"They also said Reagan would lose" Repository Thread


Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2005
Surfing the Oceans of Liquidity
This thread is a repository of all who analogize whatever politician enamored by conservatives but has no chance of being elected President to Ronald Reagan.

I remember the Reagan comparisons to Sarah Palin for instance, who had about as much chance of being elected President as Jerry Springer.

More recently, we are now seeing it with Donald Trump.

As a left-winger, Trump's rise in the poll is GREAT NEWS......for 2 reasons:

1. Trump as nominee will make leaving the WH in democrats' hands a virtual certainty.......and

2. Trump as nominee will also make any independent voter FULLY realize that the RNC is populated by mostly morons.

You fools predicted Reagan would lose also :laugh:
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Reagan was governor of California and he ran against a President that had an economy that was tanking.

It is very hard to compare him seriously to Trump or Palin as candidates despite what anyone said.
214 pulls the "they said that about Reagan" card.

You can't win with a polarizing candidate. If I hate the candidate chances are most that are not Republican will hate them. It matters not how much you foam at the mouth for Trump, he would probably lose worse than McCain did in the General.
That was said about Reagan, look how that worked out.

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