The Definition of Insanity

There are people here who just love to quote one line Dr. King said to deflect from the reality that white racism contnues. But those words were not the only ones in that speech, nor were they the only ones he spoke.

He said this too:

A nation that continues year after year to spend more money on military defense than on programs of social uplift is approaching spiritual doom.”

So called conservatves tell us that throwing money at something is never the answer unless it's throwing money to the military or law enforcement then throwing money is the ultimate problem solver. When a sane person looks at these numbers, the first reaction should be that we need to change things and do so quickly.

How much money do we spend per soldier?


That is based on the 842 bilion budgeted for the military this year by the number of troops(1,500,000).

How much money do we spend per police officer?

$192,940 per police officer, including part-time employees.

America is also one of the most violent nations globally and has the most people in prison. Yet we still throw more money year after year into draconian law enforcement measures and operations.

How much money do we spend per student?

$14,347-as of 2023. The 2024 budget has not been created or passed thanks to Republicans.

One definition of insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly while expecting a different result. It is time to do something else.
Question: There’s a rumor that you’re not black, rather a poser….That true?
Question: There’s a rumor that you’re not black, rather a poser….That true?
If there is anybody here who believes that, then they need to go see a psychiatrist. It's pure white racist arrogance to believe that blacks actually love the racism we face and woud rather not address it.
Every time black people protest, it becomes obvious local police departments need more military type equipment.
The Financial Report of the United States Government (also known as the Financial Report) raises significant concerns about the country’s long‐term financial health with increasing deficits and debt levels. Over the next 75 years, U.S. taxpayers face nearly $80 trillion in long‐term unfunded obligations. What’s more, 95 percent of this unfunded obligation is driven by only two federal government programs: Medicare and Social Security.

We get social security taken out of our paychecks.,Medicare premiums are taken out of social security checks. So then somebody has been robbing this fund.
Definition of insanity: 'People who do not have the ability to see life beyond their racist-colored glasses'.
And so America has been insane for 258 years thus far. And you represent the group that has made the rules based on color.
Our country wasn't founded for black people.
The country was not founded by white people either. Shouldn't have bought us over here. Should have done your own labor. But your ancestors were too lazy and shiftless to do hard work.
Any money the government decides to toss around directly will generally end up in white hands. It was disappointing hearing the complaints about stores closing in urban centers. These closings present an opportunity for minority owned businesses that should be taken advantage of, instead of complaints. What's with the desire to send all that dough to Bentonville, Arkansas and elsewhere?

It isn't like there has been a lack of opportunities. The UNCF (the "mind is a terrible thing to waste" folks) earlier this year received a $100 million from Lilly Endowment. Biden announced that over the past 3 years his administration has pushed $16 billion towards black universities and colleges.
Any money the government decides to toss around directly will generally end up in white hands. It was disappointing hearing the complaints about stores closing in urban centers. These closings present an opportunity for minority owned businesses that should be taken advantage of, instead of complaints. What's with the desire to send all that dough to Bentonville, Arkansas and elsewhere?

It isn't like there has been a lack of opportunities. The UNCF (the "mind is a terrible thing to waste" folks) earlier this year received a $100 million from Lilly Endowment. Biden announced that over the past 3 years his administration has pushed $16 billion towards black universities and colleges.
Actually there has been. You cannot have 197 years of exclusion then claim that plenty of opportunities existed in the 60 years since the civill roghts movement. Not every black student attends an HBCU and blacks have nearly 5 trillion siting in white babks while white bankers deny loans to black entrepreneurs.
Not really. We lose over a trillion dollars annually because of racism alone. Not to mention what we lose because of sexism, which is at least another trillion lost..
not really?....are you telling me there is no govt waste?...
It's rather ironic that right wing whites who have made everything about skin color cannot see how they are the ones doing it.
It is rather unsurprising you would call someone a racist. What else you got?
We get social security taken out of our paychecks.,Medicare premiums are taken out of social security checks. So then somebody has been robbing this fund.
Of course the politicians have stolen from the funds. They have turned Social Security into the biggest Ponzi scheme in history. Democrats and Republicans love them some big government and the Fed has gone way beyond it's Constitutional mandate.

As I stated we spend more on Social Security and Medicare (by a wide margin) than we do on the military. Also as previously stated the military is mentioned in the Constitution, SS, medicare and the multitude of other entitlement programs are not.
There are people here who just love to quote one line Dr. King said to deflect from the reality that white racism contnues. But those words were not the only ones in that speech, nor were they the only ones he spoke.

He said this too:

A nation that continues year after year to spend more money on military defense than on programs of social uplift is approaching spiritual doom.”

So called conservatves tell us that throwing money at something is never the answer unless it's throwing money to the military or law enforcement then throwing money is the ultimate problem solver. When a sane person looks at these numbers, the first reaction should be that we need to change things and do so quickly.

How much money do we spend per soldier?


That is based on the 842 bilion budgeted for the military this year by the number of troops(1,500,000).

How much money do we spend per police officer?

$192,940 per police officer, including part-time employees.

America is also one of the most violent nations globally and has the most people in prison. Yet we still throw more money year after year into draconian law enforcement measures and operations.

How much money do we spend per student?

$14,347-as of 2023. The 2024 budget has not been created or passed thanks to Republicans.

One definition of insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly while expecting a different result. It is time to do something else.

Violent because we have 15% of the country who commit 85% of the violent crime.
They should go home.
Of course the politicians have stolen from the funds. They have turned Social Security into the biggest Ponzi scheme in history. Democrats and Republicans love them some big government and the Fed has gone way beyond it's Constitutional mandate.

As I stated we spend more on Social Security and Medicare (by a wide margin) than we do on the military. Also as previously stated the military is mentioned in the Constitution, SS, medicare and the multitude of other entitlement programs are not.
The Air Force was not mentioned in the constitution. Nor was the Space Force. But the necessary and proper clause is. So maybe we need to start considering that clause when we discuss the constitution. The money spent on social secuirty is money given back we have put in. Besides the best investment we can make is in our citizens, not the military.
Violent because we have 15% of the country who commit 85% of the violent crime.
They should go home.
Since whites commit more than 60 percent of the violent crime on an annual basis amd whites immigrated here from Europe, perhaps you should go home.

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