these three factors indicate that a major economic downturn is going to happen soon !

You think I am Paul Krugman?

I asked you to link to ME saying those things.
Fuck off and die, i said the Marxists have said that Trump would cause a recession, and i guess, "if the shoe fits, wear it" and you stepped right in, Marxist...
Time to put your sorry stupid ass, in with the other 100 + Marxist Morons on this board in the ignore slave pen.. TTFN.
Fuck off and die, i said the Marxists have said that Trump would cause a recession, and i guess, "if the shoe fits, wear it" and you stepped right in, Marxist...
Time to put your sorry stupid ass, in with the other 100 + Marxist Morons on this board in the ignore slave pen.. TTFN.

You use the word "you" which would imply you were talking about me.

So you lied and now to get around that you are going to ignore me.

Yep, you are for sure a teen age girl.

Again when you keep your head up Uranus, you cant see how your side wants to fuck you all the time.

View attachment 803846
Trump did bring us a major recession that was bigger than Bush's great recession. It was because of the pandemic. Perhaps Trump could have handled the pandemic better. Like, tell us it's coming, stop hosting rallies, don't compare wearing a mask to carrying a purse and don't be anti vax.
You think I am Paul Krugman?

I asked you to link to ME saying those things.
9 times out of 10 when a con says this, I can do a search and find where you have said exactly what you are claiming to have never said. So fuck off liar. Or are you so stupid you forgot you said it in the past?

And then no apology after I find where you did say it. How about this? Will you eat your own dick if I find you said it? And does it have to be those exact words?

I'll give you an example. The republican said, "I never liked/defended/supported Mike Pence. Show me where I have ever defended Pence". Then I do a search for the word Pence and search for only his name. And I found 20 pages of him defending/supporting/liking Mike Pence.

Today every USMB Republican said "I never liked Bush" And i get in trouble when I bump old threads when them liking Bush. Apparently we aren't allowed to use your past comments against you.
Trump did bring us a major recession that was bigger than Bush's great recession. It was because of the pandemic. Perhaps Trump could have handled the pandemic better. Like, tell us it's coming, stop hosting rallies, don't compare wearing a mask to carrying a purse and don't be anti vax.
Oh go fuck yourself, with China and Joe Biden Campaign colluding on releasing the kung flu, not only would everyone be happier today, but President Trump would of continued to bring prosperity to the US, along with Jobs, jobs, jobs. But with out the Kung Flu, then the Marxists/Demofascists would never been able to do the BIG STEAL of 2020 either.....
9 times out of 10 when a con says this, I can do a search and find where you have said exactly what you are claiming to have never said. So fuck off liar. Or are you so stupid you forgot you said it in the past?

And then no apology after I find where you did say it. How about this? Will you eat your own dick if I find you said it? And does it have to be those exact words?

I'll give you an example. The republican said, "I never liked/defended/supported Mike Pence. Show me where I have ever defended Pence". Then I do a search for the word Pence and search for only his name. And I found 20 pages of him defending/supporting/liking Mike Pence.

Today every USMB Republican said "I never liked Bush" And i get in trouble when I bump old threads when them liking Bush. Apparently we aren't allowed to use your past comments against you.
Bush was the better choice over Al Jazeera Gore, and John F'ing Heinz Kerry any day, but when Georgie started acting Progressive then i couldnt stand the fucker, while you would suck his dick, for acting like the brown turn Obammy or Shitter Joe Biteme.
Marxists of a feather, fuck the USA together...
Oh go fuck yourself, with China and Joe Biden Campaign colluding on releasing the kung flu, not only would everyone be happier today, but President Trump would of continued to bring prosperity to the US, along with Jobs, jobs, jobs. But with out the Kung Flu, then the Marxists/Demofascists would never been able to do the BIG STEAL of 2020 either.....

This is clearly how you right wingers/trumpsters feel and I respect that. Sorry but it's not going to happen. We don't want Hitler back just to improve the economy .01%. He's not worth it. The most divisive. Most corrupt. And you guys have the balls to try to suggest Biden is corrupt? It's laughable.

Of course you are going to exxagerate and cherry pick. Go fuck yourselves. Good luck winning 2024. not gonna happen. you know that right? Abortion and Trump are your two biggest mistakes.

Obama had 2.2% growth. Trump had 2.3% growth. And you claim this makes him the greatest potus since Lincoln. We get it. You love him.

Another reason you will lose is Republicans like Chris Christie and Romney and Pence. Honest Republicans who know Trump should never be POTUS again.

So you Trumpsters may win he primaries but not the general. Little bitches.
Bush was the better choice over Al Jazeera Gore, and John F'ing Heinz Kerry any day, but when Georgie started acting Progressive then i couldnt stand the fucker, while you would suck his dick, for acting like the brown turn Obammy or Shitter Joe Biteme.
Marxists of a feather, fuck the USA together...

Bush was the better pick? He lied us into a war. How could you even suggest that?

I was thinking about this the other day. Boy how you cons have changed. Remember us liberals were trying to stop Bush from lying us into Iraq? And you guys said it was unpatriotic to even question Bush on it. The Dixie Chicks spoke up and you republicans RUINED them. Remember that? And until Trump it was taboo for a Republican to say such a thing. But then Trump said it and you elected him president.

I think you owe the Chicks an apology.
Bush was the better choice over Al Jazeera Gore, and John F'ing Heinz Kerry any day, but when Georgie started acting Progressive then i couldnt stand the fucker, while you would suck his dick, for acting like the brown turn Obammy or Shitter Joe Biteme.
Marxists of a feather, fuck the USA together...

