Zone1 There's no rational, reasoned argument for a ban on AR15s (2)

Yes, but for mass murders it has become the weapon of choice, though the problem is not the weapon, but the human factor. I live in a state where the idiot in the legislature want to make it legal to walk the streets of downtown, with an AR-15 in open carry or open slung, locked, loaded and packing more ammo than Rambo. This begs the human question, what kind of idiot, mental defective, or emotionally unstable asshole would want to walk the streets like that if told it was OK by their elected representatives? Basically two types, ones that want to make a point of rubbing in people faces that they are Big Men exercising their rights to show their firepower on the streets and nothing the unarmed masses can do about it, and nut balls, that will be able to walk about without being immediately recognized as the bad guy. And, it is for absolutely no benefit to society in the slightest.
What kind of person wants to do that? One who knows how crazy Democrats are and how worthless the police are, and how corrupt the courts are.
What kind of person wants to do that? One who knows how crazy Democrats are and how worthless the police are, and how corrupt the courts are.
Were you frightened by a Cop, you later found out to be a Democrat, when you were a child? I'm hearing a pattern here. Can you show us where he touched you?
The "AR" is to firearms what drag queens are to men; it looks like a serious weapon of war and attracts "wannbes".
I think the vast majority of people who use them for mass shootings really just like the vanity of it...and you can thank the media for that.
Were you frightened by a Cop, you later found out to be a Democrat, when you were a child? I'm hearing a pattern here. Can you show us where he touched you?
Lol, typical leftist " I ain't got nothing" response. Actually, the only thing you are hearing are the voices in your head.
This is false as many on this board have shown us with trustworthy sources. Have you got a link to rebut their sources?
I am just saying, of late the big school, church, store killing events, have found it to be the weapon of choice.
I am just saying, of late the big school, church, store killing events, have found it to be the weapon of choice.
In 2022, ARs were used in 8 of the 636 mass shootings, and in those, were used to kill 54 of the 660 people.
8... out of 20,000,000 rifles.

So, even if you're right, their use approaches statistical 0.
In 2022, ARs were used in 8 of the 636 mass shootings, and in those, were used to kill 54 of the 660 people.
8... out of 20,000,000 rifles.

So, even if you're right, their use approaches statistical 0.
Statistically correct, but most people did not even hear of 636 mass shootings, but mostly just the ones where a gunman went into a school, or church or store with not the intention to rob, but the intention to kill. The 20,000,000 rifle number is meaningless, but if it makes you feel and better, I don't think people should be allowed to carry them on the streets of cities, any more than they should be able to carry their AR's on the streets of cities. I don't carry mine, as no need and I wouldn't want to spook the straights, and if somebody is walking around a city with one, it should spook the straights, as it is probably a malevolent asshole carrying it for some point, not in support of normal thinking and civic minded day-to-day activity.
Statistically correct, but most people did not even hear of 636 mass shootings,...
Hard to believe, given how oiften the news media repeats it.
but mostly just the ones where a gunman went into a school, or church or store with not the intention to rob, but the intention to kill. T
And, those 'most people' incorrectly associate ARs with all these mass shootings.
Why do you suppose that is?
The 20,000,000 rifle number is meaningless, but if it makes you feel and better, I
The fact 1 in 12.5 million ARs are used in a mass shooting is "meaningless"?
Doesn't this aptly demonstrate how few are actually misused?
Do you think "most people" know so few are used in mass shootings?
I don't think people should be allowed to carry them on the streets of cities, any more than they should be able to carry their AR's on the streets of cities.
Yet, they have the right to do so.
Hard to believe, given how oiften the news media repeats it.

And, those 'most people' incorrectly associate ARs with all these mass shootings.
Why do you suppose that is?

The fact 1 in 12.5 million ARs are used in a mass shooting is "meaningless"?
Doesn't this aptly demonstrate how few are actually misused?
Do you think "most people" know so few are used in mass shootings?

Yet, they have the right to do so.
Why the gunmen think to associate it? Beats me, but maybe it is far less expensive than your M14 for example?
Yes. The fact is meaningless. Maybe it's the marketing.
The ones like mine under lock and key, only coming out for the range are not part of the known problem. Could it be a few assholes wanting to make a statement with a killing spree have chosen it?
Most people only think about it, when a splashy intentional premeditated mass murder with one takes place. Maybe you could get the assholes to change to stiletto throwing knives.
Why the gunmen think to associate it?
That's not what I asked, and you know it.
I asked:
And, those 'most people' - the 'most people ' you referred to in you post - incorrectly associate ARs with all these mass shootings.
Why do you suppose that is?
Yes. The fact is meaningless. Maybe it's the marketing.
"Marketing"... by those to apparently led "most people" to incorrectly associate mass shootings w/ ARs.
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NO. The 2nd amendment is one of those right that are GOD GIVEN which means it cannot be taken away by man LEGALLY. There are about 400million guns in this nation and you will not get them.
That's not what I asked, and you know it.
I asked:
And, those 'most people' - the 'most people ' you referred to in you post - incorrectly associate ARs with all these mass shootings.
Why do you suppose that is?

"Marketing"... by those to apparently led "most people" to incorrectly associate mass shootings w/ ARs.
Publicity? Victims often kids? Sometimes carrying multiple ARs and multiple magazines? I don't know. I'll bite. How come?

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