“thin lips/shifty eyes tell great lies”


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Romney and Santorum both will say anything they feel the people want to here to get elected.

Romney said Obama has not turned the country around in three years and that’s lie. We have been in recovery since Obama’s day one.

Santorum call down people who are “gun toting people who cling to their guns” and he got a standing ovation, but when Obama said the same thing they want to tar and feather him and tie him to the rails.

Obamacare mirrors Romney and Romney want to repeal obamacare?

We had a business man for 8 years that screw up the country and we don’t want another one. And WTF is Santorum? A lawyer and a politician? A Fox News contributor? Oh, hell no. He was not even a community organizer. None of his sons have serves in the military. And he plays white evangelicals like a fiddle.

Iowa Caucus tells America what Conservatives are about and that is white gun toting and bible clinging America. Country of the Tea Party and KKK. I did not see are hear from one minority.

I want to see Santorum’s birth certificate.
Santorum’s mom: I can document Rick’s eligibility

Romney and Santorum both will say anything they feel the people want to here to get elected.

Romney said Obama has not turned the country around in three years and that’s lie. We have been in recovery since Obama’s day one.

Santorum call down people who are “gun toting people who cling to their guns” and he got a standing ovation, but when Obama said the same thing they want to tar and feather him and tie him to the rails.

Obamacare mirrors Romney and Romney want to repeal obamacare?

We had a business man for 8 years that screw up the country and we don’t want another one. And WTF is Santorum? A lawyer and a politician? A Fox News contributor? Oh, hell no. He was not even a community organizer. None of his sons have serves in the military. And he plays white evangelicals like a fiddle.

Iowa Caucus tells America what Conservatives are about and that is white gun toting and bible clinging America. Country of the Tea Party and KKK. I did not see are hear from one minority.

I want to see Santorum’s birth certificate.
Santorum’s mom: I can document Rick’s eligibility
Amen to that. Funny that you mentioned minorities. I watched some coverage from a coffee shop on MSNBC and on two days they made sure that the 1 black person in the room was in every shot. I laughed out loud..Obama was busy putting out the fire and tried to pass legislation to create jobs, make appointments any damn thing was blocked by congress. Who knows what he could have done. I hope he gets a chance and adopts the prick attitude as that is the only way he will get things done. Hold hostage anything that the right hold dear. Fuck cooperation it will never happen. That is one attribute George W. had. You kept in lock step or your ass is gone.

Romney and Santorum both will say anything they feel the people want to here to get elected.
And Obama won't? :rofl:

Romney said Obama has not turned the country around in three years and that’s lie. We have been in recovery since Obama’s day one.
Nice try, but completely false.

Santorum call down people who are “gun toting people who cling to their guns” and he got a standing ovation, but when Obama said the same thing they want to tar and feather him and tie him to the rails.
I cannot seem to locate Santorum making this statement using GOOGLE. Perhaps you could provide a link to the quote, so we can see the context of the statement... assuming you're not full of shit of course.

Obamacare mirrors Romney and Romney want to repeal obamacare?

We had a business man for 8 years that screw up the country and we don’t want another one. And WTF is Santorum? A lawyer and a politician? A Fox News contributor? Oh, hell no. He was not even a community organizer. None of his sons have serves in the military. And he plays white evangelicals like a fiddle.
You DO realize that Santorum had more national political experience than Obama when he ran for POTUS, right? WTF do his sons have to do with anything? You sound like a religious bigot. Not surprising.

Iowa Caucus tells America what Conservatives are about and that is white gun toting and bible clinging America. Country of the Tea Party and KKK. I did not see are hear from one minority.
Yup, the race card. it seems to be all you libtards have left.

I want to see Santorum’s birth certificate.
Santorum’s mom: I can document Rick’s eligibility
Let's see yours.

My comments in BLUE above.

Romney and Santorum both will say anything they feel the people want to here to get elected.

Romney said Obama has not turned the country around in three years and that’s lie. We have been in recovery since Obama’s day one.

Santorum call down people who are “gun toting people who cling to their guns” and he got a standing ovation, but when Obama said the same thing they want to tar and feather him and tie him to the rails.

Obamacare mirrors Romney and Romney want to repeal obamacare?

We had a business man for 8 years that screw up the country and we don’t want another one. And WTF is Santorum? A lawyer and a politician? A Fox News contributor? Oh, hell no. He was not even a community organizer. None of his sons have serves in the military. And he plays white evangelicals like a fiddle.

Iowa Caucus tells America what Conservatives are about and that is white gun toting and bible clinging America. Country of the Tea Party and KKK. I did not see are hear from one minority.

I want to see Santorum’s birth certificate.
Santorum’s mom: I can document Rick’s eligibility

Why do you need to lie so much and so often?
Not a whole lot of black people live in Iowa. They might have trucked some in for a photo op but this wasn't democrats, they do that for photo ops.

Romney and Santorum both will say anything they feel the people want to here to get elected.

Romney said Obama has not turned the country around in three years and that’s lie. We have been in recovery since Obama’s day one.

Santorum call down people who are “gun toting people who cling to their guns” and he got a standing ovation, but when Obama said the same thing they want to tar and feather him and tie him to the rails.

Obamacare mirrors Romney and Romney want to repeal obamacare?

We had a business man for 8 years that screw up the country and we don’t want another one. And WTF is Santorum? A lawyer and a politician? A Fox News contributor? Oh, hell no. He was not even a community organizer. None of his sons have serves in the military. And he plays white evangelicals like a fiddle.

Iowa Caucus tells America what Conservatives are about and that is white gun toting and bible clinging America. Country of the Tea Party and KKK. I did not see are hear from one minority.

I want to see Santorum’s birth certificate.
Santorum’s mom: I can document Rick’s eligibility

Thin Shifty Eyes tell grat Lies??

Same applies to smooth talking teleprompter kings.

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