Things Fox doesn't want you to know about Reagan!

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Nullius in verba
Feb 15, 2011
Fairfax, NoVA
Why Repubs picked Raygun to immortalize is beyond me :dunno:

Seven Ronald Reagan Legacies The GOP Won't Be Honoring On The 9th Anniversary Of His Death
1. Reagan was a big FDR fanboy.
Reagan voted for FDR all four times and called him "one of history's truly monumental figures." It would be hard to find a GOP candidate today willing to admit a similar admiration for Roosevelt.
2. Reagan was no stranger to tax hikes.
Reagan was not afraid to raise taxes. As governor of California, he signed the largest tax increase in the history of any state at that time.

cont'd ;)
Why Repubs picked Raygun to immortalize is beyond me :dunno:

Seven Ronald Reagan Legacies The GOP Won't Be Honoring On The 9th Anniversary Of His Death
1. Reagan was a big FDR fanboy.
Reagan voted for FDR all four times and called him "one of history's truly monumental figures." It would be hard to find a GOP candidate today willing to admit a similar admiration for Roosevelt.
2. Reagan was no stranger to tax hikes.
Reagan was not afraid to raise taxes. As governor of California, he signed the largest tax increase in the history of any state at that time.

cont'd ;)

Uhmmmm.... you do realize that Reagan used to be a democrat, right?
Why Repubs picked Raygun to immortalize is beyond me :dunno:

Seven Ronald Reagan Legacies The GOP Won't Be Honoring On The 9th Anniversary Of His Death
1. Reagan was a big FDR fanboy.
Reagan voted for FDR all four times and called him "one of history's truly monumental figures." It would be hard to find a GOP candidate today willing to admit a similar admiration for Roosevelt.
2. Reagan was no stranger to tax hikes.
Reagan was not afraid to raise taxes. As governor of California, he signed the largest tax increase in the history of any state at that time.

cont'd ;)

Uhmmmm.... you do realize that Reagan used to be a democrat, right?
I don't think Dot Cum bothered to check that out. He was just looking for something (anything) to slam conservatives with.
Why Repubs picked Raygun to immortalize is beyond me :dunno:

Seven Ronald Reagan Legacies The GOP Won't Be Honoring On The 9th Anniversary Of His Death
1. Reagan was a big FDR fanboy.
Reagan voted for FDR all four times and called him "one of history's truly monumental figures." It would be hard to find a GOP candidate today willing to admit a similar admiration for Roosevelt.
2. Reagan was no stranger to tax hikes.
Reagan was not afraid to raise taxes. As governor of California, he signed the largest tax increase in the history of any state at that time.

cont'd ;)

We need a new forum for Stupid Posts.
Megan Kelly caught someone cheating on her .... wait, they want us to know that.

good post. rw'ers care more about their blonde newsreaders than the actual news

As to the OP, I'm STILL suffering the effects of Reagan's tax increases!!!
still dancing on Reagans grave...good ole hufferpuffer they have nothing to dig up on Obama?
How did he manage to raise taxes so that I STILL have to pay them long after he tripled the debt & left office? :dunno:
I'll bbl to update the list :)
Seven Ronald Reagan Legacies The GOP Won't Be Honoring On The 9th Anniversary Of His Death
3. Reagan helped expand the federal government.
As then-Slate editor Michael Kinsley once noted, the federal government's spending increased by 25 percent in real terms from the time Reagan entered office to the time he left.

One of my favs :up: 4. Reagan gave amnesty to three million undocumented immigrants.
Reagan signed a 1986 law granting amnesty to three million undocumented immigrants. Anyone who came to the U.S. prior to 1982 was eligible for the amnesty.
Fox News expects their viewers to educate themselves on Political History.
They report news, they do not give history lessons.
Fox News started on Oc.t 7, 1996 while President Clinton was in office.
Here's a good one:

Reagan agreed with Gorbachev so model the United States Education Department after the Soviet system...right from his own Secretary of Education...

Here's one

Reagan supported the Brady bill and a ban on assault weapons

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How did he manage to raise taxes so that I STILL have to pay them long after he tripled the debt & left office? :dunno:

The Dem's controlled the House all eight years and the Senate in 1986, during Regan's Presidency.
President's do not raise taxes, the congress does.
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good grief, digging up Reagan AND Fox news.................. WHY?

The Hufferpost can't find more important things like what is happening IN THIS YEAR and what is showing on PMSnbc?
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Hufferpost=worthless garbage
but it keeps their mindless members entertained I guess and the MONEY they make off them to keep paying the bills..


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