There Isn't Going To Be A War With Iran -- Relax & Calm Down

Not only did the agreement allow only limited inspections but it also destroyed the non proliferation policies that had been adhered to since the 1950's but to top it all off, it only required to pause one aspect of its nuclear program for a few years and then set Iran free to produce as many nuclear weapons as it chose to.
How does Iran's alleged destruction of non proliferation policies pose any bigger threat to the Middle East than Israel's proven non proliferation transgressions?
It was Obama who destroyed the international non proliferation protocols by agreeing that Iran could enrich its own fuel, and Israel already had nukes by the time the NPT was signed so it makes no sense to say Israel violated it.
Georgie porgie puddn' pie --------kissed the girls and made them cry......
(first poetry lesson taught by Georgie's mama)

Mawt al mawt al death to... death to....
(first poetry lesson taught by soleimani's mama)
Well, I heard Soleimani was fundimental in the development of infiltration techniques where U.S. personel were shot in the back while training Iraqi and Afghan Soldier
If those Americans were not in Iraq and Afghanistan (unnecessary wars), they would not have to worry about being shot in the back. Instead of ending these wars, Trump is sending thousands of additional troops into the Middle East.
MAGA yet?
Were you not quite so stupid and ignorant you would know it was Obama who said the war in Afghanistan was a necessary war and it was Obama who sent US troops back to Iraq to rescue Iraq from ISIS. You should stick to cutting and pasting. Clearly, thinking is not your something you are cut out for.
Were you not quite so stupid and ignorant you would know it was Obama who said the war in Afghanistan was a necessary war and it was Obama who sent US troops back to Iraq to rescue Iraq from ISIS
15 Saudi hijackers, remember Moron.
Afghanistan and Iraq were unnecessary.
No Iraq war no ISIL.
Obama's at least as big a liar as Bush and Clinton, but don't worry, Trump wins the title hands down.

They had training camps set up in Afghanistan, Initially it was the right thing to take them out.
They had training camps set up in Afghanistan, Initially it was the right thing to take them out.
The 911 hijackers also trained in San Diego, Florida, and Germany. They were funded by Saudi Arabia, something Bandar Bush made sure to cover up.

Bandar bin Sultan Al Saud - Wikipedia
It was Obama who destroyed the international non proliferation protocols by agreeing that Iran could enrich its own fuel
How did you arrive at that conclusion?

Make ‘hasbara’ a household word – Mondoweiss
These are not conclusions but facts. Ever since the 1950's when Eisenhower initiated his Atoms for Peace program, nuclear technology was only shared with countries that agreed to enrich their own fuel. Without the ability to enrich fuel, they would not have the ability to build nuclear weapons. The program was very successful, and right down to today, all the countries that enrich their own nuclear fuel have nuclear weapons. It is not necessary or even economical for any country to enrich its own fuel in order to enjoy all the peaceful benefits of nuclear energy, so when any country insists on enriching its own fuel, it can only be because it plans to develop nuclear weapons.

At the time of the Non Proliferation Treaty singing, Israel already had nuclear weapons, but the Arab countries, especially Egypt, refused to sign the treaty if Israel was acknowledged by it as a nuclear power along with the US, USSR, etc., so the US pressured Israel not to complain about it. Since Israel already had nukes before the NPT was signed, its nukes could not be in violation of the treaty, which Israel never signed in the first place.
Pardon me for not being able to read Trump's mind as to what his Middle East strategy is to permanently end the fighting, killing and hate. I gave up trying to read Trump's mind when he announced three years ago that he had come up with the best health plan on the planet.
The goal and the strategy with respect to Iran has been laid out clearly many times, so if you had any real interest in the issue other than a pretext for attacking the President, you wouldn't have to post nonsense about reading minds.

I would be delighted if you would enlighten me. So far, what I see is, that if we invade their country, and kill enough of them, then they will become docile, and friendly toward us.
Clearly you see nothing. The goal, which appears to be beyond you abilities, is to continue the maximum pressure campaign to force Iran to give up its nuclear weapons ambitions and to force it to give up its imperialist adventures and to attempt to preserve Iraq's sovereignty in order to contain Iran. If all else fails, it may be necessary to destroy Iran's ability to produce nukes but Iran will have such a limited ability to retaliate there will be no war.

Sounds like N. Korea, part 2. That has also worked well. I have an idea. Why tell them that if they are not nice, why don't rolling thunder part 2? That accomplished a lot. Namely it created ISIS, and destabilized the entire region.

