The Definition of Insanity

There are people here who just love to quote one line Dr. King said to deflect from the reality that white racism contnues. But those words were not the only ones in that speech, nor were they the only ones he spoke.

He said this too:

A nation that continues year after year to spend more money on military defense than on programs of social uplift is approaching spiritual doom.”

So called conservatves tell us that throwing money at something is never the answer unless it's throwing money to the military or law enforcement then throwing money is the ultimate problem solver. When a sane person looks at these numbers, the first reaction should be that we need to change things and do so quickly.

How much money do we spend per soldier?


That is based on the 842 bilion budgeted for the military this year by the number of troops(1,500,000).

How much money do we spend per police officer?

$192,940 per police officer, including part-time employees.

America is also one of the most violent nations globally and has the most people in prison. Yet we still throw more money year after year into draconian law enforcement measures and operations.

How much money do we spend per student?

$14,347-as of 2023. The 2024 budget has not been created or passed thanks to Republicans.

One definition of insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly while expecting a different result. It is time to do something else.
We need a strong police force and military to protect white people. Count your lucky stars that protection trickles down to blacks as well. :ssex::thankusmile:
There are people here who just love to quote one line Dr. King said to deflect from the reality that white racism contnues. But those words were not the only ones in that speech, nor were they the only ones he spoke.

He said this too:

A nation that continues year after year to spend more money on military defense than on programs of social uplift is approaching spiritual doom.”

So called conservatves tell us that throwing money at something is never the answer unless it's throwing money to the military or law enforcement then throwing money is the ultimate problem solver. When a sane person looks at these numbers, the first reaction should be that we need to change things and do so quickly.

How much money do we spend per soldier?


That is based on the 842 bilion budgeted for the military this year by the number of troops(1,500,000).

How much money do we spend per police officer?

$192,940 per police officer, including part-time employees.

America is also one of the most violent nations globally and has the most people in prison. Yet we still throw more money year after year into draconian law enforcement measures and operations.

How much money do we spend per student?

$14,347-as of 2023. The 2024 budget has not been created or passed thanks to Republicans.

One definition of insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly while expecting a different result. It is time to do something else.
I agree, then quit spending money on it. Cut all unnecessary spending.
A nation that continues year after year to spend more money on military defense than on programs of social uplift is approaching spiritual doom.”
Now we spend more on the interest for the money we borrowed for social spending...than on the military. :auiqs.jpg: God the IRONY meter is off the scale.
If there is anybody here who believes that, then they need to go see a psychiatrist. It's pure white racist arrogance to believe that blacks actually love the racism we face and woud rather not address it.
You're an idiot, let race be your excuse. Biden rely's on the stupid. Like yourself.
He's right. The MIC is a monster. This Ukraine insanity where we don't know where billions went is a drop in the bucket compared to the huge spend our nation endures in the name of war annually. There has to be a better, smarter, more efficient way... and there is. There Navy Ships alone can't be maintained without huge cost overruns and delays. It's not just a skilled labor issue, but a work management issue. I do not come just throwing rocks.

They could solve at least 50% of their problems by modernizing Work Management systems (scheduling, budgeting, resource allocation, asset management, etc.) to the tools of the 2,000 era. They use old bullshit methodology probably sold to them by some retired Admiral where they cannot integrate software systems at all. It's time for them to use Oracle (P6), Maximo or SAP, Business Objects, etc... Why do we have the most modern weapons, but not the most modern software to manage everything?
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Some of you need to quit repeating bullshit and learn what actually happens.

The problem with people talking about how LBJ's Great Society Program damaged the black famility is that it is a lie. So let's start with the fact that the no man in the house rule which was blamed on Johnson was created by conservatives. That rule lasted from 1964 until 1968. A black woman took that to court and it was ended by the Supreme Court. So the Great Society has nothing to do with anything. But as I have posted before welfare started long before LBJ. So let's look at another handout whites have been given by the government.

He's right. The MIC is a monster. This Ukraine insanity where we don't know where billions went is a drop in the bucket compared to the huge spend our nation endures in the name of war annually. There has to be a better, smarter, more efficient way... and there is. There Navy Ships alone can't be maintained without huge cost overruns and delays. It's not just a skilled labor issue, but a work management issue. I do not come just throwing rocks.

They could solve at least 50% of their problems by modernizing Work Management systems (scheduling, budgeting, resource allocation, asset management, etc.) to the tools of the 2,000 era. They use old bullshit methodology probably sold to them by some retired Admiral where they cannot integrate software systems at all. It's time for them to use Oracle (P6), Maximo or SAP, Business Objects, etc... Why do we have the most modern weapons, but not the most modern software to manage everything?
Exactly. That Ukraine money is going to US Defense contractors. And these are the same people who will charge the government 5,000 dollars for a 200 dollar package of rivets. They milk us for billions each year and yet we clamor for them to milk us for more, all in the name of national security.
There are people here who just love to quote one line Dr. King said to deflect from the reality that white racism contnues. But those words were not the only ones in that speech, nor were they the only ones he spoke.

He said this too:

A nation that continues year after year to spend more money on military defense than on programs of social uplift is approaching spiritual doom.”

So called conservatves tell us that throwing money at something is never the answer unless it's throwing money to the military or law enforcement then throwing money is the ultimate problem solver. When a sane person looks at these numbers, the first reaction should be that we need to change things and do so quickly.

How much money do we spend per soldier?


That is based on the 842 bilion budgeted for the military this year by the number of troops(1,500,000).

How much money do we spend per police officer?

$192,940 per police officer, including part-time employees.

America is also one of the most violent nations globally and has the most people in prison. Yet we still throw more money year after year into draconian law enforcement measures and operations.

How much money do we spend per student?

$14,347-as of 2023. The 2024 budget has not been created or passed thanks to Republicans.

One definition of insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly while expecting a different result. It is time to do something else.

Once again your ignorance is showing. Mandatory spending eats up more than 60% of federal spending. Military spending is right at 1/3rd of what's left. Pretty much all of that 60% is spent on social programs including social security, medicare, medicade, chips, snap, ect. Read and learn child:

And insanity is Blacks voting for commiecrats over and over and over again, and expecting the commiecrats to do something different for you. ROFLMFAO

The Air Force was not mentioned in the constitution. Nor was the Space Force. But the necessary and proper clause is. So maybe we need to start considering that clause when we discuss the constitution. The money spent on social secuirty is money given back we have put in. Besides the best investment we can make is in our citizens, not the military.
The Military is mentioned in the Constitution. Guess what the Air Force and Space Force is a branch of ?

Social Security's unfunded liability means that those working are funding the people who are collecting the very definition of a Ponzi scheme.You leftist and some Republicans have no issue with the Government running a scam that sends most people to prison.

I just want the Country to adhere to the Constitution. If your State wants to tax it's citizens into poverty and bankrupt itself by providing all of these programs great, but the Federal Government has no business being involved in shit that is not mandated by the Constitution.
Once again your ignorance is showing. Mandatory spending eats up more than 60% of federal spending. Military spending is right at 1/3rd of what's left. Pretty much all of that 60% is spent on social programs including social security, medicare, medicade, chips, snap, ect. Read and learn child:

And insanity is Blacks voting for commiecrats over and over and over again, and expecting the commiecrats to do something different for you. ROFLMFAO

Yeah right. Stop being white thinking you can tell blacks who to vote for. Insanity is voting for the white supremacists in the Republican party thinking they will do better than what Democrats have done.

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