There Isn't Going To Be A War With Iran -- Relax & Calm Down

Insuring people with pre existing conditions is an 800 lb gorilla. It is not a small tweak

Republicans haven’t come up with a solution
They aren't looking for one.

President Trump has already unveiled his plan, it was already voted on, and the libs in Congress said "no".

Trump has a 3 part plan- Tremendous selection and choice in healthcare, stupendously High Quality of Services, and all at an almost unbelievable amount of savings for the consumers.

I liked it, the libs didn't, the idea of "choice" I think is anathema to them.
Private, market based health Insurance is not a possibility for every American. It's why every other developed country in the world has universal health care.

Socialized medicine is always a failure. America doesn't have it, and we have the most tremendous economy on the planet.
Wrong! I have friends in various countries who are very happy with their socialized medicine. You are an uniformed ignoramus who hasn't the foggiest idea of what you are talking about. When you have a catastrophic condition with insurance you lose everything here in the states. No one with a functioning brain can actually call that insurance. I have several friends who died as a result of catastrophic because the insurance played out leaving no other option but fund raisers. The most powerful country in the world and we have to have fund raisers to keep people alive? Are you fucking kidding me?

Actually people who live is Socialized Medicine states come here to America if they are in need of serious medical attention.

British Subject Mick Jagger came to America for his needed heart surgery. Canadian Alex Trebek has a serious pancreatic problem and is also avoiding the "free" health care of his native land.
They aren't looking for one.

President Trump has already unveiled his plan, it was already voted on, and the libs in Congress said "no".

Trump has a 3 part plan- Tremendous selection and choice in healthcare, stupendously High Quality of Services, and all at an almost unbelievable amount of savings for the consumers.

I liked it, the libs didn't, the idea of "choice" I think is anathema to them.
Private, market based health Insurance is not a possibility for every American. It's why every other developed country in the world has universal health care.

Socialized medicine is always a failure. America doesn't have it, and we have the most tremendous economy on the planet.
Wrong! I have friends in various countries who are very happy with their socialized medicine. You are an uniformed ignoramus who hasn't the foggiest idea of what you are talking about. When you have a catastrophic condition with insurance you lose everything here in the states. No one with a functioning brain can actually call that insurance. I have several friends who died as a result of catastrophic because the insurance played out leaving no other option but fund raisers. The most powerful country in the world and we have to have fund raisers to keep people alive? Are you fucking kidding me?

Actually people who live is Socialized Medicine states come here to America if they are in need of serious medical attention.

British Subject Mick Jagger came to America for his needed heart surgery. Canadian Alex Trebek has a serious pancreatic problem and is also avoiding the "free" health care of his native land.
Actually, they go there. I know many people doing medical tourism. I myself am a recipient of both medical and dental care, and it is top of the line, and the cost is cheaper, even without my insurance there. LOl! Like I said, you really know shit.

Cleaning up Obama's major Fuck Ups is a large part of the labors that Trump is engaged in, no doubt about that.

Donald J. Trump is a modern day Hercules dealing with Obama's messes like Herc dealt with the cleaning of the Augean stables.
Telling me about "fuck ups" is telling me nothing. We had peace with the Iran deal. Now Iran is going to retaliate. Why? Because Trump publicly said he wanted to bomb the shit out of whoever over there and get their oil, while he said he was withdrawing. The miserable lying pos talks out of both sides of his mouth and the cult followers chug the Kool-aid. If you can't produce anything but "fuck ups" about Obama, then shut the "fuck up" yourself. Because you aren't saying shit.
Because of Trumps "fuck ups", we are looking at a war monger baby man child who got his ass kicked by Obama who said publicly he would bomb the shit out of these folks and get their oil, while lying to the American public about getting out of the ME. Instead this lying pos is sending more troops in. Now Iran will retaliate at the expense of the cry baby man child's decision to cancel out the very successful Iran deal Obama implemented. Congratulations Trump voters. You're as big a fuck up as he is.Sen. Booker: 'All Americans should be concerned right now'
Insuring people with pre existing conditions is an 800 lb gorilla. It is not a small tweak

Republicans haven’t come up with a solution
They aren't looking for one.

President Trump has already unveiled his plan, it was already voted on, and the libs in Congress said "no".