Actually, it was Obama who created the Islamic State.

If you'll remember, President Bush had al-Baghdadi securely confined as Guantanamo Bay. Obama got in and started releasing terrorists, including the future caliph himself.
You live in your own little self contained fantasy world, don't you Prince.
Pardon me for not being able to read Trump's mind as to what his Middle East strategy is to permanently end the fighting, killing and hate. I gave up trying to read Trump's mind when he announced three years ago that he had come up with the best health plan on the planet.
The goal and the strategy with respect to Iran has been laid out clearly many times, so if you had any real interest in the issue other than a pretext for attacking the President, you wouldn't have to post nonsense about reading minds.

I would be delighted if you would enlighten me. So far, what I see is, that if we invade their country, and kill enough of them, then they will become docile, and friendly toward us.
Clearly you see nothing. The goal, which appears to be beyond you abilities, is to continue the maximum pressure campaign to force Iran to give up its nuclear weapons ambitions and to force it to give up its imperialist adventures and to attempt to preserve Iraq's sovereignty in order to contain Iran. If all else fails, it may be necessary to destroy Iran's ability to produce nukes but Iran will have such a limited ability to retaliate there will be no war.

Sounds like N. Korea, part 2. That has also worked well. I have an idea. Why tell them that if they are not nice, why don't rolling thunder part 2? That accomplished a lot. Namely it created ISIS, and destabilized the entire region.
No, actually it was Obama's withdrawal from Iraq on the eve of the 2012 elections to enhance his chances of winning that destabilized the region and created ISIS. The question is, why do you bother to post when you obviously have no real interest in the issues? Do you just have a hunger for partisan bickering?

You and Prince should get a room....
Sounds like N. Korea, part 2. That has also worked well. I have an idea. Why tell them that if they are not nice, why don't rolling thunder part 2? That accomplished a lot. Namely it created ISIS, and destabilized the entire region.
Carter created the Taliban which morphed into al Quaeda which morphed into ISIS.

...and now, you have enough for a circle jerk!
Sounds like N. Korea, part 2. That has also worked well. I have an idea. Why tell them that if they are not nice, why don't rolling thunder part 2? That accomplished a lot. Namely it created ISIS, and destabilized the entire region.
Carter created the Taliban which morphed into al Quaeda which morphed into ISIS.
Carter? I thought it was Washington or Jefferson.

I'm pretty sure that Reagan caused the creation of ISIS when he was still a democrat.
Maybe instead of asking them to stop killing Americans in their country, we should leave their country.

Iraq is Iran's country? our embassy was in Iraq. Seems our issue is with the Iraqi government if they want us out, not Iran. So you guys are taking the side of Iran now? ok
Beats hell of me why we are in either one, as well as Afghanistan. .
How sad.

Yes, it is sad, considering that Americans will continue to die there with absolutely no achievable goals or strategy, unless, of course, you think that Middle Eastern tribal warfare is going to magickly disappear after thousands of years when Trump waves his magic wand.

Iran is a little different than saying it is just tribal warfare. They are a highly educated population overall, held hostage by radical Islamists who control the military. After the failed uprising, Obama came out and said after the fact, that he was SORRY he did not support them. Now why is that?
Leaving Iran to its Tribal warfare might sound good to you, but they have been developing ICBMs even while claiming they are not persuing nuclear weapons. Sooner or later they are going to make it everyones business. The Mullahs are crazy enough to use nukes on Israel, the Sunnis or anyone else.

I live in terrible fear that Iran is going to send a 1988 Nissan pickup truck to Mexico, back it up to the Rio Grand, and fire a scud missile at Brownsville, Texas.
The goal, which appears to be beyond you abilities, is to continue the maximum pressure campaign to force Iran to give up its nuclear weapons ambitions and to force it to give up its imperialist adventures

Trump's campaign promise was to end any negotiation ......

US and Iran: Key events since Trump withdrew from nuclear deal
Presidential candidate Donald Trump says Iran should write the United States a thank you letter for “the stupidest deal of all time.” Trump says the United States will withdraw from the deal if he’s elected.

The subsequent escalation was due to Trump's refusal to 'campaign' ,despite the rest of the world wanting to

Exactly wrong. Trump's campaign promise was to force Iran to renegotiate the nuclear deal and to reestablish the international non proliferation protocols Obama had scuttled.

Another Trump failure. So, he is going to double down on filling that inside straight.
The goal, which appears to be beyond you abilities, is to continue the maximum pressure campaign to force Iran to give up its nuclear weapons ambitions and to force it to give up its imperialist adventures

Trump's campaign promise was to end any negotiation ......

