There Is Overwhelming Support For Increased Security Checks To Buy A Gun

Does it matter that the country will be a lot worse off with government having the authority to decide who can or can't have a gun, than with govt having no such authority (as the Constitution demands) and we have to face an occasional insane murderer? Which is about as likely as getting struck by lightning?

Does it matter to any of these people, that their proposed laws are unconstitutional?

And they say CONSERVATIVES are the ones without principles?

Of course, the gun-rights-haters know full well that their proposals violate the 2nd amendment. So they wait until someone blows away a bunch of people, and then try to fool people into thinking their proposals are OK, or the 2nd amendment doesn't mean what it says, etc.

They've even managed to get some of their illegal proposals through, using their hysterically terrified, disingenuous methods. But that doesn't change what the 2nd says.

Of course, the rights-haters could persuade 2/3 of Congress and 3/4 of the states to ratify their proposal as a constitutional amendment. Then they would be legal. For a change.

But they also know full well that the American people do NOT want the 2nd amendment modified, and that they (the rights-haters) would lose huge if they tried that.

So rather than letting the Constitution be obeyed, they try to lie their way into violating it.
Does it matter that the country will be a lot worse off with government having the authority to decide who can or can't have a gun, than with govt having no such authority (as the Constitution demands) and we have to face an occasional insane murderer? Which is about as likely as getting struck by lightning?

Does it matter to any of these people, that their proposed laws are unconstitutional?
You're gonna have to ask Obama's friend Donald Trump.

So why was this bill defeated by the GOP Establishment?

Because they are doing their jobs.
For the 8 percent. Not the 92 percent Will of the People.

They did it for the NRA special interest who funds their campaigns.

Since the vast majority of Americans support increased background checks, including a vast majority of Republicans, then the GOP Establishment are literally Republicans In Name Only.

Ok, a more accurate reason for the disparity is that you are being lied to with statistics. Idk how that study you quoted came up with 92%, but it's waaaaaay off.

If you realize that that number is a lie, all your other questions get answered.
So why was this bill defeated by the GOP Establishment?

Because they are doing their jobs.
For the 8 percent. Not the 92 percent Will of the People.

They did it for the NRA special interest who funds their campaigns.

Since the vast majority of Americans support increased background checks, including a vast majority of Republicans, then the GOP Establishment are literally Republicans In Name Only.

Ok, a more accurate reason for the disparity is that you are being lied to with statistics. Idk how that study you quoted came up with 92%, but it's waaaaaay off.
Oh, I see.

"I don't want it to be true, so I'll say it must be a lie".
So why was this bill defeated by the GOP Establishment?

Because they are doing their jobs.
For the 8 percent. Not the 92 percent Will of the People.

They did it for the NRA special interest who funds their campaigns.

Since the vast majority of Americans support increased background checks, including a vast majority of Republicans, then the GOP Establishment are literally Republicans In Name Only.

Ok, a more accurate reason for the disparity is that you are being lied to with statistics. Idk how that study you quoted came up with 92%, but it's waaaaaay off.
Oh, I see.

"I don't want it to be true, so I'll say it must be a lie".

It wasn't THAT personal.

Lying with statistics, lying with polls, I'm sure I don't have to explain that to you.
It is the same reason Obama can just order people not to be deported. Long live the dictatorship!
This pole can't be correct because stopping people who have criminal backgrounds (that includes hillary) can't get guns anyways through the current system. So how can people be in favor of increased screening when the thing they want increased is already being done? It isn't increased screening at all. Now if it said do people want to continue to deny all felons the right to have a firearm then that would be an accurate pole. The OP clearly lied.
So why was this bill defeated by the GOP Establishment?

Because it would not had prevented any of the mass shootings, and it only infringes on second amendment rights. The second amendment trumps any stupid poll you can cite.

On the other hand, if progressive turds were serious about making us safe from thugs, terrorists, and wackos, they would propose legislation that would make it easier for authorities to keep known violent thugs behind bars longer, round up and deport foreign terrorists, find citizens that openly support terror organizations like ISIS and try them for treason, lock up mentally deranged individuals, and stop importing foreigners from Muslim countries.

But of course they never will. They must back their Muslim allies to the end.

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