Think Of This When Airport Security Is Scrutinizing Your Genitalia


Silver Member
Aug 4, 2011
[ "We hold these truths to be self evident. That all men are created equal..." I hope the two idiot AA employees at JFK were shitcanned muy pronto.
Yeah! I know, I know. Kim and Kanye are good friends with Barack. The most anti American president to ever hold that office. I think the country woulda been better off electing Benedict Arnold. But then today this is a country that idolizes a fatherless black man who just murdered five people in a mindless rampage. Ya kinda get the feelin we really are damned, doncha? ]

"Submoronic Thug Rapper and Celebrity Famewhore Allowed to Breeze Past JFK Security

Posted by Jammie on Feb 14, 2013 at 7:56 am

These two lowlifes might be losing some street cred here flying commercial. Still, it must be nice to have privileges not afforded to mere mortals.

Two star-struck American Airlines workers at JFK used a secure pass to escort Kanye West and Kim Kardashian around a screening checkpoint — a stunning breach that delayed their fellow passengers by nearly an hour, sources said yesterday.

The Joint Terrorism Task Force — which includes the FBI and the Port Authority PD — has launched an investigation into the VIP treatment of the celebrity couple, sources said yesterday.

The workers, “escorted the two travelers through a non-public area in order to provide expedited access to their domestic flight,” said Transportation Security Administration spokeswoman Lisa Farbstein. She said the favor “violated security protocols by permitting the travelers to bypass the TSA security checkpoint.”

There should be an investigation why they weren’t fired on the spot.

Kimye boarded the flight to Los Angeles — but TSA officials got wind of the breach and yanked them off the aircraft at around 7 a.m.

The stars — who are expecting their first child this summer — were then given a private screening in a nearby jetway, contributing to a 50-minute delay of the flight.

“This was a lapse in judgment . . . We’re working closely with the TSA and speaking to the individuals involved to better understand what happened,” said American spokesman Matt Miller.

Sources said that the inconvenienced fellow passengers shouldn’t blame the couple for the delay.

“Nobody thinks the celebrities involved did anything wrong,” the source said, noting they never asked for preferential treatment.

Sure. They just magically found their way around the normal security lines."

Submoronic Thug Rapper and Celebrity Famewhore Allowed to Breeze Past JFK Security | Jammie Wearing Fools

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