These Are The People dems Want To Have A Cease Fire For


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012

Hamas terrorists gang-raped an Israeli woman before one shot her in the back of the head while he was still having sex with her, according to horrifying witness testimony.

While gathering evidence, Lahav 433 also took testimony from a woman who said she witnessed the gang-rape and murder of another young woman.

Haaretz reports the witness told officers of how she watched the shocking attack unfold as she hid from Hamas gunmen wearing military uniforms.

'As I am hiding, I see in the corner of my eye that [a terrorist] is raping her,' the witness told investigators. 'They bent her over and I realised they were raping her and simply passing her on to the next [gunman].'

The witness says the victim was 'alive' and 'on her feet and bleeding from her back. But then the situation was that he was pulling her hair. She had long, brown hair.'

The woman told officers one of the Hamas gunmen 'shot her in the head while he was raping her... didn't even lift his pants'.

Her testimony has been reported in a number of Israeli news outlets. It was one of thousands of pieces of evidence gathered by the police.

Another male witness said he didn't see the rape itself, but confirmed the other witness told him at the time what she had seen.

Until now, reports of sexual violence carried out by Hamas terrorists were based on testimonies from first responders, who arrived in settlements on October 7 in the aftermath of the attacks.

Once there, they said they found bodies of naked women, with signs of abuse.

Zaka rescue and recovery personnel, the ultra-Orthodox volunteer organisation that helped to retrieve and identify bodies, have detailed a number of atrocities, including sex attacks.

It is understood that Shin Bet (the Israel Security Agency) and the police have held hundreds of people suspected of being involved in the massacre in custod

What about the puppies, James??

Hamas terrorists gang-raped an Israeli woman before one shot her in the back of the head while he was still having sex with her, according to horrifying witness testimony.

While gathering evidence, Lahav 433 also took testimony from a woman who said she witnessed the gang-rape and murder of another young woman.

Haaretz reports the witness told officers of how she watched the shocking attack unfold as she hid from Hamas gunmen wearing military uniforms.

'As I am hiding, I see in the corner of my eye that [a terrorist] is raping her,' the witness told investigators. 'They bent her over and I realised they were raping her and simply passing her on to the next [gunman].'

The witness says the victim was 'alive' and 'on her feet and bleeding from her back. But then the situation was that he was pulling her hair. She had long, brown hair.'

The woman told officers one of the Hamas gunmen 'shot her in the head while he was raping her... didn't even lift his pants'.

Her testimony has been reported in a number of Israeli news outlets. It was one of thousands of pieces of evidence gathered by the police.

Another male witness said he didn't see the rape itself, but confirmed the other witness told him at the time what she had seen.

Until now, reports of sexual violence carried out by Hamas terrorists were based on testimonies from first responders, who arrived in settlements on October 7 in the aftermath of the attacks.

Once there, they said they found bodies of naked women, with signs of abuse.

Zaka rescue and recovery personnel, the ultra-Orthodox volunteer organisation that helped to retrieve and identify bodies, have detailed a number of atrocities, including sex attacks.

It is understood that Shin Bet (the Israel Security Agency) and the police have held hundreds of people suspected of being involved in the massacre in custod

What about the puppies, James??

Those who support "Free Palestine", support Hamas and all that goes with that:
  • Homosexuality outlawed and punishable by death
  • “Honor” killings of women and children
  • Female genital mutilation
  • Women cannot vote, own property, or appear in public alone without a man's permission
  • Arranged marriages
  • Religious police (aka "beard police") enforcing sharia law
  • Child marriage
  • State imposed religion
Want some more on the cruelty, the absolute barbarity of the scum that dimocraps support? Wholeheartedly support? VIOLENTLY support?

Gal Gadot had a showing in LA recently to highlight the depravity of Hamas and guess what?? Hamas Supporters (aka; dimocraps) attacked viewers coming out of the theater!!

They were Antifa!! Antifa ran ads telling Persons of Color to not show, they want only their White and Joo-ish members to show. Well, Persons of color showed anyway. Shock.

And in spite of the DM telling us 'they know not why' the 'protests erupted, here is a better, and MUCH MORE ACCURATE account.

You really need to read this one.

dimocraps are the scum of the Earth
These are the dimocraps buddies, folks. I shit you not.

Little girls with arms lopped off? Women raped until their pelvic bones shatter? Babies burned alive in ovens?


These are stories of the hordes who swept through Eastern Europe during the Dark Ages. These are the boogey-man tales Romanians illustrate Vlad Dracul’s vengeance with. These are the tactics and brutalities of ancient history and uncivilized societies. We have standards of treatment, and war conventions, and finer sensibilities.

No one does things like this anymore, it’s insisted.

Au contraire.

Hamas does. Gleefully.


Hamas does it all with a GoPro in hand, if not an AP or al-Reuters reporter alongside.

The footage taken as atrocity after atrocity, cold blooded murder after unthinkable murder is perpetrated, hundreds of times over, was so God-awful that I think even the first Israeli authorities to find it had problems watching it – even as their blood-soaked boots stood in the carnage documented by it. Retching soldiers captured on a report of a burned out kibbutz were ignored in the rush to disprove and discredit the reporter’s single sentence about “some babies” being decapitated. The slaughter was ignored in a concerted effort to diminish and contain the fact that the Hamas terrorists had invaded a sleepy farming community, literally butchering its inhabitants in frenzied, uncontrolled bloodlust.

Getting it all – ALL – on video as they did so.

As more dead terrorist carcasses were collected and more cameras unloaded, the scope of the intentional depravity became clear and ever more sickening.

…”Hi dad, I am speaking to you from Mefalsim,” the Hamas terrorist is heard saying. “Open your WhatsApp and look at all the killed [Israelis]. Look at how many I killed with my own hands, your son killed Jews!
“Dad, I am speaking to you from a Jew’s phone, I killed her and her husband, I killed ten with my own hands,” the terrorist excitedly told his Gazan parents.
The father can be heard crying with joy as the terrorist expressed his intent to do a video call so his dad could see the extent of the massacre committed by his son, a member of Hamas’s Nukhba forces.
“May God protect you, my son,” his father said as the mother told the terrorist, “I wish I was there with you,” as her son is heard shouting directions at fellow terrorists to “kill, kill, kill! kill them!”
Want some more on the cruelty, the absolute barbarity of the scum that dimocraps support? Wholeheartedly support? VIOLENTLY support?

Gal Gadot had a showing in LA recently to highlight the depravity of Hamas and guess what?? Hamas Supporters (aka; dimocraps) attacked viewers coming out of the theater!!

They were Antifa!! Antifa ran ads telling Persons of Color to not show, they want only their White and Joo-ish members to show. Well, Persons of color showed anyway. Shock.

And in spite of the DM telling us 'they know not why' the 'protests erupted, here is a better, and MUCH MORE ACCURATE account.

You really need to read this one.

dimocraps are the scum of the Earth
Fucking Animals. Left use violence same as Burn Loot & Murder.

DNC are a Cancer on this country

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