

We saw what they did under Bush, that's why Bush isn't welcome at their convention. But it's not Bush's fault. He followed GOP economic and foreign policy. It's not the man, it's GOP policies that are failures.

When you say "this equals that", then you aren't really thinking. Someone is leading you.

And you think Hillary does? The woman who has accepted millions in donations from Wall Street and is paid hundreds of thousands to deliver private speeches to Wall Street? You think that she will protect the middle class from the greed of wall street? Really?

There is only one candidate that gives a shit about the middle class and it's Bernie Sanders.

This is a joke thread, right?
Trump will tear Sanders to pieces.

I wouldn't be so sure about that. In the March 23, 2016 polls, Bernie would do better than Clinton at beating Trump.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Latest Polls

Trump vs. Clinton FOX News Clinton 49, Trump 38 Clinton +11
Trump vs. Clinton Quinnipiac Clinton 46, Trump 40 Clinton +6
Trump vs. Clinton Bloomberg Clinton 54, Trump 36 Clinton +18

Trump vs. Sanders FOX News Sanders 52, Trump 38 Sanders +14
Trump vs. Sanders Quinnipiac Sanders 52, Trump 38 Sanders +14
Trump vs. Sanders Bloomberg Sanders 58, Trump 34 Sanders +24
You know that's all bullshit. For one, Sanders is getting a free ride. Most don't know Sanders spent 25 years in congress and did nothing noteworthy. Most don't know he wants a revolution. Almost no one knows Sanders sees Castro as a hero. Almost no one knows he wants to raise your taxes by a lot. Sanders is getting even more of a free media ride than Trump.

Once people see Bernie Sanders, they won't like what they see.
What did Hillary do that was noteworthy?
Besides working for health care for all Americans, being Secretary of State, being a US Senator, working to keep black children from going to adult prisons and more than I can write about here, she has been hounded by the GOP since the 1970's and beat their nasty asses every single time.

If one woman can beat one of the most powerful US political parties for nearly 40 years and hand them their asses again and again, she has a lot going for her.

Working for healthcare for all Americans? Do all Americans have healthcare now? I don't. I lost mine when Commie Care went into swing; so did millions of others.

Without Democrats and DumBama, I would still have healthcare (that I worked for) today.

So what did Hilarious do to keep black kids from going to adult prisons? Ever see the program Scared Straight?

You are correct about one thing though: The Clintons are experts at covering their tracks, but it doesn't mean they are innocent.
Ray is unhappy that he cannot have his cheap catastrophic heath care option that privatized profit for him and socialized the risk for us.
Trump will tear Sanders to pieces.

I wouldn't be so sure about that. In the March 23, 2016 polls, Bernie would do better than Clinton at beating Trump.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Latest Polls

Trump vs. Clinton FOX News Clinton 49, Trump 38 Clinton +11
Trump vs. Clinton Quinnipiac Clinton 46, Trump 40 Clinton +6
Trump vs. Clinton Bloomberg Clinton 54, Trump 36 Clinton +18

Trump vs. Sanders FOX News Sanders 52, Trump 38 Sanders +14
Trump vs. Sanders Quinnipiac Sanders 52, Trump 38 Sanders +14
Trump vs. Sanders Bloomberg Sanders 58, Trump 34 Sanders +24
Americans don't really know Kascich or Sanders. Remember how high Hillary's number were before she started running. It's typical.
And that is if he runs against Bernie Sanders.

We don't want a revolution, they don't always end well.

We want jobs, not theft.

We want government to regulate corporations, not destroy them.

We don't like Castro.

We want someone who did something of value after 25 years in congress.

Trump will tear Sanders to pieces.

Sanders is not Castro and to even write that you believe he is tell me how stupid you really are!
Ray is unhappy that he cannot have his cheap catastrophic heath care option that privatized profit for him and socialized the risk for us.

What I'm unhappy about are the robbers known as the Democrat party.

Now instead of getting insurance as a benefit, I have to pay for it with cash--that's after tax cash. The government not only screwed me once, but twice.

My employer couldn't just write me a check for what he used to pay for my insurance. He had to include it as a pay increase. Pay increase means more taxation: more SS tax, more Medicare tax, more local taxes. And because it has to transferred as a pay increase, there are other things he had to take out for before he figured out what he could give us. He has to match that SS tax, match that Medicare tax, increase in his unemployment insurance, increase in his workman's compensation insurance just to name a few.

By the time he deducted what it would cost him, it was nearly half of what he used to pay into the insurance as a benefit, and again, then I have to pay tax on top of that other half I received.
Trump will tear Sanders to pieces.

I wouldn't be so sure about that. In the March 23, 2016 polls, Bernie would do better than Clinton at beating Trump.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Latest Polls

Trump vs. Clinton FOX News Clinton 49, Trump 38 Clinton +11
Trump vs. Clinton Quinnipiac Clinton 46, Trump 40 Clinton +6
Trump vs. Clinton Bloomberg Clinton 54, Trump 36 Clinton +18

Trump vs. Sanders FOX News Sanders 52, Trump 38 Sanders +14
Trump vs. Sanders Quinnipiac Sanders 52, Trump 38 Sanders +14
Trump vs. Sanders Bloomberg Sanders 58, Trump 34 Sanders +24
Americans don't really know Kascich or Sanders. Remember how high Hillary's number were before she started running. It's typical.
I was only remarking that it is not certain that Trump would tear Sanders to pieces. It's probably a moot point anyway because Sanders can't overtake Clinton. General election polls are too early. Anything can happen before the year is over.

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