Things I want science to do


Diamond Member
Oct 4, 2021
1. A pill to stop aging for decades per pill. Cheap! A few dollars per pill.
2. A pill to reverse aging for up to a decade per pill!
3. Gene therapy to end all disease and illness.
4. warp drive to go to extrasolar planets like earth
5. A pill to turn you the opposite sex anytime you wish and another pill to turn you back if you wish to do so. No more surgery, no more fucking around with thousands of pills or shots through life...You become your dream!
6. A gene therapy to grow penis
7. Genetic enhancement to increase intelligence to 200+ iq
8. Mind uploading...Just plug your ass in and you won't have to go to school.
9. An a.i + robotic work force that can do all the work while we sit on our asses and enjoy life! No more wage slavery!
10. Teleportation anywhere on earth within a second. No more driving, flying or fucking around! Want to go somewhere? Just type it and go!
1. A pill to stop aging for decades per pill. Cheap! A few dollars per pill.
2. A pill to reverse aging for up to a decade per pill!
3. Gene therapy to end all disease and illness.
4. warp drive to go to extrasolar planets like earth
5. A pill to turn you the opposite sex anytime you wish and another pill to turn you back if you wish to do so. No more surgery, no more fucking around with thousands of pills or shots through life...You become your dream!
6. A gene therapy to grow penis
7. Genetic enhancement to increase intelligence to 200+ iq
8. Mind uploading...Just plug your ass in and you won't have to go to school.
9. An a.i + robotic work force that can do all the work while we sit on our asses and enjoy life! No more wage slavery!
10. Teleportation anywhere on earth within a second. No more driving, flying or fucking around! Want to go somewhere? Just type it and go!

You have described Heaven. Human beings have destroyed human beings forever trying to make heaven on earth. And you upped it a notch by created AI robots who will ALSO want to destroy us.

Not to mention....

This is all instant gratification, which is no real gratification at all. It's sad.

As to no. 5. You realize a lot of us have NEVER wanted to be the opposite sex, right? I think we have lost that. I have never, not for one second, wanted to be a boy. Or a man. I think that's the regular course of human experience.

Things I want science to do​

1/2. Adrenochrome available but you need to be mega wealthy .Also see 3.
3. But then you really would have an excess population problem and/or insufficient resources. Or both.
4. Anti gravity is here but most will regard that as wild conspiracy.
5. ?. possibly a simple check on oestrogen level tampering ( air , food and water ) will restore a biological balance and eliminate mixed desires.
6 Part of previous point
7 AI offers that in terms of academic IQ .
But if eveybody goes up 50 points , say , and you start near the bottom -- you will remain at the bottom in relative terms .
8. Almost certain "soon" but you need to discuss the associated negatives, and there are many .
9 Very close already and the full implications are horrific .
What do you do with the now redundant Sheeple ?
This is the fundamental that Deep State recognises .Cull 7+ billion. ?
10.Exists . Now 100% demonstrated, albeit only at the nano level .
Technology improving physical and mental health would improve things dramatically.
1. A pill to stop aging for decades per pill. Cheap! A few dollars per pill.
2. A pill to reverse aging for up to a decade per pill!
3. Gene therapy to end all disease and illness.
4. warp drive to go to extrasolar planets like earth
5. A pill to turn you the opposite sex anytime you wish and another pill to turn you back if you wish to do so. No more surgery, no more fucking around with thousands of pills or shots through life...You become your dream!
6. A gene therapy to grow penis
7. Genetic enhancement to increase intelligence to 200+ iq
8. Mind uploading...Just plug your ass in and you won't have to go to school.
9. An a.i + robotic work force that can do all the work while we sit on our asses and enjoy life! No more wage slavery!
10. Teleportation anywhere on earth within a second. No more driving, flying or fucking around! Want to go somewhere? Just type it and go!
Things science will end up doing

1. After the world economy implodes, with the next great reset create a digital currency that the government can monitor 24/7 and at any second decide to deny a purchase for any reason. No more cheating on taxes.

2. Create new surveillance techniques with AI to monitor the populace and give them a social score, like they have already done with private industry in the US, to see if they are woke enough to be able to use the digital currency the way the government wants you to use it. China already has this in place.

3. Use AI to monitor every man/woman/ child on the planet and then use the AI to determine and predict their future behaviors as well as find ways to manipulate their current behaviors. If you have a cell phone, this is already being done to you as AI is being used to try and manipulate you to be on your phone as long as it can get you to stay on.

4. Find ways to reduce population numbers in order to reduce carbon emissions. This is the ultimate goal of globalists that run things today. Naturally, there is no good way to bring this about, so to not give you any more nightmares will just leave it at that.

So as you can see, those in charge of paying scientists have no desire to find ways for you to live longer. In fact, it would be working against their best interests.

Pleasant dreams.
Here is what science can do

This is an article about a light bulb made 110 years ago that still works today.

Problem is, they don't want to make such light bulbs because they want you buying them every few months or so.

This backs my view that science is there for elites to manipulate to control and use you and not their to make your live better.

Sorry to burst your bubble.
Sorry to burst your bubble.
You most certainly are not bursting it .
The Elites simply wait for the right moment to introduce new "game changers" .
An obvious example could be Anti Gravity as a means of propulsion ( the principle of its introduction).
Introduction is delayed until you have used up what it is replacing and ( more important) until those currently benefiting most are guaranteed new protocols to underwrite continued control , power and wealth.
In mundane terms ,Oil and gas producers and distributors must make sure that they become the only sources for anti gravity technology , production and distribution .
Which is why Deep State is built on families and dynasties with obvious names like Rothschild , Rockefeller ,Morgan , Warburg etc at the forefront.

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