Things Socialist Democrats, Liberals And Snowflakes Are OFFENDED By, Do Not Like, & Want To Ban


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
The 'birth' of Political Correctness was more like the unleashing of a PLAGUE on this country and the world. Much of our nation went from pioneers who carved out wilderness into civilization, created factories and industry, and forged steel into cities to becoming wimpy, weak. easily offended and manipulated 'snowflakes'.

I remind my fellow Americans, when they challenge me to be more 'PC', that in this country we have many 'Rights' - the 'Right' to NOT be offended is NOT one of them. Still, Socialist Democrats, Liberals, and snowflakes continue to try to use 'PC' as a TOOL to reshape this country into a submissive, subservient entity to would-be self-appointed 'Rulers' who have forgotten they are merely 'Servants of the People'.

The list of things Democrats and snowflakes insist are offensive include but are not limited to the following:

The American Flag,
The National Anthem, and Patriotism

In our own country, Liberals declare we should not show pride in our own country. Our children are taught in liberal-run indoctrination camps - public schools and colleges - that our Flag and anthem stand for injustice, oppression, racism, and are things to reject and be ashamed of. Showing Patriotism in our own country is offensive, as we might offend visitors or the millions of illegals who disrespected our nation by coming here illegally to reap the benefits of social programs handed out by Democrats, paid for by hard-working Americans. American children are sent home, suspended, and rebuked for wearing Pro-American Tee Shirts and clothes...IN THE UNITED STATES.


Wanting Foreigners/ILLEGALS to learn ENGLISH in America is Offensive

All over the world other nations are teaching their children in other nations to speak more than one language, and English is one of the top languages chosen. America is supposed to be a 'Melting Pot' of cultures and learning English is / was once required to be a citizen. Today in the US if you suggest English - our nation's language - should be voted the official language of the United States or suggest illegals / foreigners coming to this country should learn English you will be called 'Offensive' and a 'Racist'

The Color of US National Park Uniforms are 'Offensive'
According to Maite Arce - Hispanic Access Foundation (La Raza-lite) representative, Latinos are offended by the color of US Park Ranger Uniforms – they are afraid of them because it reminds them of the police / ICE

'Vote For Trump' Is Offensive
Indoctrinated snowflakes on college campuses were offended and threatened by ‘Vote For Trump’ written in chalk on the sidewalk of a college campus. They started a protest and demanded it be destroyed. (A water balloon could have ended their whole 'nightmare' :p)

"America is the land of Opportunity" / Univ of California 'Offensive Speech' Memo
The University of California is offended by the words “America is the Land of Opportunity” and is banning anyone from using the phrase. Other offensive phrases / questions UofCal is proposing banning, according to a ‘Faculty Training Document’ they are handing out – called “Tool: Recognizing Micro-aggressions and the Messages they Send”, include:

-- Asking anyone ‘Where are you from or where were you born?” (because it suggests that the person you’re asking is “not a true American’)

-- Asking a post-doctoral minority student whether he or she is lost in the halls of a chemistry building (because it makes ‘the assumption that the person is trying to break into one of the labs’) :p

-- Having students fill out forms on which they have to check a box indicating whether they’re male or female

Using the word ‘Wife’ is offensive

-- The investment banking behemoth JP Morgan Chase has joined a long line of major corporations in putting pressure on employees to sign up for the cause of gay rights. And they have not-so-subtly let each employee know not signing up will be noted. The terms ‘wife’, ‘husband’, ‘boyfriend’, and ‘girlfriend’ will now be replaced by the term ‘Partner’.

Princeton students find the word ‘MAN’ to be extremely offensive.

-- The Ivy league school wrote a 4-PAGE MEMO giving direction on how to make their college more ‘gender-inclusive’. The term ‘man’ is to be replaced by ‘human being’, ’individual’, and ‘people’


The name ‘Lynch’ is offensive.

-- Students at the Lebanon Valley College informed school administrators that despite “Lynch Memorial Hall” being named after a good man who was NOT a racist, the name ‘Lynch’ made them think of how blacks were once hung and demands the name be changed...NOTHING THAT HAS ANYTHING TO DO WITH THE NAME OF THE MAN THE BUILDING IS NAMED AFTER.

