There's a bill in the senate that if passed may just shut down sites like this

IS this the first it's been mentioned/noticed?

The HomeLandSecurity shit was my first clue.

Then, I watched as the info I was able to search up was ...

not censored ...

but Garbled.

Google went from BITCHIN' to the shitz ~

NO decent filters, no getting to the JUICE of what I was looking for.

THEN, I was inundated with DISinformation, guaranteed to make me suspect of anything I might read.

Next, I was presented with Wiki, where history can be rewritten, at will, with sufficient citations.

I'm becoming a caveman, anyway, unable to believe anything I can't SEE and feel, for myself.

So. Take THIS away, too. You know what? I do know where my local library is,

and quite frankly,

I DO trust the folks that lived the times and had SOME modicum of ethical responsibility towards me.

It will be very interesting to me to see how this little part of the saga is recorded.

We're being forced back into the caves, folks.

Reb? ONLY Kudos to you! I'm not arguing ~

I'm past that.

I'm RAGING, now, and it has nothing to do with anyONE.

It's to do with how the whole thing is going.


Gee, I didn't know some people thought this forum was that important that the government would consider shutting it down. Glad to know some people think they've got the reputation of being dangerous to the government.

That is something you have to earn. No free passes. ;)
I am surprised that this has not been mentioned.

Senators propose granting president emergency Internet power
A new U.S. Senate bill would grant the president far-reaching emergency powers to seize control of or even shut down portions of the Internet.

The legislation announced Thursday says that companies such as broadband providers, search engines, or software firms that the government selects "shall immediately comply with any emergency measure or action developed" by the Department of Homeland Security. Anyone failing to comply would be fined.
Senators propose granting president emergency Internet power | Politics and Law - CNET News

To read the bill go to this part within the link
Because there are few limits on the president's emergency power, which can be renewed indefinitely, the densely worded 197-page bill (PDF) is likely to encounter stiff opposition.
I guess we'll have to dig out and read Section 7323(b)(2)(B) 0t title 5, United States Code to figure out what this part means. It may let the Fuhrer's Info Czar shut down free talk sites two months prior to elections so campaigning cannot be accomplished amongst voters. It may mean something totally different. I can't tell.
22 Section 7323(b)(2)(B) of title 5, United States Code,
23 is amended—
24 (1) in clause (i), by striking ‘‘or’’ at the end;
HEN10553 S.L.C.
1 (2) in clause (ii), by striking the period at the
2 end and inserting ‘‘; or’’; and
3 (3) by adding at the end the following:
4 ‘‘(iii) notwithstanding the exception
5 under subparagraph (A) (relating to an ap6
pointment made by the President, by and
7 with the advice and consent of the Senate),
8 the Director of Cyberspace Policy.’’.

Now, how many of you, without reading the USC cited...could understand what the above PROPOSED FUTURE LAW OF THE LAND means?

How many senators do you think will read the cited code before voting yes on this bill?

....and I'm only to page 16.:lol:

Oh wake up, would ya? The threat of a cyber attack is very real, and Heaven Forbid the U.S. government would have to unilaterally "tread on you" without appropriate authority to shut down your fucking cell phone.

International Cyber Terrorism ? The Case for an Aggressive Offence | Knowledge Network |
Not surprising - more government take-overs and censorship to come I'm sure.

I'm not wishing a cyber attack on us, but it sure might be fun watching all you idiots running around like chickens with their heads cut off shrieking "WHOT HAPPENED??!!"

Something like this issue has nothing to do with censorship. It has everything to do with protecting our nation's communications capabilities. Duh...
Not surprising - more government take-overs and censorship to come I'm sure.

I'm not wishing a cyber attack on us, but it sure might be fun watching all you idiots running around like chickens with their heads cut off shrieking "WHOT HAPPENED??!!"

Something like this issue has nothing to do with censorship. It has everything to do with protecting our nation's communications capabilities. Duh...

I find it a bit unsettling to give the government the power to shut down our information.

