They Don't Make Violent Leftist Extremists Like They Used To: San Jose Rioters Whine Cops Didn't Save Them After Car They Mobbed Hits Them

I support Bowie's decision.
He knows his daughter better than any of you!
If you want to 'copter parent', that's your choices. :th_BlackHelicopter:
We are falling into a tribalism that dictates its members think like the tribe does, or be banished off the island.
BREAKING: John Legend and Chrissy Teigen are donating 20 million dollars to all the folks who get their business burned down

just kidding...they're actually paying to bail out the rioters
I believe Jim Bowie is being taken to the cleaners on this one. Sad to see, I generally agree with him. But not on this.
Dont worry about me being taken to the cleaners.

My liberal daughter is currently staying with us, and despite my wife being slightly to the right of Ghenghis Khan, they both regularly gang up on me for the sake of the Sisterhood, lol.

My skin is thicker than an Elephant.

But we need to remain aware of the nuances here, and be specific.

If you watch the video again, and pay attention to who is who among the protesters, the people who got run over were basicly doing nothing more than crossing the cross walk and looking like an Antifa groupy.

Crosswalks are supposed to be right of way for pedestrians, no?

And I still like you and Cecilie, I just have the audacity to disagree with the Conservative Tribe from time to time.
I didn't say anything about Bowie's daughter. I addressed BOWIE, and his teaching of his daughter, primarily because HE drew a parallel between her protesting and that of the dimwits who got in the path of a moving car.

What is dimwitted about being run over in a CROSSWALK by a truck that suddenly went into reverse?

I think the driver should be charged with attempted murder and felony assault, but thats just me I guess.

I dont think drivers have a right to run over people in a crosswalk.

I would actually assume, under normal circumstances, that he DID teach his daughter to stay the hell out of streets with traffic on them. But since HIS OWN CONFLATION seems to indicate different, who am I to contradict him? He does, as you say, know his family better than I do.

I did not conflate anything as the protesters that got run over did nothing wrong.

Can you tell me how walking through a cross walk merits being run over by a truck? I am seriously interested in your thinking here.

Yeah, like that driver could even SEE a cross walk in the mob of people who were trying to attack his vehicle! Are you kidding me? It would be like someone being cited for running a red light when they're fleeing from a tornado that's bearing down on them! Are you seriously trying to claim that a mob blocking the streets deserves the protection of a cross walk? That's the most ridiculous thing I've heard in months!
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You block the street, you become the street.
They, the people run over, were in the crosswalk, dude.
They were running after a vehicle trying to beat on it...DUDE! People that do things like that because they're emboldened by being in a crowd are the epitome of cowardice!
No, watch the video again, th e people that got run over were doing none of that harassment.

The people you refer to were alert and watching out to avoid being hit, unlike the innocent protesters that were unthinkingly walking over what they thought was a safe crosswalk.

Silly them I guess.
The people that got run over were chasing the SUV and hitting it. Why do you even bring up cross walks? They have ZERO to do with what was happening on that street! You've got a mob blocking streets! They could care less about cross walks!
Yeah, like that driver could even SEE a cross walk in the mob of people who were trying to attack his vehicle! Are you kidding me? It would be like someone being cited for running a red light when they're fleeing from a tornado that's bearing down on them! Are you seriously trying to claim that a mob blocking the streets deserves the protection of a cross walk? That's the most ridiculous I've heard in months!
Walking through a Antifa gang does not make one a member of Antifa or part of any criminal activity.

For fucks sake, they were walking over a CROSSWALK!


The blue sweater white girl is not doing anything malicious. The dude might have been a protester trying to escort her safely across, might be her BF, who knows?

But she is plainly not ANTIFA, and not comiting a crime or doing anything to the vehicle.

ALL drivers are responsible for controling their vehicle, dude, regardless of the circumstances.

And the driver did not have to turn around and drive back to the crowd regardless.
The people that got run over were chasing the SUV and hitting it. Why do you even bring up cross walks? They have ZERO to do with what was happening on that street! You've got a mob blocking streets! They could care less about cross walks!
No, they were not.

Stop making shit up, dude.
Yeah, like that driver could even SEE a cross walk in the mob of people who were trying to attack his vehicle! Are you kidding me? It would be like someone being cited for running a red light when they're fleeing from a tornado that's bearing down on them! Are you seriously trying to claim that a mob blocking the streets deserves the protection of a cross walk? That's the most ridiculous I've heard in months!
Walking through a Antifa gang does not make one a member of Antifa or part of any criminal activity.

For fucks sake, they were walking over a CROSSWALK!

View attachment 344153
The blue sweater white girl is not doing anything malicious. The dude might have been a protester trying to escort her safely across, might be her BF, who knows?

But she is plainly not ANTIFA, and not comiting a crime or doing anything to the vehicle.

ALL drivers are responsible for controling their vehicle, dude, regardless of the circumstances.