Trump has a 3 part plan- Tremendous selection and choice in healthcare, stupendously High Quality of Services, and all at an almost unbelievable amount of savings for the consumers.

I liked it, the libs didn't, the idea of "choice" I think is anathema to them.
Private, market based health Insurance is not a possibility for every American. It's why every other developed country in the world has universal health care.

Socialized medicine is always a failure. America doesn't have it, and we have the most tremendous economy on the planet.
Wrong! I have friends in various countries who are very happy with their socialized medicine. You are an uniformed ignoramus who hasn't the foggiest idea of what you are talking about. When you have a catastrophic condition with insurance you lose everything here in the states. No one with a functioning brain can actually call that insurance. I have several friends who died as a result of catastrophic because the insurance played out leaving no other option but fund raisers. The most powerful country in the world and we have to have fund raisers to keep people alive? Are you fucking kidding me?
We have millionaire doctors.....socialized medicine would put a stop to that....don't expect it soon
Because of Trumps "fuck ups", we are looking at a war monger baby man child who got his ass kicked by Obama who said publicly he would bomb the shit out of these folks and get their oil, while lying to the American public about getting out of the ME. Instead this lying pos is sending more troops in. Now Iran will retaliate at the expense of the cry baby man child's decision to cancel out the very successful Iran deal Obama implemented. Congratulations Trump voters. You're as big a fuck up as he is.Sen. Booker: 'All Americans should be concerned right now'
What if China, Russia and all of the Middle East partnered up......they'd destroy us in a fuckin heart beat....the US is in for a very long wait game and I pray to God, they start with Trump supporters first!!!!!
They aren't looking for one.

President Trump has already unveiled his plan, it was already voted on, and the libs in Congress said "no".

Trump has a 3 part plan- Tremendous selection and choice in healthcare, stupendously High Quality of Services, and all at an almost unbelievable amount of savings for the consumers.

I liked it, the libs didn't, the idea of "choice" I think is anathema to them.
Private, market based health Insurance is not a possibility for every American. It's why every other developed country in the world has universal health care.

Socialized medicine is always a failure. America doesn't have it, and we have the most tremendous economy on the planet.
Wrong! I have friends in various countries who are very happy with their socialized medicine. You are an uniformed ignoramus who hasn't the foggiest idea of what you are talking about. When you have a catastrophic condition with insurance you lose everything here in the states. No one with a functioning brain can actually call that insurance. I have several friends who died as a result of catastrophic because the insurance played out leaving no other option but fund raisers. The most powerful country in the world and we have to have fund raisers to keep people alive? Are you fucking kidding me?
We have millionaire doctors.....socialized medicine would put a stop to that....don't expect it soon
Agree! We all know the underlying reason why we don't have it. It's called "money over your health."
Because of Trumps "fuck ups", we are looking at a war monger baby man child who got his ass kicked by Obama who said publicly he would bomb the shit out of these folks and get their oil, while lying to the American public about getting out of the ME. Instead this lying pos is sending more troops in. Now Iran will retaliate at the expense of the cry baby man child's decision to cancel out the very successful Iran deal Obama implemented. Congratulations Trump voters. You're as big a fuck up as he is.Sen. Booker: 'All Americans should be concerned right now'
What if China, Russia and all of the Middle East partnered up......they'd destroy us in a fuckin heart beat....the US is in for a very long wait game and I pray to God, they start with Trump supporters first!!!!!
This is what happens when a population of brain dead Trump supporting cult Sheep help cultivate a modern day Hitler. This is what you get. The man and his supporters are absolute, maniac bottom feeding gargoyles, who are intent on following this devil straight into the gates of hell. And they are blindly willing to do it.
Because of Trumps "fuck ups", we are looking at a war monger baby man child who got his ass kicked by Obama who said publicly he would bomb the shit out of these folks and get their oil, while lying to the American public about getting out of the ME. Instead this lying pos is sending more troops in. Now Iran will retaliate at the expense of the cry baby man child's decision to cancel out the very successful Iran deal Obama implemented. Congratulations Trump voters. You're as big a fuck up as he is.Sen. Booker: 'All Americans should be concerned right now'
What if China, Russia and all of the Middle East partnered up......they'd destroy us in a fuckin heart beat....the US is in for a very long wait game and I pray to God, they start with Trump supporters first!!!!!
This is what happens when a population of brain dead Trump supporting cult Sheep help cultivate a modern day Hitler. This is what you get. The man and his supporters are absolute, maniac bottom feeding gargoyles, who are intent on following this devil straight into the gates of hell. And they are blindly willing to do it.
Because of Trumps "fuck ups", we are looking at a war monger baby man child who got his ass kicked by Obama who said publicly he would bomb the shit out of these folks and get their oil, while lying to the American public about getting out of the ME. Instead this lying pos is sending more troops in. Now Iran will retaliate at the expense of the cry baby man child's decision to cancel out the very successful Iran deal Obama implemented. Congratulations Trump voters. You're as big a fuck up as he is.Sen. Booker: 'All Americans should be concerned right now'
What if China, Russia and all of the Middle East partnered up......they'd destroy us in a fuckin heart beat....the US is in for a very long wait game and I pray to God, they start with Trump supporters first!!!!!