Control the information and you control the populace.
Shit, we're only on page #1 and how many times have people, already, "Jumped the BUSH"? ;)

Thanks, Maggie.

It only took me until Section 1 to see the tameness of the PROPOSED legislation.

This Act may be cited as the &#8216;&#8216;Protecting Cyberspace as a National Asset Act of 2010&#8217;&#8217;.

It would seem, with all the pocket-sized-constitution-carrying members on this board, some one would have recognized a direct relation to the often-cited "Commerce Clause" by now.
Not surprising - more government take-overs and censorship to come I'm sure.

I'm not wishing a cyber attack on us, but it sure might be fun watching all you idiots running around like chickens with their heads cut off shrieking "WHOT HAPPENED??!!"

Something like this issue has nothing to do with censorship. It has everything to do with protecting our nation's communications capabilities. Duh...

I find it a bit unsettling to give the government the power to shut down our information.

Control the information and you control the populace.

This is not being done willy-nilly for "control" of Internet chatter a' la the Chinese government. Anyone who believes that is a fool. I hope that doesn't include you.
I'm not wishing a cyber attack on us, but it sure might be fun watching all you idiots running around like chickens with their heads cut off shrieking "WHOT HAPPENED??!!"

Something like this issue has nothing to do with censorship. It has everything to do with protecting our nation's communications capabilities. Duh...

I find it a bit unsettling to give the government the power to shut down our information.

Control the information and you control the populace.

This is not being done willy-nilly for "control" of Internet chatter a' la the Chinese government. Anyone who believes that is a fool. I hope that doesn't include you.

There are times when we need to take a closer look. This administration has already passed too many things that were never read before the vote. Sorry I can't trust them.
I am surprised that this has not been mentioned.

Senators propose granting president emergency Internet power
A new U.S. Senate bill would grant the president far-reaching emergency powers to seize control of or even shut down portions of the Internet.

The legislation announced Thursday says that companies such as broadband providers, search engines, or software firms that the government selects "shall immediately comply with any emergency measure or action developed" by the Department of Homeland Security. Anyone failing to comply would be fined.
Senators propose granting president emergency Internet power | Politics and Law - CNET News

To read the bill go to this part within the link
Because there are few limits on the president's emergency power, which can be renewed indefinitely, the densely worded 197-page bill (PDF) is likely to encounter stiff opposition.
I guess we'll have to dig out and read Section 7323(b)(2)(B) 0t title 5, United States Code to figure out what this part means. It may let the Fuhrer's Info Czar shut down free talk sites two months prior to elections so campaigning cannot be accomplished amongst voters. It may mean something totally different. I can't tell.
22 Section 7323(b)(2)(B) of title 5, United States Code,
23 is amended—
24 (1) in clause (i), by striking ‘‘or’’ at the end;
HEN10553 S.L.C.
1 (2) in clause (ii), by striking the period at the
2 end and inserting ‘‘; or’’; and
3 (3) by adding at the end the following:
4 ‘‘(iii) notwithstanding the exception
5 under subparagraph (A) (relating to an ap6
pointment made by the President, by and
7 with the advice and consent of the Senate),
8 the Director of Cyberspace Policy.’’.

Now, how many of you, without reading the USC cited...could understand what the above PROPOSED FUTURE LAW OF THE LAND means?

How many senators do you think will read the cited code before voting yes on this bill?

....and I'm only to page 16.:lol:

Oh wake up, would ya? The threat of a cyber attack is very real, and Heaven Forbid the U.S. government would have to unilaterally "tread on you" without appropriate authority to shut down your fucking cell phone.

International Cyber Terrorism ? The Case for an Aggressive Offence | Knowledge Network |
Maggie woulkd you be so complacent if Bush or McCain had done this?
I am surprised that this has not been mentioned.

Senators propose granting president emergency Internet power
A new U.S. Senate bill would grant the president far-reaching emergency powers to seize control of or even shut down portions of the Internet.

