They assumed my gender

I was on Wednesday this week at a dental clinic, I had first to register with name, adress etc. and I noticed they wrote down "male". How they know I am male? They didnt asked me? Maybe I am diverse?

You'd rather identify as a woman?
I was asked the same question before my last surgery and I started laughing.
The women taking my info chuckled and said yeah I know this shit is getting ridiculous.
Are you turning into to a pole smoker or something?
You'd rather identify as a woman?
I was asked the same question before my last surgery and I started laughing.
The women taking my info chuckled and said yeah I know this shit is getting ridiculous.
Are you turning into to a pole smoker or something?

No i identify as male, im cis, but just wondering if they dont ask how can they know? Especially nowadays where every job offer looks for male/female/diverse etc.
No i identify as male, im cis, but just wondering if they dont ask how can they know? Especially nowadays where every job offer looks for male/female/diverse etc.

I actually had to look up cisgendered to be sure I understood it.
Thats bullshit.
I call myself a Man and there should be no confusion about that.
Those who follow all of the LGBQTISBR bullshit are freaks and should be shunned.
From now on I'm going to consider Mort a female,since he acts like a little bitch.
Poor Mortuary . But he has been and remains his own enemy , stupidly publicly parading his own disadvantages and mental burdens --- chin first and forever asking to be hit . Which means he is our" easy to point to" representative of those who are not very bright and also very gullible--- people who have major cognitive problems and are seriously mentally ( and physically) out of balance . Like Mortuary they are nearly always imagined victims and snivellers ( see BlockedGhanaian) but constantly indulge in a bit of virtue signalling to win sympathy . They have conditioned themselves and been manipulated to effectively become mutant -- significantly different from the original species blueprint -- almost hybrids. And a potential threat, but , hopefully, not in the Bill Gates and Nazi sense of needing to be deliberately culled. imho
I was on Wednesday this week at a dental clinic, I had first to register with name, adress etc. and I noticed they wrote down "male". How they know I am male? They didnt asked me? Maybe I am diverse?
You should of messed with em and tell em you identify as an armadillo and could they also recommend a good vet
sounds like a joke BUT On all job offers nowadays they offer for male/female/diverse etc... so if they dont ask how they know im not diverse?
Because you're a big fat ugly man!
God chooses what sex you are. The people who don't agree with God have much bigger problems than being, what they consider, misgendered.
I was on Wednesday this week at a dental clinic, I had first to register with name, adress etc. and I noticed they wrote down "male". How they know I am male? They didnt asked me? Maybe I am diverse?
Uh, mustache gave it away?
I was on Wednesday this week at a dental clinic, I had first to register with name, adress etc. and I noticed they wrote down "male". How they know I am male? They didnt asked me? Maybe I am diverse?

No, they assumed your sex, not your gender.
thats homophobic and transphobic that is violence against trans
There is "no such thing as homophobic or transphobic. My daughter has a "real" phobia. If she encounters a spider in her room, she screams, runs out of the room and begs me to kill and remove it and won't go back in until I take care of the issue. A person with claustrophobia has an intense fear of tight spaces and won't go into them and if something happens where they get pushed into one, they hyperventilate and can pass out. This mentality is how it works for all "true" phobias."
People who claim those that don't approve of their lifestyle, are phobic, solely for the purpose of trying to make those that don't approve of them, as seriously afraid of them. In all my life, I've NEVER met any person that was the least bit "fearful" of them.
A more accurate description of someone who disapproves of their lifestyle, would be, "homo-disapproving," or "homo-dislike." But NOT fear.
As for my opinion of them. My opinion is the same for all people, regardless of their sexual preference that are not part of my inner-circle. I don't give a damn about them. I don't care if they live or die, as them mean nothing to me.
As to how I would address anyone wanting me to cease using standard English when speaking to them and cater to their whims, forget it. I say what I say and move on.
I was on Wednesday this week at a dental clinic, I had first to register with name, adress etc. and I noticed they wrote down "male". How they know I am male? They didnt asked me? Maybe I am diverse?

Well, if you walk in waving your Wiener Schnitzel around, they'll know.

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