They are not coming for your guns, until they come for your guns.

Silence form the anti-gun loons. Huh.

A question for the anti-gun loons, who, to a man, support Robert's's plan:
How will the government know who has sold back/turned in their guns?
"A big bright light came and took them all away, Agent Goober. That's my story and I'm sticking to it."
Silence form the anti-gun loons. Huh.

A question for the anti-gun loons, who, to a man, support Robert's's plan:
How will the government know who has sold back/turned in their guns?

Indeed. Should such an event occur, I believe the gun sales industry will experience unusual accidental paper destruction and hard drive failures the likes of which even Gawd could not predict.

Uh oh. Time to go panic buy guns and ammo. You people are such suckers.
Silence form the anti-gun loons. Huh.

A question for the anti-gun loons, who, to a man, support Robert's's plan:
How will the government know who has sold back/turned in their guns?
There will be no ‘ban,’ no ‘confiscation’ – the notion is ridiculous conservative lie; the product of rightwing dishonestly, demagoguery, and fear mongering.
Uh oh. Time to go panic buy guns and ammo. You people are such suckers.

A good percentage of buyers are new gun owners.
Just keep telling yourself you are not easily led by the arms sellers. I have guns and somehow I do not feel any kind of fear that anyone will ever take them away.

Yes, potato guns can be fun.
I live in a river swamp wilderness area with gators, bears, meth-heads and snakes. Gotta have guns. Still not afraid.
Uh oh. Time to go panic buy guns and ammo. You people are such suckers.

A good percentage of buyers are new gun owners.
Just keep telling yourself you are not easily led by the arms sellers. I have guns and somehow I do not feel any kind of fear that anyone will ever take them away.

Yes, potato guns can be fun.
I live in a river swamp wilderness area with gators, bears, meth-heads and snakes. Gotta have guns. Still not afraid.

So, you live in a crime-free zone. Try maybe Baltimore and become enlightened.
We are just taking them from the bad guys.

Now if the bad guys will simply stand up, this will go a lot faster.
It use to be a constant theme of the left that they don't want to take your firearms ? What has embolden the loons into believing they can institute and enforce such unconstitutional beliefs.

Beto O’Rourke vows mandatory buyback of assault weapons if elected president
The list time I checked, it was your messiah, you know the actual president, who wanted to grab guns.

Trump: 'Take the guns first, go through due process second'

Trump: 'Take the guns first, go through due process second'
It use to be a constant theme of the left that they don't want to take your firearms ? What has embolden the loons into believing they can institute and enforce such unconstitutional beliefs.

Beto O’Rourke vows mandatory buyback of assault weapons if elected president
The list time I checked, it was your messiah, you know the actual president, who wanted to grab guns.

Trump: 'Take the guns first, go through due process second'

Trump: 'Take the guns first, go through due process second'
Yes he did say that. He says a lot of things that makes you anti Trumpers piss your pants.

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