The legislation announced Thursday says that companies such as broadband providers, search engines, or software firms that the government selects "shall immediately comply with any emergency measure or action developed" by the Department of Homeland Security. Anyone failing to comply would be fined.
Senators propose granting president emergency Internet power | Politics and Law - CNET News

To read the bill go to this part within the link
Because there are few limits on the president's emergency power, which can be renewed indefinitely, the densely worded 197-page bill (PDF) is likely to encounter stiff opposition.

Liebermann is one crazy republican. :lol:
I guess we'll have to dig out and read Section 7323(b)(2)(B) 0t title 5, United States Code to figure out what this part means. It may let the Fuhrer's Info Czar shut down free talk sites two months prior to elections so campaigning cannot be accomplished amongst voters. It may mean something totally different. I can't tell.

Now, how many of you, without reading the USC cited...could understand what the above PROPOSED FUTURE LAW OF THE LAND means?

How many senators do you think will read the cited code before voting yes on this bill?

....and I'm only to page 16.:lol:

Oh wake up, would ya? The threat of a cyber attack is very real, and Heaven Forbid the U.S. government would have to unilaterally "tread on you" without appropriate authority to shut down your fucking cell phone.

International Cyber Terrorism ? The Case for an Aggressive Offence | Knowledge Network |
Maggie woulkd you be so complacent if Bush or McCain had done this?

Both of them are uh, technologically challenged.

Bush still says "THE GOOGLE" AND INTERNETS and McCain's vcr still flashes 12:00. Has been flashing that for years now.

I find it a bit unsettling to give the government the power to shut down our information.

Control the information and you control the populace.

This is not being done willy-nilly for "control" of Internet chatter a' la the Chinese government. Anyone who believes that is a fool. I hope that doesn't include you.

There are times when we need to take a closer look. This administration has already passed too many things that were never read before the vote. Sorry I can't trust them.

Who ...Obama or Bush?
Oh wake up, would ya? The threat of a cyber attack is very real, and Heaven Forbid the U.S. government would have to unilaterally "tread on you" without appropriate authority to shut down your fucking cell phone.

International Cyber Terrorism ? The Case for an Aggressive Offence | Knowledge Network |
Maggie woulkd you be so complacent if Bush or McCain had done this?

Both of them are uh, technologically challenged.

Bush still says "THE GOOGLE" AND INTERNETS and McCain's vcr still flashes 12:00. Has been flashing that for years now.

This is not being done willy-nilly for "control" of Internet chatter a' la the Chinese government. Anyone who believes that is a fool. I hope that doesn't include you.

There are times when we need to take a closer look. This administration has already passed too many things that were never read before the vote. Sorry I can't trust them.

Who ...Obama or Bush?

I love the way people blow issues like this off when it's their president in charge.
There are times when we need to take a closer look. This administration has already passed too many things that were never read before the vote. Sorry I can't trust them.

Who ...Obama or Bush?

I love the way people blow issues like this off when it's their president in charge.

I said the same thing when I heard clintons name over and over the first four years into Bush's first term. :eusa_whistle:
Who ...Obama or Bush?

I love the way people blow issues like this off when it's their president in charge.

I said the same thing when I heard clintons name over and over the first four years into Bush's first term. :eusa_whistle:

Doesn't change does it? One thing I learned while Bush was President, don't trust anyone who says they are a conservative and acts like a liberal.
Shiiit, "emergency powers," few words are scarier when placed next to each other.

Will Obama be able to decide what is an emergency?

Like an oil spill isn't an emergency but a new immigration law is?

I'm just wondering.
I love the way people blow issues like this off when it's their president in charge.

I said the same thing when I heard clintons name over and over the first four years into Bush's first term. :eusa_whistle:

Doesn't change does it? One thing I learned while Bush was President, don't trust anyone who says they are a conservative and acts like a liberal.
"....acts like a liberal."??????? :confused: mean the REAL fiscal-conservatives.​

"Our only hope is that the exploding deficit will finally cause the administration to get serious about controlling spending."

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