
Diamond Member
Mar 4, 2013
Just when we're about over with Obama, these two rise up and remind me why we got the guy in the FIRST place.

"I think history will show that al-Qaida in Iraq was defeated," said Bush, who in the interview described al Qaeda as "ISIS as far as I am concerned."

"I chose the path of boots on the ground. We will see whether or not our government adjusts to the realities on the ground."
Bush You need boots on the ground TheHill

“With all that bad news, is it not true that arguably President Obama is the worst foreign policy president in history? I think he is.”

— Mitt Romney, quoted by the Washington Post, after giving a presentation to about 200 GOP donors.
Just when we're about over with Obama, these two rise up and remind me why we got the guy in the FIRST place.

"I think history will show that al-Qaida in Iraq was defeated," said Bush, who in the interview described al Qaeda as "ISIS as far as I am concerned."

"I chose the path of boots on the ground. We will see whether or not our government adjusts to the realities on the ground."
Bush You need boots on the ground TheHill

“With all that bad news, is it not true that arguably President Obama is the worst foreign policy president in history? I think he is.”

— Mitt Romney, quoted by the Washington Post, after giving a presentation to about 200 GOP donors.
Back? Jeb Bush was either never gone or never here, depending on your viewpoint.
Both of them are correct in the main. And both of them would make better presidents than either the current clown car or the big eared undocumented worker we have now.
I think it is bad form for an ex-President to comment on the policies of the current President, and I have admired George Bush for keeping his own counsel. I hope this interview was his first and last for a while.

Having held the job himself, I bet Bush has quite a lot of sympathy and understanding for Obama.
I think it is bad form for an ex-President to comment on the policies of the current President, and I have admired George Bush for keeping his own counsel. I hope this interview was his first and last for a while.

Having held the job himself, I bet Bush has quite a lot of sympathy and understanding for Obama.
So you condemn Carter for his criticism of Bush?
I think it is bad form for an ex-President to comment on the policies of the current President, and I have admired George Bush for keeping his own counsel. I hope this interview was his first and last for a while.

Having held the job himself, I bet Bush has quite a lot of sympathy and understanding for Obama.
So you condemn Carter for his criticism of Bush?
I condemned Carter before he was President, while he was President, after he was President, and will piss on his grave if I am in the neighborhood.

All that aside, even if Carter had been a good President, he would not be exempt from the Bad Form rule.
I think it is bad form for an ex-President to comment on the policies of the current President, and I have admired George Bush for keeping his own counsel. I hope this interview was his first and last for a while.

Having held the job himself, I bet Bush has quite a lot of sympathy and understanding for Obama.
I don't know that reflection and empathy are things W has. Certainly I regret voting for him ... but Al Gore? Who knows. I'd think W has to realize that 8 years of Obama, the teaparty, and his little brother's inability to gain traction even though Jeb was a much better governor, are repudiations of his presidency. But, we've had incompetency in the WH for 16 years.
I think it is bad form for an ex-President to comment on the policies of the current President, and I have admired George Bush for keeping his own counsel. I hope this interview was his first and last for a while.

Having held the job himself, I bet Bush has quite a lot of sympathy and understanding for Obama.
So you condemn Carter for his criticism of Bush?
And clinton?
I think it is bad form for an ex-President to comment on the policies of the current President, and I have admired George Bush for keeping his own counsel. I hope this interview was his first and last for a while.

Having held the job himself, I bet Bush has quite a lot of sympathy and understanding for Obama.
So you condemn Carter for his criticism of Bush?
And clinton?
I wouldn't piss on Clinton's grave. I might catch something...
I think it is bad form for an ex-President to comment on the policies of the current President, and I have admired George Bush for keeping his own counsel. I hope this interview was his first and last for a while.

Having held the job himself, I bet Bush has quite a lot of sympathy and understanding for Obama.
I don't know that reflection and empathy are things W has. Certainly I regret voting for him ... but Al Gore? Who knows. I'd think W has to realize that 8 years of Obama, the teaparty, and his little brother's inability to gain traction even though Jeb was a much better governor, are repudiations of his presidency. But, we've had incompetency in the WH for 16 years.
Maybe repudiate has more than one definition. Anywho how do you measure competence in the White House?
We have not had competency since Eisenhower and he was a fluke. Prior to him, the last competent president was Coolidge. He was JUST competent enough to stay out of the way.
But, we've had incompetency in the WH for 16 years.

And the American people have still not learned.
I don't think we were a plutocracy when Reagan was elected. HW was not incompetent. Neither was Slick, though he didn't have the soviets or a horrible economy.

W got the nomination the old fashioned way. He was the leader of the republican governors, went on the rubber chicken tour and raised millions for the state parties. He wooed the elite, and staved off McCain's insurgency. He also ended Steve Forbes' dreams ... and the dream of real tax reform. Forbes was also a horrible politician.

It's purely about money now. W caused that, both with this tax cuts and the Justices who gave us Citizens United. There's also the internet, and the technological edge to muster a minority of committed partisans who refuse any compromise ... on both sides.

How technology is destroying American democracy
I think it is bad form for an ex-President to comment on the policies of the current President, and I have admired George Bush for keeping his own counsel. I hope this interview was his first and last for a while.

Having held the job himself, I bet Bush has quite a lot of sympathy and understanding for Obama.
You havent seen anything yet. The racists will be practically foaming at the mouth the closer we get to the end of Obamas term. I'm betting everything possible will be done to discredit Obama and the new president will let it leak he had the white house fumigated. :laugh:
Anywho how do you measure competence in the White House?

First and foremost, keeping your campaign promises.
I have to disagree. Specific promises are whispers to the wishful. I don't think Reagan ever considered that his tax and military policies would balance the budget. But, if we had the same rates today as when he left office, I think we'd be sitting in the pink. It's about policy and persuading congress to follow it.

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