These things I believe

Nosmo King

Gold Member
Aug 31, 2009
Buckle of the Rust Belt
Early this morning I awoke with a laundry list of things on my mind. Feel free to add to them or comment on any of the things you see here.

I believe that:

I have never seen a movie that was as good or better than the book.

NCAA football is more entertaining than NFL football.

Education and enlightenment are greater deterrents to tyranny than violence.

The only part of the Jetsons that came true are the televisions.

If you own a dog, the dog you own should be appropriately sized for your house. Huskies have no place in studio apartments.

Message board arguments that do not include profanity and name calling are far more effective than arguments that do.

Equating gun violence to automobile deaths reveals a shallow thinker. No one carries a 1972 Ford Fairlane into a convenience store.

Dogs are a good barometer on their owner's personality. Dogs behave as well as they're treated.

Calling the president a Socialist while cashing a Social Security check, benefiting from care paid by Medicare or furthering your career made possible by an education paid by the G.I. Bill shows real ignorance as to the definition of Socialism.

There are house people and then there are not house people. House people know how to care for their property and know that its appearance reflects on themselves. Non house people either don't know any better or don't care.
I believe that the old way of getting rich by producing something is far better for society than the new way of getting rich, by making a killing on Wall Street.

I believe that while cars today are safer, last longer and are more reliable, the romance of the design of the car has been lost in the bargain.

I believe that courtesy and neighborliness are still alive but only in small towns.

I believe that the U.S. Mail is still a bargain at $.46 a stamp.

I believe that the etiquette necessary for cell phone usage is far from being settled. I think phone booths leant more privacy to public phone calls.
I believe that all the arguments I've heard against homosexual rights and marriage equality are based in ignorance and fear.

I believe that some gun owners think that their right to bear any and all arms, no matter their design and action trumps the rights of innocent victims. to be more to the point, I believe that some gun lovers feel that the death of innocents is just the cost of their own reading of the second amendment.

I believe that railing against an increase in the top marginal tax rate as an assault on freedom is nothing more than hyperbole ginned up by think tanks working on behalf of the rich and powerful.

I believe that the current BCS Bowl scheme to determine a college football champion is one of the most ridiculous things ever promulgated by the power that be in college sport.

I believe that there are truly some Americans who, despite their best efforts, cannot support themselves without the help of the government. These people should not be ostracized or belittled for their failings and neither should their support be withdrawn based on an argument of greed or political gamesmanship.

I believe that four distinct seasons is preferable to a never ending summer as offered in places like Florida and Arizona.

I believe that religious fundamentalism, in all its guises, is a drag on society.

I believe that the Middle East is so mired in tribalism that their collective plights is nothing more than a tar baby that any responsible government not geographically in that area should stay away from.
Calling the president a Socialist while cashing a Social Security check, benefiting from care paid by Medicare or furthering your career made possible by an education paid by the G.I. Bill shows real ignorance as to the definition of Socialism.

That demonstrates ignorance as to the definition of socialism regardless one’s source of income, medical care, or funding for school.
I believe that, more often than not, it's better to reuse a building than raze it and build new.

I believe that American manufacturing must be brought back into prominence so middle class jobs don't entirely dry up. Along with that, I believe we citizens have an obligation to buy American made products whenever possible.

I believe that one of the best investments you can make is tattoo removal. Once folks mature and realize that fashion indeed changes, there will be a lot of regretful people out there.

I believe that along with the 24 hour news cycle, the internet and other new forms of communication, one of the most malignant off shoots is political opinion based on mistrust, fear and blind hatred. This has coarsened political discourse to the level of drunken hockey fans arguing in a bar. Many posts on this board bear me out.

I believe that message boards like this one come and go, soar with lofty thoughtful argument and descend with vile, often obscene and always offensive trolls and ideologues. This board may be at a tipping point.

I believe that we need services like PBS if only to provide quality arts and educational programming. Once A&E, TLC and Discovery pulled some of the load. But shows about truck drivers in the frozen north, hillbilly children in beauty pageants, and guys catching crabs (while worthy of note and perhaps one show) do not come up to the threshold of Sesame Street and Downton Abbey.

I think the best movies are made in odd numbered decades. the 1930s gave us Gone with the Wind and The Wizard of Oz. The 1950s had On the Waterfront and High Noon. The 1970s featured The Godfather and Chinatown. and the 1990s brought Pulp Fiction and American Beauty.
I believe that breakfast is the best meal to have at a resaurant.

I believe that work of any type has rewards beyond a paycheck.

I believe that cover ups are often worse than the original crime.

I believe that waste and fraud in federal spending will require even more federal spending to pay for auditors and inspectors. That's not to say waste and fraud are acceptable, but expect more spending to stop it.
I believe that The Beatles were better than The Rolling Stones and The Rolling Stones were better than everyone else.

I believe that political partisanship serves no practical purpose. The only thing rabid partisanship does is obfuscate the truth and feed the extremists who clamor for nothing more than another reason to hate the other guy and cheer on their own. Just like sports fans.

I believe that one should dress up out of respect for the departed when attending a funeral.