America is friendly with most of the nations in the Middle East- tremendous allies like Israel and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia as well as in Central Europe and among the Oriental peoples

People are starting to respect us now again. The era of kissing the asses of Eurotrash like Macron and Fuhrerette Angela Merkel are long gone. No more pallets of cash for Iranian despots.

Libs fail to realize that Iranian forces whacked one of our contractors in Iraq this past week- the whacking of Soleimani was just pay back, so now we are even.

Remember this, and never forget.

Donald J Trump is a counterpuncher. He doesn't strike first, and he didn't strike first here.
Who was Qassem Soleimani, Iran's IRGC's Quds Force leader?

First and foremost, a bad guy was killed and the world should celebrate that....and not one US solider was harmed in doing so......Qassem Soleimani had been living on borrowed time for the past 20 years, so him taking a dirt nap now isn't a big deal -- there isn't going to be a war with Iran, so take a chill pill and relax....

Now who was Soleimani?? In Iran he was considered popular, initially because of his role in the Iran/Iraq war and later because of his role in the spread of Iranian influence in the Middle East, which the US, Saudi Arabia and Israel have struggled to keep in check..

"Soleimani ordered Iraqi militias into Syria to fight along the Iraqi military to defeat ISIL..which made him a "national hero" among the Iranian people and other Middle Eastern countries. 'If it wasn't for people like him, this region would have seen black flags flying across the region"

Who cares if this guy fought against ISIS, he conducted proxy wars and terrorist attacks on US interests across the Middle East that resulted in the loss of American was about time he got what was coming to him.....they have been trying to take him out for 20 years, he got caught slipping and here we are....Iran doesn't want a war with us -- the economic sanctions have crippled them, so a full fledge war with the US is not in their regime's best interest..They will continue to conduct proxy wars and attacks -- and we will continue to launch drone strikes against them in Iraq, but it will not go any further, so like I said..relax….celebrate the fact that a bad guy is gone...and give Trump credit...

I agree we won't be going to war with Iran but they or their proxies will almost certainly attack us or our allies. I won't miss this guy but I also think he has already been replaced with someone just as bad.

Who will be replaced by the next guy who will be replaced by the next guy who will be replaced by the next guy............

We love never ending wars as much as they do.
Very profitable....................for some......
Who was Qassem Soleimani, Iran's IRGC's Quds Force leader?

First and foremost, a bad guy was killed and the world should celebrate that....and not one US solider was harmed in doing so......Qassem Soleimani had been living on borrowed time for the past 20 years, so him taking a dirt nap now isn't a big deal -- there isn't going to be a war with Iran, so take a chill pill and relax....

Now who was Soleimani?? In Iran he was considered popular, initially because of his role in the Iran/Iraq war and later because of his role in the spread of Iranian influence in the Middle East, which the US, Saudi Arabia and Israel have struggled to keep in check..

"Soleimani ordered Iraqi militias into Syria to fight along the Iraqi military to defeat ISIL..which made him a "national hero" among the Iranian people and other Middle Eastern countries. 'If it wasn't for people like him, this region would have seen black flags flying across the region"

Who cares if this guy fought against ISIS, he conducted proxy wars and terrorist attacks on US interests across the Middle East that resulted in the loss of American was about time he got what was coming to him.....they have been trying to take him out for 20 years, he got caught slipping and here we are....Iran doesn't want a war with us -- the economic sanctions have crippled them, so a full fledge war with the US is not in their regime's best interest..They will continue to conduct proxy wars and attacks -- and we will continue to launch drone strikes against them in Iraq, but it will not go any further, so like I said..relax….celebrate the fact that a bad guy is gone...and give Trump credit...

