These 23 Republicans Passed on a Chance to Get Trump's Tax Returns


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Congress has a duty to make sure President Trump isn’t selling out the United States. These legislators are in more active dereliction of that duty than most.

More than 800,000 Americans have signed a petition demanding the release of Donald Trump’s tax returns. Polls show that a majority of the country wants to see the documents.

On April 15, tens of thousands plan to take to the streets in protest of the president’s refusal to release his tax returns to the public. Some worry Trump is hiding financial ties to Russia. Others want to understand all the conflicts of interest that flow from his failure to divest from his business interests. Twenty thousand people say they’re going to a Los Angeles protest. Eleven thousand aresigned up to attend in New York City. Folks will protest in Boise, Indianapolis, St. Louis, Raleigh, Pittsburgh, Knoxville, Salt Lake City, and other municipalities throughout the U.S.

And this week, the movement got a new champion and 23 new targets for ire.

The champion is Represenative Bill Pascrell, who sits on the Ways and Means Committee. He found that “a rarely invoked 1924 law could be used to examine President Donald Trump's tax returns for possible conflicts of interest and Constitutional violations,” USA Today reported. “The 1924 law gives congressional committees that set tax policy the power to examine tax returns. It was used in 1974 when Congress looked at President Richard Nixon's returns, and in 2014 when the Ways and Means Committee released confidential tax information as part of its investigation into the Internal Revenue Service's handling of applications for nonprofit status.”

This prompted Democrats on the committee to introduce an amendment Tuesday that would’ve triggered a request for the tax returns to the Treasury Department. “Unless this amendment is adopted, we will never see the president's tax returns while he's in office,” Representative Sander Levin told his Republican colleagues. “Before you stonewall this, I urge you to think twice. You'll only keep the issue alive.”

Last year, after some of Trump’s worrying foreign conflicts were exposed, Iargued that Congress cannot fulfill its constitutional duty to check and balance the next president, or provide adequate oversight of the federal agencies he presides over, without a full, accurate understanding of his business holdings and debts. I urged Americans to tell their representatives that they favor an exhaustive inquiry into Trump’s finances to determine exactly where his interests and ours diverge.

The amendment was rejected on a party-line vote by these 23 Republicans (the ones with asterisks next to their names represent relatively competitive districts; the others are thought to be in “safe seats” for the GOP, and only vulnerable in primaries):
  1. Kevin Brady of Texas
  2. Sam Johnson of Texas
  3. Devin Nunes of California
  4. Pat Tiberi of Ohio
  5. Dave Reichert of Washington*
  6. Peter Roskam of Illinois*
  7. Vern Buchanan of Florida
  8. Adrian Smith of Nebraska
  9. Lynn Jenkins of Kansas
  10. Erik Paulsen of Minnesota*
  11. Kenny Marchant of Texas
  12. Diane Black of Tennessee
  13. Tom Reed of New York
  14. Mike Kelly of Pennsylvania
  15. Jim Renacci of Ohio
  16. Pat Meehan of Pennsylvania*
  17. Kristi Noem of South Dakota
  18. George Holding of North Carolina
  19. Jason Smith of Missouri
  20. Tom Rice of South Carolina
  21. David Schweikert of Arizona
  22. Jackie Walorski of Indiana
  23. Carlos Curbelo of Florida*
The vote could come back to haunt these legislators if the tax returns eventually come to light and reveal something that American voters feel they should’ve known, especially given the weak rationale offered by Republicans in defense of the vote.

Given all that context, it is obscene for members of Congress to eschew a lawful way to examine the president’s tax returns and make sure that he isn’t selling out America.

They should be judged harshly by voters and history alike.

More: These 23 Republicans Passed on a Chance to Get Trump's Tax Returns

Well, there goes a perfectly lawful chance to get Trump's tax returns. Why do Republicans want to hide them? Are they afraid of what they may reveal? I think so...
You only want his tax returns so you can further disrupt the business of this country. The election is over and his tax returns will make no difference so time to move on to something that will make a difference. Too bad your liberal push failed miserably as will most of the same for the next four years. We had eight years of Obama to endure. Suck it up and play through.
Poor little snowflakes like lakota. Seething with hatred, dying to get anything that can help destroy Trump or any other Republican he finds. And screeching out his rage when he is denied what he wants.

You only want his tax returns so you can further disrupt the business of this country. The election is over and his tax returns will make no difference so time to move on to something that will make a difference. Too bad your liberal push failed miserably as will most of the same for the next four years. We had eight years of Obama to endure. Suck it up and play through.
It just so happens the Trumps tax returns will tell us what countries he is dealing with, and where any serious conflicts of interest arise. Are you an American first or Republican first
Poor little snowflakes like lakota. Seething with hatred, dying to get anything that can help destroy Trump or any other Republican he finds. And screeching out his rage when he is denied what he wants.

Why did Trump lie to us once again while promising to releasing his tax returns.
23 Republicans who will be on my Hanukkah card list this year.

Thanks for keeping track of happy news.
23 Republicans who will be on my Hanukkah card list this year.

Thanks for keeping track of happy news.
You don't care about Trumps taxes? You don't care who his businesses are dealing with and what conflicts of interest are out there?
Ahahaha are libs still obsessing over Trump's tax returns? Poor libs nothing is going their way, its as if God is messing with them. Jack Links should shoot a new commercial, messing with libs.:laugh:
we need to see Trumps tax returns.

He could be ass deep in debt to Russia and owes them favors, BIGLY !
Ahahaha are libs still obsessing over Trump's tax returns? Poor libs nothing is going their way, its as if God is messing with them. Jack Links should shoot a new commercial, messing with libs.:laugh:
Is there anything that Trump could ever screw up that would bother you?
Poor little snowflakes like lakota. Seething with hatred, dying to get anything that can help destroy Trump or any other Republican he finds. And screeching out his rage when he is denied what he wants.


TRANSLATION: I can't debate the OP. I've got nothing, so I'll resort to my usual ad hominems.
23 Republicans who will be on my Hanukkah card list this year.

Thanks for keeping track of happy news.
You don't care about Trumps taxes? You don't care who his businesses are dealing with and what conflicts of interest are out there?

The number of fraks I give can't be measured in positive integers. A person's taxes are between him, his accountant, and the IRS.
23 Republicans who will be on my Hanukkah card list this year.

Thanks for keeping track of happy news.
You don't care about Trumps taxes? You don't care who his businesses are dealing with and what conflicts of interest are out there?

The number of fraks I give can't be measured in positive integers. A person's taxes are between him, his accountant, and the IRS.
Why did he promise to release them, and then lie to us? You enjoy the fact that he lies constantly
Ahahaha are libs still obsessing over Trump's tax returns? Poor libs nothing is going their way, its as if God is messing with them. Jack Links should shoot a new commercial, messing with libs.:laugh:
Is there anything that Trump could ever screw up that would bother you?

I'll let you know when that happens, don't hold your breath okay.
Another putz who puts part over country. I can only imagine your reaction if BHO had done a fraction of the crap that Trump has
You only want his tax returns so you can further disrupt the business of this country. The election is over and his tax returns will make no difference so time to move on to something that will make a difference. Too bad your liberal push failed miserably as will most of the same for the next four years. We had eight years of Obama to endure. Suck it up and play through.
Doesn't bother you that on more than one occasion, the so-called president promised to release his returns and lied each time?

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