I believe that adding flowers to your landscape makes for a more attractive home.

I believe that scotch is the best tasting whiskey (apologies to the bourbon fans).

I believe that calls to ban abortion from people whose political philosophy is removing government interference from ones personal life is hypocritical.
I believe life is too short to take many things too seriously.
I believe history tends to repeat itself making most attempts to "better humankind's condition and make us safer" the ultimate exercise in futility.
Despite the last I believe we should continue to try.
I believe America has already seen it's heyday and is slowly following in the footsteps of all former great "empires".
I believe I'll have another cup of coffee.
"What I Believe."

I believe in rainbows and puppy dogs and fairy tales.

And I believe in the family - Mom and Dad and Grandma.. and Uncle Tom, who waves his penis.

And I believe 8 of the 10 Commandments.

And I believe in going to church every Sunday, unless there's a game on.

And I believe that sex is one of the most beautiful, wholesome and natural things.. that money can buy.

And I believe it's derogatory to refer to a woman's breasts as "boobs", "jugs", "winnebagos" or "golden bozos".. and that you should only refer to them as "hooters".

And I believe you should put a woman on a pedestal.. high enough so you can look up her dress.

And I believe in equality, equality for everyone.. no matter how stupid they are, or how much better I am than they are.

And, people say I'm crazy for believing this, but I believe that robots are stealing my luggage.

And I believe I made a mistake when I bought a 30-story 1-bedroom apartment.

And I believe the Battle of the Network Stars should be fought with guns.

And I believe that Ronald Reagan can make this country what it once was - an arctic region covered with ice.

And, lastly, I believe that of all the evils on this earth, there is nothing worse than the music you're listening to right now. That's what I believe.

Steve Martin
I believe that those who pay more attention to their cellular telephones than the road before them are as big a menace to drivers as drunks.

I believe that the Autumn is the most spectacular season of the four.

I believe that there are as many smart people as ever, but they're just shy.

I believe that "reality television" isn't. If I wanted to see tantrums and gushers of immature behavior, I'd go downtown and sit and watch my fellow citizens.

I believe that Conservatives want smaller government. They want it small enough to fit inside a bedroom.

I believe that taxes are necessary and not an infringement of freedoms.
I believe that you should always try to make your house the nicest one on the block.

I believe that video games, movies and television have become whipping boys and distractions to excuse gun violence. To my knowledge, no one has ever taken an x-box into a public place and killed people with it.

I believe that food is too often thought of as medicine. Eat this to prevent that. Don't eat this to avoid getting that. What happened eating for sustenance and pleasure?

I believe that reading to your children is one of the greatest gifts you can give them.

I believe that replacing incandescent light bulbs with other forms of lighting to save energy is goofy so long as some folks use a television as a night light.

I believe that respectful public behavior will soon be forgotten, along with Arthur Godfrey, Art Linkletter and Dinah Shore.

I believe that Bob Hope and Bing Crosby and Bette Davis will never be forgotten.
I believe that the Super Bowl halftime show has never been a classy presentation of entertainment.

I believe that some people find the slimmest possible reed to hang an argument on and when confronted with that piece of rhetorical ineptitude deny the whole thing.

I believe that the Ipad has made computer use palatable for senior citizens. My mother loves hers.

I believe that there will always be a niche for chemical photography.

I believe that the best Ferris Wheel I've ridden on is Coney Island's Wonder Wheel and the worst fabled roller coaster is Coney Island's The Cyclone.
I believe that the Super Bowl halftime show has never been a classy presentation of entertainment.

I believe that some people find the slimmest possible reed to hang an argument on and when confronted with that piece of rhetorical ineptitude deny the whole thing.

I believe that the Ipad has made computer use palatable for senior citizens. My mother loves hers.

I believe that there will always be a niche for chemical photography.

I believe that the best Ferris Wheel I've ridden on is Coney Island's Wonder Wheel and the worst fabled roller coaster is Coney Island's The Cyclone.

I love the Cyclone
I believe that the Super Bowl halftime show has never been a classy presentation of entertainment.

I believe that some people find the slimmest possible reed to hang an argument on and when confronted with that piece of rhetorical ineptitude deny the whole thing.

I believe that the Ipad has made computer use palatable for senior citizens. My mother loves hers.

I believe that there will always be a niche for chemical photography.

I believe that the best Ferris Wheel I've ridden on is Coney Island's Wonder Wheel and the worst fabled roller coaster is Coney Island's The Cyclone.

I love the Cyclone
Maybe I hate it because when the attendant put down the brace, it crushed my scrotum. Or maybe it's because I believe that if I strapped myself the the paint shaker at Sherwin William's and rode that for five minutes, I could have saved the $8.00 ticket in Brooklyn. Or maybe it's because I can get to Cedar Point in about 3 hours and Coney Island is an eight hour drive. Or maybe it's because I have a friend in Brooklyn whose daughter once dated a ticket taker at the Cyclone and they had a particularly nasty break up. But, I will say this. L&B Spumoni Gardens is just a few blocks from Coney Island and they serve the best pizza east of the Susquehanna.

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