I agree we won't be going to war with Iran but they or their proxies will almost certainly attack us or our allies. I won't miss this guy but I also think he has already been replaced with someone just as bad.

Who will be replaced by the next guy who will be replaced by the next guy who will be replaced by the next guy............

We love never ending wars as much as they do.
Very profitable....................for some......

A lifetime of hurt for many others.
Still doesn't cause me to lose an ounce of sleep or shed a single tear because Qassem is dead....only thing that his death affects in my life is oil prices going up
What effect will this assassination have on Trump's reelection prospects?

Trump risks a major war in an election year– why? – Mondoweiss

"The central political question about the assassination is, Why would a president who calls himself antiwar take such a huge risk in an election year?"

It wasn't an "Assassination" at all. General Soleimani was a soldier in a combat area, and got clipped. He was no more "assassinated" than was Sgt. Stryker, as portrayed by the Duke in Sands of Iwo Jima, was "assassinated on that Pacific island.
We're at war with Iran then? When did Congress vote for war?
They aren't looking for one.

President Trump has already unveiled his plan, it was already voted on, and the libs in Congress said "no".

Trump has a 3 part plan- Tremendous selection and choice in healthcare, stupendously High Quality of Services, and all at an almost unbelievable amount of savings for the consumers.

I liked it, the libs didn't, the idea of "choice" I think is anathema to them.
Private, market based health Insurance is not a possibility for every American. It's why every other developed country in the world has universal health care.

Socialized medicine is always a failure. America doesn't have it, and we have the most tremendous economy on the planet.
Wrong! I have friends in various countries who are very happy with their socialized medicine. You are an uniformed ignoramus who hasn't the foggiest idea of what you are talking about. When you have a catastrophic condition with insurance you lose everything here in the states. No one with a functioning brain can actually call that insurance. I have several friends who died as a result of catastrophic because the insurance played out leaving no other option but fund raisers. The most powerful country in the world and we have to have fund raisers to keep people alive? Are you fucking kidding me?
We have millionaire doctors.....socialized medicine would put a stop to that....don't expect it soon

right, it would be better if our doctors lived in poverty! Only then how would you attract the smartest people to be doctors? They would then go to Washington where they can become millionaires by being Senators or by being associated with them.
Still doesn't cause me to lose an ounce of sleep or shed a single tear because Qassem is dead....only thing that his death affects in my life is oil prices going up
What effect will this assassination have on Trump's reelection prospects?

Trump risks a major war in an election year– why? – Mondoweiss

"The central political question about the assassination is, Why would a president who calls himself antiwar take such a huge risk in an election year?"

It wasn't an "Assassination" at all. General Soleimani was a soldier in a combat area, and got clipped. He was no more "assassinated" than was Sgt. Stryker, as portrayed by the Duke in Sands of Iwo Jima, was "assassinated on that Pacific island.
We're at war with Iran then? When did Congress vote for war?
Whoah whoah whoah, this isn't 1941.
You'll be pleased to learn that the healthcare plan is coming and that it will contain special benefits for treating Trump Derangment Sydrome, so there may be hope of restoring you sanity.

No it isn't - We've been waiting 12 years for the Republican health care plan. It doesn't exist and never will.

Actually President Trump did give a speech about his health plan that was rejected. The Trumpcare plan was to provide tremendous healthcare of unparalleled quality at almost unbelievable savings.

But the people weren't interested, and it got voted down in Congress.

Cool, post a link to this tremendous healthcare plan that Trump wrote??

You can't because it doesn't exist....Trump doesn't know shit about healthcare policy....

That Trumpcare plan you claim is so great is just another GOP policy failure......but don't take it from me, here is what a "conservative" said about Trumpcare.....