US and Iran: Key events since Trump withdrew from nuclear deal
Presidential candidate Donald Trump says Iran should write the United States a thank you letter for “the stupidest deal of all time.” Trump says the United States will withdraw from the deal if he’s elected.

The subsequent escalation was due to Trump's refusal to 'campaign' ,despite the rest of the world wanting to

Exactly wrong. Trump's campaign promise was to force Iran to renegotiate the nuclear deal and to reestablish the international non proliferation protocols Obama had scuttled.

Another Trump failure. So, he is going to double down on filling that inside straight.
Trump promised a better nuclear deal than Obama and our allies obtained

Not only has he failed to renegotiate a nuclear deal, he has escalated tensions to the point of war
Meanwhile ethnic cleansing was being done against Jews by Arabs all over the middle east. Seems your just picking and choosing who the bad guys were, maybe you just don't like Jews?
I don't approve of what European Jews who colonized Palestine have done to non-Jews who were already living there. Do you believe Jews are "chosen people"? In 1948 the Jews of Israel purged over 700,000 non-Jews from their homes, farms, businesses, and bank accounts in Palestine. That was were the racist state of Israel was born, and it has only become more intolerant of domestic non-Jews since that time.

What is the Nakba?

"The 1948 war uprooted 700,000 Palestinians from their homes, creating a refugee crisis that is still not resolved.

"Palestinians call this mass eviction the Nakba — Arabic for 'catastrophe' — and its legacy remains one of the most intractable issues in ongoing peace negotiations.

"Not surprisingly, Palestinians and Israelis remember the birth of the Palestinian refugee crisis very differently (here’s a helpful side-by-side comparison).

"Palestinians often see a years long, premeditated Jewish campaign to ethnically cleanse Palestine of Arabs; Israelis tend to blame spontaneous Arab fleeing, Arab armies, and/or unfortunate wartime accidents."
There is no Iranian response that will end this cycle; Iran will either have to accept the humiliation and stand down or face increasingly terrible responses from the US
While continuing to experience the effects of criminal economic sanctions which are themselves an act of war.
Instead Obama surrendered to Iran.
nstead Obama surrendered to Iran.
Did Trump or Bibi tell you that?
Obama negotiated with Iran something we should have tried in 1953 instead of overthrowing a duly elected head of state.

Mohammad Mosaddegh - Wikipedia

Our British allies were interested in dumping Mosaddegh, I thought we were supposed to honor the wishes of our Eurotrash allies? That's what libs are telling President Trump.
Wasn’t just was the rest of the western world

Iran had moved to the center and destroyed its nuclear program

Donny Dealmaker said he could get us a better deal
Provoking war is a better deal?
Iran never destroyed its nuclear program, it merely halted some parts of it the term of the agreement, after which it was left free by Obama's agreement to produce as many nuclear weapons as it wanted to. In the process of giving Iran this gift, Obama scuttled the non proliferation protocols that had been in effect since the 1950's by allowing Iran to produce its own nuclear fuel.
They destroyed the centrifuges used to enrich uranium and its stockpiles of enriched uranium.
That was their nuclear program

Trump has allowed them to not only restart their program but has given them an incentive to accelerate it
They refused to destroy the centrifuges so Obama said, ok, whatever you say, and the shipped some of the uranium to Russia, but the key point they won from Obama was the ability to enrich their own fuel which had been denied to all countries since the 1950's. Their nuclear program consisted of not only enrichment but also of how to make a nuclear weapon that could be delivered on a missile. Since Obama's agreement only allowed inspections on sites Iran had designated nuclear sites, there was no way of knowing far Iran had gotten researching how to make a deliverable nuclear weapon.
Not only did they destroy them but the dismantling was watched by international inspectors

We had inspections until Trump backed out of the deal. Now, Iran is free to do what they wish
You are mistaken. The centrifuges were simply unplugged and inspections were only allowed at sites Iran designated as nuclear sites and then only with advanced notice. To prevent snap inspections, the inspectors were not permitted to set up offices in Iran. Obama caved on every demand Iran made. The starting US position was no enrichment at all, and then Obama said Iran would only be allowed to run a few centrifuges to save face and finally Iran was permitted to run enough centrifuges to supply the needs of its reactors despite the fact the fuel was still being supplied by the Russians. Not only did the agreement allow only limited inspections but it also destroyed the non proliferation policies that had been adhered to since the 1950's but to top it all off, it only required to pause one aspect of its nuclear program for a few years and then set Iran free to produce as many nuclear weapons as it chose to.
You are mistaken. The centrifuges were simply unplugged and inspections were only allowed at sites Iran designated as nuclear sites and then only with advanced notice.
Can you supply any credible evidence for this claim?
Here is an interesting tid-bit I seen on Twitter...