And the driver did not have to turn around and drive back to the crowd regardless.

Ah, so if you're being pursued by a murderous mob that's beating on your're still responsible for obeying all traffic laws? Is that what you're claiming? I suppose that you're the moron that will stop for a red light even though the highway is blocked to through traffic by the murderous mob? How stupid are you?
That distinction has already been made. Lawful, peaceful protesters aren't in the street blocking traffic IN VIOLATION OF THE LAW.
This ain't rocket magic here.
I totally agree, and thus people should not applaud violence against mere protesters and and not object to use of force to put down rioters.

This is a distinction often lost around here.

I can't argue with that. This isn't exactly a place of subtlety and nuance.
I didn't say anything about Bowie's daughter. I addressed BOWIE, and his teaching of his daughter, primarily because HE drew a parallel between her protesting and that of the dimwits who got in the path of a moving car.

What is dimwitted about being run over in a CROSSWALK by a truck that suddenly went into reverse?

I think the driver should be charged with attempted murder and felony assault, but thats just me I guess.

I dont think drivers have a right to run over people in a crosswalk.

I would actually assume, under normal circumstances, that he DID teach his daughter to stay the hell out of streets with traffic on them. But since HIS OWN CONFLATION seems to indicate different, who am I to contradict him? He does, as you say, know his family better than I do.

I did not conflate anything as the protesters that got run over did nothing wrong.

Can you tell me how walking through a cross walk merits being run over by a truck? I am seriously interested in your thinking here.

Were we watching the same video?

They were not "in a crosswalk". They were milling around all over the street, they started throwing things at his car, yelling at him, and then tried to mob the car. He did exactly what any intelligent person who saw the video of Reginald Denny during the LA riots would have done: hit the fucking accelerator.

You talk like they were just peacefully crossing the street with the light while taking a stroll.
You block the street, you become the street.
They, the people run over, were in the crosswalk, dude.
They were running after a vehicle trying to beat on it...DUDE! People that do things like that because they're emboldened by being in a crowd are the epitome of cowardice!
No, watch the video again, th e people that got run over were doing none of that harassment.

The people you refer to were alert and watching out to avoid being hit, unlike the innocent protesters that were unthinkingly walking over what they thought was a safe crosswalk.

Silly them I guess.

The people who got run over had just run up to the back of his car. What possible legal reason could they have had for doing that?

The people we're referring to were not "watching out to avoid being hit", nor were they "walking through the crosswalk". They were MILLING AROUND IN THE STREET. He had just driven forward over that same space two seconds earlier, and now there are people two inches from his back bumper, and you want us to believe that's because they were just crossing the street?
I believe Jim Bowie is being taken to the cleaners on this one. Sad to see, I generally agree with him. But not on this.
Dont worry about me being taken to the cleaners.

My liberal daughter is currently staying with us, and despite my wife being slightly to the right of Ghenghis Khan, they both regularly gang up on me for the sake of the Sisterhood, lol.

My skin is thicker than an Elephant.

But we need to remain aware of the nuances here, and be specific.

If you watch the video again, and pay attention to who is who among the protesters, the people who got run over were basicly doing nothing more than crossing the cross walk and looking like an Antifa groupy.

Crosswalks are supposed to be right of way for pedestrians, no?

And I still like you and Cecilie, I just have the audacity to disagree with the Conservative Tribe from time to time.

I still like you, and you have too much audacity if you're accusing me of being "the conservative tribe" just because you've decided to be triggered and I didn't join you.

Crosswalks are for the right-of-way for pedestrians WHEN THEY HAVE THE RIGHT OF WAY. If I step out into a crosswalk when I have a red light in my direction, for example, I am jaywalking just as much as if I had crossed in the middle of the block. And if I'm in the middle of a crowd of people milling around in the street with no regard to lights or traffic or anything else, then I'm breaking the law whether there are crosswalk lines painted on the pavement somewhere near me or not.

All of that is completely aside from the fact that if a car drives up on a street and stops, and I run up to the back of it while people are banging on the windows and trying to open the doors, I have no one to blame but myself if the driver runs my ass over to get away.

You know I'm a big believer in personal responsibility, Jim, and that's as basic as personal responsibility gets: don't be part of a fucking mob.
Aw, that's too bad. :eusa_boohoo:
I feel as sorry for them as I feel if when bullfighters get gored by bulls. Serves them right. The rider has every right to self defense. You never know what thugs will do with stopped vehicles. Ask Reginald Denny.
Dude, we have to distinguish between lawful, peaceful protesters and ANTIFA scumbag rioters.

This is about nuiance and the letter of the law, not acting out on our resentment and hate. And I say that because I hate Antifa, but not lawful protesters.

That distinction has already been made. Lawful, peaceful protesters aren't in the street blocking traffic IN VIOLATION OF THE LAW.

