These things I believe

Early this morning I awoke with a laundry list of things on my mind. Feel free to add to them or comment on any of the things you see here.

I believe that:

I have never seen a movie that was as good or better than the book.

For the most part, true. But I thought the movie versions of Catch-22 and Slaughterhouse 5 were as good as the books.

Education and enlightenment are greater deterrents to tyranny than violence.


The only part of the Jetsons that came true are the televisions.

I want my commuter jetpack, dammit!!!

If you own a dog, the dog you own should be appropriately sized for your house. Huskies have no place in studio apartments.


Message board arguments that do not include profanity and name calling are far more effective than arguments that do.

Screw you! :tongue:

Equating gun violence to automobile deaths reveals a shallow thinker. No one carries a 1972 Ford Fairlane into a convenience store.

[ame=]Apple Store Robbery with BMW [Raw Video] - YouTube[/ame]
While I also believe movies and video games are not reponsible for gun violence, I believe that ever more graphic gratuitous sex and violence in the movies, on television, and in video games has had a negative effect on our society as a whole. I believe the Biblical admonition in Phillipians: ". . whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things." would be beneficial to all if it was again emphasized as the cultural norm.

I believe that if we stripped away all the political partisanship, racial divisions, and stopped the blame game for 30 days, most Americans would find much more to agree with than disagree with.
I believe that the current schism in the Republican Party will resolve itself with the retreat of the Tea Party. Their flame give off heat, but no light and such polarization cannot sustain political victories which are the stuff of party building.

I believe there will always be a St. Valentine's Day, but concocted holidays like Sweetest Day will be a distant memory before long.

I believe that we will be driving cars powered by something other than gasoline before the mid point of this century. The hearse that will take me to the cemetery will be powered by something other than gas.
I believe the principles driviing the Tea Party are the only hope this country has to ever regain the vision the Founders held for it. I believe that the Tea Party was seen as so much a threat to the big government, quasi socialist/Marxist set in both major political parties that great effort was made to demonize and marginalize it, whatever dishonesty was necessary to do that.

I believe that if the Tea Party spirit is extinguished in this generation, the country will be lost to big government and the quasi socialists/Marxists because there won't be enough left with the Founders' vision to stop it. The transfer of total power and authority to the federal government will be complete and the people will be assigned what rights the government will allow them to have.

I don't expect fossil fuels to be largely replaced by other forms of fuel in my lifetime.
Early this morning I awoke with a laundry list of things on my mind. Feel free to add to them or comment on any of the things you see here.

I believe that:

I have never seen a movie that was as good or better than the book.

NCAA football is more entertaining than NFL football.

Education and enlightenment are greater deterrents to tyranny than violence.

The only part of the Jetsons that came true are the televisions.

If you own a dog, the dog you own should be appropriately sized for your house. Huskies have no place in studio apartments.

Message board arguments that do not include profanity and name calling are far more effective than arguments that do.

Equating gun violence to automobile deaths reveals a shallow thinker. No one carries a 1972 Ford Fairlane into a convenience store.

Dogs are a good barometer on their owner's personality. Dogs behave as well as they're treated.

Calling the president a Socialist while cashing a Social Security check, benefiting from care paid by Medicare or furthering your career made possible by an education paid by the G.I. Bill shows real ignorance as to the definition of Socialism.

There are house people and then there are not house people. House people know how to care for their property and know that its appearance reflects on themselves. Non house people either don't know any better or don't care.
i believe you don't know what you are talking about .
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Early this morning I awoke with a laundry list of things on my mind. Feel free to add to them or comment on any of the things you see here.

I believe that:

I have never seen a movie that was as good or better than the book.

NCAA football is more entertaining than NFL football.

Education and enlightenment are greater deterrents to tyranny than violence.

The only part of the Jetsons that came true are the televisions.

If you own a dog, the dog you own should be appropriately sized for your house. Huskies have no place in studio apartments.

Message board arguments that do not include profanity and name calling are far more effective than arguments that do.

Equating gun violence to automobile deaths reveals a shallow thinker. No one carries a 1972 Ford Fairlane into a convenience store.

Dogs are a good barometer on their owner's personality. Dogs behave as well as they're treated.

Calling the president a Socialist while cashing a Social Security check, benefiting from care paid by Medicare or furthering your career made possible by an education paid by the G.I. Bill shows real ignorance as to the definition of Socialism.

There are house people and then there are not house people. House people know how to care for their property and know that its appearance reflects on themselves. Non house people either don't know any better or don't care.
i believe you don't know what you are talking about .

I believe you have missed the point of the thread.
I believe that, given a choice, most Conservatives would opt to be on the side of science when debates about Creationism crop up. Only a minority could hitch their wagon to the star of mythology and eschew the scientific record.

I believe that there is a vocal minority of Conservatives who are intimidating the Republican National Committee. That minority is becoming more ridiculous in their arguments and are now resorting to a hypocrisy that only they themselves claim not to see.

I believe that earning a living is something brought about by actual work, not by making investments.

I believe that, given a level playing field, the American worker can out produce, out perform and make a better quality good than any other workers in the world.

I believe that the propensity of some ill-informed political partisans to automatically assume everything that comes from their opposition is bad, wrong, Socialist, Fascist will be the downfall of rabid partisanship.

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