"Not everyone thinks the white paper [Trumpcare] is a plan, but more of a "combination of policy ideas and political statements," says Joe Antos at the conservative-leaning American Enterprise Institute. Still, he doubts the GOP needs a comprehensive health proposal. Republicans are more likely to gain politically by merely attacking the Democrats' ideas, Antos says, especially if the Democratic nominee backs proposals for a fully government-funded health care system, such as the "Medicare for All" plans some candidates support. Republicans will "have their own one-liners, saying they are dedicated to protecting people with preexisting conditions. That might be enough for a lot of people," Antos says."

What Would Trumpcare Look Like? Follow GOP's 'Choice And Competition' Clues

He is basically admitting that republicans don't need a plan -- just say Democrats are bad and that's good enough....which is why dumb asses like you didnt say shit when Republicans were campaigning on protecting Obamacare during the 2018 midterms....why weren't they pushing Trumpcare then??? Because they know it sucks....
Republicans don't need a healthcare plan and Americans didn't need and don't need a healthcare plan. All the country needs is a few patches to the existing (pre Obamacae) system to insure people with pre existing conditions had access to hospital care without going broke - affordable outpatient care was already available through existing federal state clinics that had sliding scale fees - and that poor people who had no insurance didn't have to lose everything before they could qualify for Medicaid. This could have been accomplished in a month if the Democrats had not decided to make healthcare a political issue to run on.

"Trumpcare" is not a healthcare plan, it is a framework for the Congress to work on but Democrats would not consider anything but Obamacare and Republicans were too divided to move forward. Everyone in America already had access to healthcare, but for some, those with pre existing conditions and the poor who were uninsured, it was necessary to lose everything in order to qualify for Medicaid if they were very sick. This was a financial issue and could have been remedied very quickly and cheaply by allowing who were very sick and poor or with pre existing conditions temporary access to Medicaid for the duration of their illness. With that small fix, America would have had universal healthcare.
Insuring people with pre existing conditions is an 800 lb gorilla. It is not a small tweak

Republicans haven’t come up with a solution
I agree, Republicans haven't, but Obamacare has been ruled by the courts to be unconstitutional, so neither have Democrats. There is already a solution for primary care for these people available through the federal/state clinics in all states that provide primary care of a sliding scale basis, and a simple revenue bill, which cannot be filibustered, that would allow temporary access to Medicaid for people with pre existing conditions who are too sick to get along with only primary care for the duration of their illness. But since the Democrats have made healthcare a political issue, simple solutions are not possible.
Still doesn't cause me to lose an ounce of sleep or shed a single tear because Qassem is dead....only thing that his death affects in my life is oil prices going up
What effect will this assassination have on Trump's reelection prospects?

Trump risks a major war in an election year– why? – Mondoweiss

"The central political question about the assassination is, Why would a president who calls himself antiwar take such a huge risk in an election year?"

It wasn't an "Assassination" at all. General Soleimani was a soldier in a combat area, and got clipped. He was no more "assassinated" than was Sgt. Stryker, as portrayed by the Duke in Sands of Iwo Jima, was "assassinated on that Pacific island.
We're at war with Iran then? When did Congress vote for war?

No, we aren't at war at all.

This was just a retaliation for what Iran did to us. They killed one of our civilian contractors, a non-combatant. And that, is clearly a War Crime, the punishment is death and it was delivered. The matter is closed now.
and give Trump credit

maybe when we read Trump's strategy....~S~
Iran and their allies Russia and Turkey are destroyed in Ezekiel 38 & 39 by Divine Wrath and Hell Fire and Brimstone on The Mountains of Israel.

There won't be a war. There will be an extermination of their military and they will lose 90% of their combined forces when they attack Israel and are consumed by Fire on The Mountains of Israel sent not by MAN, but by GOD!

It will take 7 months to bury the bodies, and they will be contaminated and require people to be hired to locate and place markers by the bodies and have them removed and buried in The Valley of Harmon God in The Desert.

There will be so much destruction that it will take 7 years to burn, destroy and remove all of the weapons and machinery from the battlefield.

Bible Gateway passage: Ezekiel 38 - New International Version

Bible Gateway passage: Ezekiel 39 - New International Version
The truly dangerous terrorists are those trying to start WWIII in the Middle East because of their crazy belief in the End Times and their fairy god coming down. They are the ones who: a) need to be the ones who go fight on the front lines regardless of their age or gender....or b) be sent to GITMO as terrorists.

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