State Dept issues an evacuation of all US citizens in Iraq..
View attachment 298046

Then this....
View attachment 298047

It does raise an interesting question....what if Americans are skeptical about using the same airport we just bombed....what if the best way out is thru Kurdistan....

Do you think the Kurds are still touchy about us leaving them out to dry on that whole Turkey-Syria thing?? Hopefully Kurds can get over it and help us out if needed...

Think about this. Our whole Middle Easy policy is being run by a POTUS with an attention span of an 8 year old, who needs pictures in his briefing materials , who hasn't read a book in forty years, proudly says he makes decisions based on his "gut" (read "dick" instead for accuracy) and has the curiosity of a dead cat. God help us all.

Great post John - Pretty much nails the illiterate, uncurious man-child. I used to think G Dubya may be the most intellectually uncurious POTUS in history. But this one runs circles around Bushie (who I would take back right now in a heartbeat).




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The goal, which appears to be beyond you abilities, is to continue the maximum pressure campaign to force Iran to give up its nuclear weapons ambitions and to force it to give up its imperialist adventures

Trump's campaign promise was to end any negotiation ......

US and Iran: Key events since Trump withdrew from nuclear deal
Presidential candidate Donald Trump says Iran should write the United States a thank you letter for “the stupidest deal of all time.” Trump says the United States will withdraw from the deal if he’s elected.

The subsequent escalation was due to Trump's refusal to 'campaign' ,despite the rest of the world wanting to

Exactly wrong. Trump's campaign promise was to force Iran to renegotiate the nuclear deal and to reestablish the international non proliferation protocols Obama had scuttled.

Another Trump failure. So, he is going to double down on filling that inside straight.
Trump promised a better nuclear deal than Obama and our allies obtained

Not only has he failed to renegotiate a nuclear deal, he has escalated tensions to the point of war
Well, we warned them....
Here is an interesting tid-bit I seen on Twitter...

State Dept issues an evacuation of all US citizens in Iraq..
View attachment 298046

Then this....
View attachment 298047

It does raise an interesting question....what if Americans are skeptical about using the same airport we just bombed....what if the best way out is thru Kurdistan....

Do you think the Kurds are still touchy about us leaving them out to dry on that whole Turkey-Syria thing?? Hopefully Kurds can get over it and help us out if needed...

Think about this. Our whole Middle Easy policy is being run by a POTUS with an attention span of an 8 year old, who needs pictures in his briefing materials , who hasn't read a book in forty years, proudly says he makes decisions based on his "gut" (read "dick" instead for accuracy) and has the curiosity of a dead cat. God help us all.

Great post John - Pretty much nails the illiterate, uncurious man-child. I used to think G Dubya may be the most intellectually uncurious POTUS in history. But this one runs circles around Bushie.





President Trump has his own intelligence sources, he doesn't rely on the unreliable Deep State.

Perhaps you forgot about 2016, when Clapper and other Obama operatives gave Trump Fake Intelligence briefings.

Did they really think that they could outsmart a Trump with that crapola?
Georgie porgie puddn' pie --------kissed the girls and made them cry......
(first poetry lesson taught by Georgie's mama)

Mawt al mawt al death to... death to....
(first poetry lesson taught by soleimani's mama)
Make ‘hasbara’ a household word – Mondoweiss

"...a group of Israelis trained to promote their country online started a#BringBackOurBoys campaign last week after three teenagers disappeared on their way home from religious schools in the occupied West Bank…

"#BringBackOurBoys was started by graduates of the University of Haifa’s Ambassadors Online program, which was set up to train students to use the web for 'hasbara,' a Hebrew term for public diplomacy.

"Part of their instruction, The Jerusalem Post reported in 2012, was learning how best 'to use social networking sites to defend government policies' and 'utilize online platforms to convey a pro-Israel message.'"
Who was Qassem Soleimani, Iran's IRGC's Quds Force leader?

First and foremost, a bad guy was killed and the world should celebrate that....and not one US solider was harmed in doing so......Qassem Soleimani had been living on borrowed time for the past 20 years, so him taking a dirt nap now isn't a big deal -- there isn't going to be a war with Iran, so take a chill pill and relax....