The only reason Trump wasn't the worst POTUS ever in my book is because Bush2 was so bad. He made Carter look like a great president. LOL

Obama cleaned up Bush's mess. How many straight months of job growth did Obama have 80?
This is clearly how you right wingers/trumpsters feel and I respect that. Sorry but it's not going to happen. We don't want Hitler back just to improve the economy .01%. He's not worth it. The most divisive. Most corrupt. And you guys have the balls to try to suggest Biden is corrupt? It's laughable.

Of course you are going to exxagerate and cherry pick. Go fuck yourselves. Good luck winning 2024. not gonna happen. you know that right? Abortion and Trump are your two biggest mistakes.

Obama had 2.2% growth. Trump had 2.3% growth. And you claim this makes him the greatest potus since Lincoln. We get it. You love him.

Another reason you will lose is Republicans like Chris Christie and Romney and Pence. Honest Republicans who know Trump should never be POTUS again.

So you Trumpsters may win he primaries but not the general. Little bitches.
You must really hate black people....Are you a racist?
Overall, 54% say relations between blacks and whites have gotten worse since Obama became president, including 57% of whites and 40% of blacks. That’s up sharply compared with last June, when 43% said things had gotten worse shortly after a racially motivated shooting at a black church in Charleston, South Carolina.

But hey, maybe you will be one of the lucky "Honkies" that is caught somewhere, by a bunch of angry black people who just want to beat the shit out of "WHITIE".

The only reason Trump wasn't the worst POTUS ever in my book is because Bush2 was so bad. He made Carter look like a great president. LOL

Obama cleaned up Bush's mess. How many straight months of job growth did Obama have 80?
Andrew Cuomo's mess. You are an idiot. No, even worse, you are a Joe Biden Voter.

Biden voter.jpg
And then Andrew Cuomo's housing bubble burst and George got blamed for that one. Even after the 2004 Senate Hearings where Fannie and Freddie said, that Andy's policies were unsustainable, but Dog Face Maxine Waters, Dick Sucking Barney Frank, and Chrissy Dodd, all screamed racist, if the Republicans tried to stop the sub-prime fiasco that was started with Bill Clinton....
and in the 90s Acorn an org Obama was a lawyer for staged sit ins in banks to get them to lower home loan and lending standards ! because fico scores are RAAAYCIIIIIIIST !
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Bush was the better pick? He lied us into a war. How could you even suggest that?

I was thinking about this the other day. Boy how you cons have changed. Remember us liberals were trying to stop Bush from lying us into Iraq? And you guys said it was unpatriotic to even question Bush on it. The Dixie Chicks spoke up and you republicans RUINED them. Remember that? And until Trump it was taboo for a Republican to say such a thing. But then Trump said it and you elected him president.

I think you owe the Chicks an apology.
He just listened to Al Gore and Bill Clinton.

You keep showing how stupid you are, you might want to quit for a while, so people might forget you level of stupidity.
Trump did bring us a major recession that was bigger than Bush's great recession. It was because of the pandemic. Perhaps Trump could have handled the pandemic better. Like, tell us it's coming, stop hosting rallies, don't compare wearing a mask to carrying a purse and don't be anti vax.
the left was out in the streets by the 10s of thousands non stop for moths in a mob rioting ! but thats not a spreader event eh ?
Trump did bring us a major recession that was bigger than Bush's great recession. It was because of the pandemic. Perhaps Trump could have handled the pandemic better. Like, tell us it's coming, stop hosting rallies, don't compare wearing a mask to carrying a purse and don't be anti vax.
did you get the jab that was developed in record time because of Trumps operation warp speed ? and more people died from covid under Bidens admin ..
the left was out in the streets by the 10s of thousands non stop for moths in a mob rioting ! but thats not a spreader event eh ?
Yeah, and how many minority businesses were destroyed by those riots? BLM/ANTIFA are the new KKK of the Democrats who still to this day, hate black people, especially successful ones..
Yep, the yednar got hung out to dry yet again.

Thank heavens Trump got thrown out so that Biden could warp up the speed of Covid development.

If Trump had remained in office, 15 to 20 millions of Americans would have died.
Yep, the yednar got hung out to dry yet again.

Thank heavens Trump got thrown out so that Biden could warp up the speed of Covid development.

If Trump had remained in office, 15 to 20 millions of Americans would have died.
the vaccine was already developed before Biden took office dumbass ! People were started getting the jab weeks before Biden was sworn in !
The vaccine, which you now like when then you saying "don't take it, it will kill you," was slowed down by Trump's admin, and then sped up in production and distribution by Biden's.

You guys are going to lose so badly next year.
You must really hate black people....Are you a racist?

But hey, maybe you will be one of the lucky "Honkies" that is caught somewhere, by a bunch of angry black people who just want to beat the shit out of "WHITIE".

You're just putting a right wing/racist white spin on this.

Yes, white racists lost their mind when we elected a black president. They never accepted it.

I love how you wrote this in the end "But hey, maybe you will be one of the lucky "Honkies" that is caught somewhere, by a bunch of angry black people who just want to beat the shit out of "WHITIE"." but then start the thread accusing me of hating black people. Here's how it works. Republicans think black society is 100% fucked up and it's all their fault. Liberals think black society is fucked up too but they are redeemable. And it's not all their fault.

And because of white racists like you, we need things like Affirmative Action. Wouldn't need it if it weren't for people like you.

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