This ain't rocket magic here.
I believe Jim Bowie is being taken to the cleaners on this one. Sad to see, I generally agree with him. But not on this.

The tendency to let your principles get wobbly when it's personal is one we're all subject to. It must be guarded against.

Stay in your lane.
That's all....

Don't you ever, EVER presume to tell me who I can respond to and what I can criticize again. You are not my father, not my husband, not my God, and not paying my Internet bill, and you're drunk if you think "I like him, so back off" means shit to me.

You’re funny when someone calls you out smoky
Aw, that's too bad. :eusa_boohoo:
I feel as sorry for them as I feel if when bullfighters get gored by bulls. Serves them right. The rider has every right to self defense. You never know what thugs will do with stopped vehicles. Ask Reginald Denny.
Dude, we have to distinguish between lawful, peaceful protesters and ANTIFA scumbag rioters.

This is about nuiance and the letter of the law, not acting out on our resentment and hate. And I say that because I hate Antifa, but not lawful protesters.

That distinction has already been made. Lawful, peaceful protesters aren't in the street blocking traffic IN VIOLATION OF THE LAW.

This ain't rocket magic here.
I believe Jim Bowie is being taken to the cleaners on this one. Sad to see, I generally agree with him. But not on this.

The tendency to let your principles get wobbly when it's personal is one we're all subject to. It must be guarded against.

Stay in your lane.
That's all....

Don't you ever, EVER presume to tell me who I can respond to and what I can criticize again. You are not my father, not my husband, not my God, and not paying my Internet bill, and you're drunk if you think "I like him, so back off" means shit to me.

You’re funny when someone calls you out smoky

You're funny when you think you know something and you blatantly don't know shit.

Oh, wait, that's just your normal, and it's actually boring.

I said it in another thread, now I'll say it in this one: go hump someone else's leg, Fido.
Aw, that's too bad. :eusa_boohoo:
I feel as sorry for them as I feel if when bullfighters get gored by bulls. Serves them right. The rider has every right to self defense. You never know what thugs will do with stopped vehicles. Ask Reginald Denny.
Dude, we have to distinguish between lawful, peaceful protesters and ANTIFA scumbag rioters.

This is about nuiance and the letter of the law, not acting out on our resentment and hate. And I say that because I hate Antifa, but not lawful protesters.

That distinction has already been made. Lawful, peaceful protesters aren't in the street blocking traffic IN VIOLATION OF THE LAW.

This ain't rocket magic here.
I believe Jim Bowie is being taken to the cleaners on this one. Sad to see, I generally agree with him. But not on this.

The tendency to let your principles get wobbly when it's personal is one we're all subject to. It must be guarded against.

Stay in your lane.
That's all....

Don't you ever, EVER presume to tell me who I can respond to and what I can criticize again. You are not my father, not my husband, not my God, and not paying my Internet bill, and you're drunk if you think "I like him, so back off" means shit to me.

You’re funny when someone calls you out smoky

She's spunky and smart!
While you're just boring and dumb...
Aw, that's too bad. :eusa_boohoo:
I feel as sorry for them as I feel if when bullfighters get gored by bulls. Serves them right. The rider has every right to self defense. You never know what thugs will do with stopped vehicles. Ask Reginald Denny.
Dude, we have to distinguish between lawful, peaceful protesters and ANTIFA scumbag rioters.

This is about nuiance and the letter of the law, not acting out on our resentment and hate. And I say that because I hate Antifa, but not lawful protesters.

That distinction has already been made. Lawful, peaceful protesters aren't in the street blocking traffic IN VIOLATION OF THE LAW.

This ain't rocket magic here.
I believe Jim Bowie is being taken to the cleaners on this one. Sad to see, I generally agree with him. But not on this.

The tendency to let your principles get wobbly when it's personal is one we're all subject to. It must be guarded against.

Stay in your lane.
That's all....

Don't you ever, EVER presume to tell me who I can respond to and what I can criticize again. You are not my father, not my husband, not my God, and not paying my Internet bill, and you're drunk if you think "I like him, so back off" means shit to me.

You’re funny when someone calls you out smoky

She's spunky and smart!
While you're just boring and dumb...

Um, thanks, I guess. Given the alternative definition, I'd have preferred something other than "spunky", but . . .
Hilarious! Thanks for the post.
I dont find it funny.

Had these protesters been unlawfully detaining the driver, I think it would have been justifiable, but these were protesters, not looters.

My daughter went to protest the Floyd killing today in Fredericksburg downtown. We disagree about the implications of Floyds killing and she is a proud Southerner.

She would not deserve being run over by a pissed off driver.

Rioters? Shoot them on sight. Peaceful protestsers? No, unless they act aggressively toward you or unlawfully detain you, then they are not justifiable targets.
Hey unless there's a license plate swinging from their asses they have no friggin business out in the street.

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