Now who was Soleimani?? In Iran he was considered popular, initially because of his role in the Iran/Iraq war and later because of his role in the spread of Iranian influence in the Middle East, which the US, Saudi Arabia and Israel have struggled to keep in check..

"Soleimani ordered Iraqi militias into Syria to fight along the Iraqi military to defeat ISIL..which made him a "national hero" among the Iranian people and other Middle Eastern countries. 'If it wasn't for people like him, this region would have seen black flags flying across the region"

Who cares if this guy fought against ISIS, he conducted proxy wars and terrorist attacks on US interests across the Middle East that resulted in the loss of American was about time he got what was coming to him.....they have been trying to take him out for 20 years, he got caught slipping and here we are....Iran doesn't want a war with us -- the economic sanctions have crippled them, so a full fledge war with the US is not in their regime's best interest..They will continue to conduct proxy wars and attacks -- and we will continue to launch drone strikes against them in Iraq, but it will not go any further, so like I said..relax….celebrate the fact that a bad guy is gone...and give Trump credit...

It may not be a combative war, but don't think for one ioda second, the Iranians don't have plans for this country and it may occur cyberly, since we're completely numb to those types of attacks, but one thing about Muslims...they keep score. While the rest of us are exposed to whatever, the Nut in Chief, , this draft dodging tucked and guarded by our tax dollars for the remainder of his life, as is his fuckin family. Just another gotdamn example of fuckin conservatives starting more shit for some dumb as democrat to fix and sons and daughters to fight.

I believe you are correct. They will retaliate with cyber. Can you imagine RW meltdown if Iran starts hacking emails and hiring thousands of trolls and bots to help the Democrat win in 2020? Donald would refuse to leave office. Which he may do anyway. WAAHHHH - They cheated!

Iran’s retaliation could be hacking, not bombs
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While continuing to experience the effects of criminal economic sanctions which are themselves an act of war.
Instead Obama surrendered to Iran.
nstead Obama surrendered to Iran.
Did Trump or Bibi tell you that?
Obama negotiated with Iran something we should have tried in 1953 instead of overthrowing a duly elected head of state.

Mohammad Mosaddegh - Wikipedia

Our British allies were interested in dumping Mosaddegh, I thought we were supposed to honor the wishes of our Eurotrash allies? That's what libs are telling President Trump.
Iran never destroyed its nuclear program, it merely halted some parts of it the term of the agreement, after which it was left free by Obama's agreement to produce as many nuclear weapons as it wanted to. In the process of giving Iran this gift, Obama scuttled the non proliferation protocols that had been in effect since the 1950's by allowing Iran to produce its own nuclear fuel.
They destroyed the centrifuges used to enrich uranium and its stockpiles of enriched uranium.
That was their nuclear program

Trump has allowed them to not only restart their program but has given them an incentive to accelerate it
They refused to destroy the centrifuges so Obama said, ok, whatever you say, and the shipped some of the uranium to Russia, but the key point they won from Obama was the ability to enrich their own fuel which had been denied to all countries since the 1950's. Their nuclear program consisted of not only enrichment but also of how to make a nuclear weapon that could be delivered on a missile. Since Obama's agreement only allowed inspections on sites Iran had designated nuclear sites, there was no way of knowing far Iran had gotten researching how to make a deliverable nuclear weapon.
Not only did they destroy them but the dismantling was watched by international inspectors

We had inspections until Trump backed out of the deal. Now, Iran is free to do what they wish
You are mistaken. The centrifuges were simply unplugged and inspections were only allowed at sites Iran designated as nuclear sites and then only with advanced notice. To prevent snap inspections, the inspectors were not permitted to set up offices in Iran. Obama caved on every demand Iran made. The starting US position was no enrichment at all, and then Obama said Iran would only be allowed to run a few centrifuges to save face and finally Iran was permitted to run enough centrifuges to supply the needs of its reactors despite the fact the fuel was still being supplied by the Russians. Not only did the agreement allow only limited inspections but it also destroyed the non proliferation policies that had been adhered to since the 1950's but to top it all off, it only required to pause one aspect of its nuclear program for a few years and then set Iran free to produce as many nuclear weapons as it chose to.
You are mistaken. The centrifuges were simply unplugged and inspections were only allowed at sites Iran designated as nuclear sites and then only with advanced notice.
Can you supply any credible evidence for this claim?

Read it on Breitbart ;)

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