"There's nothing good about diversity, other than food, we don't need 128M Mexicans for restaurants"

I heard an ad on the radio this morning about how to help out with your community and make it better. Know what they said?
Support section 8 housing. I was like FOR REAL?
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I heard an add on the radio this morning about how to help out with your community and make it better. Know what they said?
Support section 8 housing. I was like FOR REAL?

For real, so long as it's not in their neighborhood.
I wouldn't say there's nothing good about "diversity," but if excellence is the goal (as in hiring and promotions and scholarships), then diversity is the enemy of excellence. Obviously.

Do you want the most qualified person or do you want to fill in an open box on your chart?
I wouldn't say there's nothing good about "diversity," but if excellence is the goal (as in hiring and promotions and scholarships), then diversity is the enemy of excellence. Obviously.

Do you want the most qualified person or do you want to fill in an open box on your chart?
Diversity is just an excuse for Democrats to rig elections.
They feel that the best way to win is flood states with brown people, and then make those new brown people vote Democrat.
I do think we need homogeneity rather than the divisiveness brought on by preserving "diversity" but if folks from Mexico come here with the idea of becoming productive Americans, I'm all for it. Heck, I've known plenty enough and have some in my own extended family.

It's funny how all it takes is embracing being an American above some separatist ethnic identity and people don't really notice.

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