*** Upon hearing this, CNN reports Loretta Lynch is considering changing her last name because she finds herself offensive. :p

*** If I find the name ‘Burger KING’ offensive because the word ‘King’ reminds me of an oppressive ruler which then reminds me of how the United States won its independence by defeating England which then reminds me of how we became an independent country which then reminds me of how we owned slaves at one time WHICH OFFENDS ME, can I demand Burger King change their name? :p Bwuhahahahaha.....

The 'birth' of Political Correctness was more like the unleashing of a PLAGUE on this country and the world. Much of our nation went from pioneers who carved out wilderness into civilization, created factories and industry, and forged steel into cities to becoming wimpy, weak. easily offended and manipulated 'snowflakes'.

I remind my fellow Americans, when they challenge me to be more 'PC', that in this country we have many 'Rights' - the 'Right' to NOT be offended is NOT one of them. Still, Socialist Democrats, Liberals, and snowflakes continue to try to use 'PC' as a TOOL to reshape this country into a submissive, subservient entity to would-be self-appointed 'Rulers' who have forgotten they are merely 'Servants of the People'.

The list of things Democrats and snowflakes insist are offensive include but are not limited to the following:

The American Flag,
The National Anthem, and Patriotism

In our own country, Liberals declare we should not show pride in our own country. Our children are taught in liberal-run indoctrination camps - public schools and colleges - that our Flag and anthem stand for injustice, oppression, racism, and are things to reject and be ashamed of. Showing Patriotism in our own country is offensive, as we might offend visitors or the millions of illegals who disrespected our nation by coming here illegally to reap the benefits of social programs handed out by Democrats, paid for by hard-working Americans. American children are sent home, suspended, and rebuked for wearing Pro-American Tee Shirts and clothes...IN THE UNITED STATES.


Wanting Foreigners/ILLEGALS to learn ENGLISH in America is Offensive

All over the world other nations are teaching their children in other nations to speak more than one language, and English is one of the top languages chosen. America is supposed to be a 'Melting Pot' of cultures and learning English is / was once required to be a citizen. Today in the US if you suggest English - our nation's language - should be voted the official language of the United States or suggest illegals / foreigners coming to this country should learn English you will be called 'Offensive' and a 'Racist'

The Color of US National Park Uniforms are 'Offensive'
According to Maite Arce - Hispanic Access Foundation (La Raza-lite) representative, Latinos are offended by the color of US Park Ranger Uniforms – they are afraid of them because it reminds them of the police / ICE

'Vote For Trump' Is Offensive
Indoctrinated snowflakes on college campuses were offended and threatened by ‘Vote For Trump’ written in chalk on the sidewalk of a college campus. They started a protest and demanded it be destroyed. (A water balloon could have ended their whole 'nightmare' :p)

"America is the land of Opportunity" / Univ of California 'Offensive Speech' Memo
The University of California is offended by the words “America is the Land of Opportunity” and is banning anyone from using the phrase. Other offensive phrases / questions UofCal is proposing banning, according to a ‘Faculty Training Document’ they are handing out – called “Tool: Recognizing Micro-aggressions and the Messages they Send”, include:

-- Asking anyone ‘Where are you from or where were you born?” (because it suggests that the person you’re asking is “not a true American’)

-- Asking a post-doctoral minority student whether he or she is lost in the halls of a chemistry building (because it makes ‘the assumption that the person is trying to break into one of the labs’) :p

-- Having students fill out forms on which they have to check a box indicating whether they’re male or female

Using the word ‘Wife’ is offensive

-- The investment banking behemoth JP Morgan Chase has joined a long line of major corporations in putting pressure on employees to sign up for the cause of gay rights. And they have not-so-subtly let each employee know not signing up will be noted. The terms ‘wife’, ‘husband’, ‘boyfriend’, and ‘girlfriend’ will now be replaced by the term ‘Partner’.

Princeton students find the word ‘MAN’ to be extremely offensive.

-- The Ivy league school wrote a 4-PAGE MEMO giving direction on how to make their college more ‘gender-inclusive’. The term ‘man’ is to be replaced by ‘human being’, ’individual’, and ‘people’


The name ‘Lynch’ is offensive.

-- Students at the Lebanon Valley College informed school administrators that despite “Lynch Memorial Hall” being named after a good man who was NOT a racist, the name ‘Lynch’ made them think of how blacks were once hung and demands the name be changed...NOTHING THAT HAS ANYTHING TO DO WITH THE NAME OF THE MAN THE BUILDING IS NAMED AFTER.

