Now the left wants to remove the words “gay” and “homosexual” from the lexicon. (GLAAD MEDIA GUIDE)

Remember when everyone freaked out about the Florida “Dont say gay” bill?

Well, now GLAAD agrees.

GLAAD has decided the words GAY AND HOMOSEXUAL are bad and should no longer be used.

GLAAD is pissing off many in the GAY….HOMOSEXUAL community with this bullshit.

We have all learned to ignore these left wingers who are trying to change language….right?

View attachment 921677


Again, this is right from 1984. Changing the language to manipulate people.

I do not think many liberals have read 1984.

1984 is a cautionary tale….NOT A FUCKING HOW TO BOOK.
Apparently, GLAAD stands for Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation. Houston, we have a problem.
(7) Some liberals now want to use "newcomer" for "immigrant" or "migrant." They feel the other words have taken on a pejorative meaning. And they may be right.
Libs are ignoring reality since they routinely refer to the other side as bigots

But I’d rather they misrepresent me than being forced to misrepresent the alien invasion as other than what it is
Libs are ignoring reality since they routinely refer to the other side as bigots

But I’d rather they misrepresent me than being forced to misrepresent the alien invasion as other than what it is
No doubt, they have and will continue to misrepresent you/me and a majority of Americans.
(1) I have noticed that people who use "homosexual" usually use it in a pejorative sense. (Except in scientific writings.)

(2) I believe that "gay" is the only respectful word to use nowadays.

(3) I think that the Obama Administration was right to ban the word "Oriental." It had taken on sinister meanings. "Oriental rug" is still OK.

(4) I think that people who still use the Spanish word for "black" are being disrespectful on purpose when referring to a certain ethnicity.

(5) I do not think it is fair to condemn (so-called) liberals for wanting to use the kindest words possible.

(6) I try never to say or write the three-letter word for a "Jewish person." Yes, I know that Jewish people themselves use the three-letter version themselves, but -- as you know -- the shorter word in English is usually disrespectful because it is too curt. (In American newspapers. during World War II, the first three letters of "Japanese" were used. Today that would extremely offensive.)

(7) Some liberals now want to use "newcomer" for "immigrant" or "migrant." They feel the other words have taken on a pejorative meaning. And they may be right.

Life is VERY short. Let's be as nice as possible to one another.

It is offensive when black people refer to caucasians as crackers.

I never cracked a whip on a slave. Not one person in the USA was alive before 1865. No one owned black slaves from the colonialism era.

How can I be a CRACKER when I have never cracked a whip on a slave?

My being offended by the term will never be considered. So I am not playing along.

Honky is from white people honking their car horn in the hood to buy drugs.

I have never done that…so I am not a honky. It goes on and on.

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Remember when everyone freaked out about the Florida “Dont say gay” bill?

Well, now GLAAD agrees.

GLAAD has decided the words GAY AND HOMOSEXUAL are bad and should no longer be used.

GLAAD is pissing off many in the GAY….HOMOSEXUAL community with this bullshit.

We have all learned to ignore these left wingers who are trying to change language….right?

View attachment 921677


Again, this is right from 1984. Changing the language to manipulate people.

I do not think many liberals have read 1984.

1984 is a cautionary tale….NOT A FUCKING HOW TO BOOK.
I say homosexual because it is the truth. It means one sex. I need not do more than mention it. So why change it to Gay (meaning happy) or something else? They can't promote it unless they sell it using a word. It will take many years for them to convert gay to a different word. It still means one sex interest.
What about people who like to jerk off while eating strawberries and that is their only sexual activity?

Defining someone’s complete identity according to who they prefer to fuck is RETARDED.

I like running, watching football, and kombucha. Should that be my IDENTITY?

It is bizarre.
Homosexual is not an identity, it is a biological fact.
Pretty much every gay person I know or have seen is perfectly fine with the term gay.

Tim Dillon tells people he is gay. Is he slurring himself? No.

Remember when everyone freaked out about the Florida “Dont say gay” bill?

Well, now GLAAD agrees.

GLAAD has decided the words GAY AND HOMOSEXUAL are bad and should no longer be used.

GLAAD is pissing off many in the GAY….HOMOSEXUAL community with this bullshit.

We have all learned to ignore these left wingers who are trying to change language….right?

View attachment 921677


Again, this is right from 1984. Changing the language to manipulate people.

I do not think many liberals have read 1984.

1984 is a cautionary tale….NOT A FUCKING HOW TO BOOK.


I'm lazy, they will remain degenerate queers. If I'm feeling even lazier I'll abbreviate with LGPEDO (Lesbian, Gay, Polysexual, Extra-sexual, Demisexual, and Omnisexual.) I refuse to accept their abbreviations.

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