*** Upon hearing this, CNN reports Loretta Lynch is considering changing her last name because she finds herself offensive. :p

*** If I find the name ‘Burger KING’ offensive because the word ‘King’ reminds me of an oppressive ruler which then reminds me of how the United States won its independence by defeating England which then reminds me of how we became an independent country which then reminds me of how we owned slaves at one time WHICH OFFENDS ME, can I demand Burger King change their name? :p Bwuhahahahaha.....

I used the word colored and my daughter flipped out. This "racist" prevented "colored" kids from being beat up by whites before civil rights was passed. So much for good deeds not going unpunished. I normally use black, but if the context calls for it, I'll use colored. The last time I looked the NAACP still had Colored in the name.
“Political correctness is America's newest form of intolerance, and it is especially pernicious because it comes disguised as tolerance. It presents itself as fairness, yet attempts to restrict and control people's language with strict codes and rigid rules. I'm not sure that's the way to fight discrimination. I'm not sure silencing people or forcing them to alter their speech is the best method for solving problems that go much deeper than speech.” -- George Carlin
I used the word colored and my daughter flipped out. This "racist" prevented "colored" kids from being beat up by whites before civil rights was passed. So much for good deeds not going unpunished. I normally use black, but if the context calls for it, I'll use colored. The last time I looked the NAACP still had Colored in the name.

Hitlery still calls 'em Spades.
you hit peace on liberals which I am proudly a lib, is so freaking stupid that all I can say is that you should talk to some liberals and you ill understand just how wrong and stupid your post is. I am sure you will not do that as you have already been told by rightwing idiotic radio what to believe and think.. You are in serious need for a few facts.
Liberals do want border security, just believe that a stupid ass wall will not do what the liar in chief Putin's puppet Donald says I am a proud veteran and know why I served and that was because I believed in what America stood for. Donald has no idea what America stands for. Apparently neither do you or you would not post such stupid beret of facts that your post put out their. You should be ashamed.
you hit peace on liberals which I am proudly a lib, is so freaking stupid that all I can say is that you should talk to some liberals and you ill understand just how wrong and stupid your post is. I am sure you will not do that as you have already been told by rightwing idiotic radio what to believe and think.. You are in serious need for a few facts.
Liberals do want border security, just believe that a stupid ass wall will not do what the liar in chief Putin's puppet Donald says I am a proud veteran and know why I served and that was because I believed in what America stood for. Donald has no idea what America stands for. Apparently neither do you or you would not post such stupid beret of facts that your post put out their. You should be ashamed.

What's your comment on the border security wanting a wall?

You do realize, America stood for liberty and low taxes. Try to find a liberal who stands for that. More commonly you will find a liberal who believes that the core ingredient of America - the American people should be replaced.
Nothing screams liberal snowflake like JP Morgan Chase.
you hit peace on liberals which I am proudly a lib, is so freaking stupid that all I can say is that you should talk to some liberals and you ill understand just how wrong and stupid your post is. I am sure you will not do that as you have already been told by rightwing idiotic radio what to believe and think.. You are in serious need for a few facts.
Liberals do want border security, just believe that a stupid ass wall will not do what the liar in chief Putin's puppet Donald says I am a proud veteran and know why I served and that was because I believed in what America stood for. Donald has no idea what America stands for. Apparently neither do you or you would not post such stupid beret of facts that your post put out their. You should be ashamed.

This "hit PIECE" on you marxist parasites, for which you look freakishly stupid enough to qualify, is spot on. Talking to you parrots is pointless, you simply believe the shit you've been told and rather than even question authority, you defend it regardless of how nefarious or tyrannical it becomes.

Libturds are actively resisting the establishment of any further border security and have done as much as they can get away with undermining it. Pieces of shit like you don't stand for anything, and attempting to use military service as some entitlement to being ignorant is pathetic.

Here is one of my favorite quotes of all time

“Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience. They may be more likely to go to Heaven yet at the same time likelier to make a Hell of earth. This very kindness stings with intolerable insult. To be "cured" against one's will and cured of states which we may not regard as disease is to be put on a level of those who have not yet reached the age of reason or those who never will; to be classed with infants, imbeciles, and domestic animals.”

C. S. Lewis.
The 'birth' of Political Correctness was more like the unleashing of a PLAGUE on this country and the world. Much of our nation went from pioneers who carved out wilderness into civilization, created factories and industry, and forged steel into cities to becoming wimpy, weak. easily offended and manipulated 'snowflakes'.

I remind my fellow Americans, when they challenge me to be more 'PC', that in this country we have many 'Rights' - the 'Right' to NOT be offended is NOT one of them. Still, Socialist Democrats, Liberals, and snowflakes continue to try to use 'PC' as a TOOL to reshape this country into a submissive, subservient entity to would-be self-appointed 'Rulers' who have forgotten they are merely 'Servants of the People'.

The list of things Democrats and snowflakes insist are offensive include but are not limited to the following:

The American Flag,
The National Anthem, and Patriotism

In our own country, Liberals declare we should not show pride in our own country. Our children are taught in liberal-run indoctrination camps - public schools and colleges - that our Flag and anthem stand for injustice, oppression, racism, and are things to reject and be ashamed of. Showing Patriotism in our own country is offensive, as we might offend visitors or the millions of illegals who disrespected our nation by coming here illegally to reap the benefits of social programs handed out by Democrats, paid for by hard-working Americans. American children are sent home, suspended, and rebuked for wearing Pro-American Tee Shirts and clothes...IN THE UNITED STATES.


Wanting Foreigners/ILLEGALS to learn ENGLISH in America is Offensive

All over the world other nations are teaching their children in other nations to speak more than one language, and English is one of the top languages chosen. America is supposed to be a 'Melting Pot' of cultures and learning English is / was once required to be a citizen. Today in the US if you suggest English - our nation's language - should be voted the official language of the United States or suggest illegals / foreigners coming to this country should learn English you will be called 'Offensive' and a 'Racist'

The Color of US National Park Uniforms are 'Offensive'
According to Maite Arce - Hispanic Access Foundation (La Raza-lite) representative, Latinos are offended by the color of US Park Ranger Uniforms – they are afraid of them because it reminds them of the police / ICE

'Vote For Trump' Is Offensive
Indoctrinated snowflakes on college campuses were offended and threatened by ‘Vote For Trump’ written in chalk on the sidewalk of a college campus. They started a protest and demanded it be destroyed. (A water balloon could have ended their whole 'nightmare' :p)

"America is the land of Opportunity" / Univ of California 'Offensive Speech' Memo
The University of California is offended by the words “America is the Land of Opportunity” and is banning anyone from using the phrase. Other offensive phrases / questions UofCal is proposing banning, according to a ‘Faculty Training Document’ they are handing out – called “Tool: Recognizing Micro-aggressions and the Messages they Send”, include:

-- Asking anyone ‘Where are you from or where were you born?” (because it suggests that the person you’re asking is “not a true American’)

-- Asking a post-doctoral minority student whether he or she is lost in the halls of a chemistry building (because it makes ‘the assumption that the person is trying to break into one of the labs’) :p

-- Having students fill out forms on which they have to check a box indicating whether they’re male or female

Using the word ‘Wife’ is offensive

-- The investment banking behemoth JP Morgan Chase has joined a long line of major corporations in putting pressure on employees to sign up for the cause of gay rights. And they have not-so-subtly let each employee know not signing up will be noted. The terms ‘wife’, ‘husband’, ‘boyfriend’, and ‘girlfriend’ will now be replaced by the term ‘Partner’.

Princeton students find the word ‘MAN’ to be extremely offensive.

-- The Ivy league school wrote a 4-PAGE MEMO giving direction on how to make their college more ‘gender-inclusive’. The term ‘man’ is to be replaced by ‘human being’, ’individual’, and ‘people’


The name ‘Lynch’ is offensive.

-- Students at the Lebanon Valley College informed school administrators that despite “Lynch Memorial Hall” being named after a good man who was NOT a racist, the name ‘Lynch’ made them think of how blacks were once hung and demands the name be changed...NOTHING THAT HAS ANYTHING TO DO WITH THE NAME OF THE MAN THE BUILDING IS NAMED AFTER.

*** Upon hearing this, CNN reports Loretta Lynch is considering changing her last name because she finds herself offensive. :p

*** If I find the name ‘Burger KING’ offensive because the word ‘King’ reminds me of an oppressive ruler which then reminds me of how the United States won its independence by defeating England which then reminds me of how we became an independent country which then reminds me of how we owned slaves at one time WHICH OFFENDS ME, can I demand Burger King change their name? :p Bwuhahahahaha.....


Add boys kneeling during a song to the things snowflakes are offended by.

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