THIRTEEN Different Deep State FBI Agents Fed Information to ONE LIBERAL REPORTER


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
THIRTEEN Different Deep State FBI Agents Fed Information to ONE LIBERAL REPORTER
Report: THIRTEEN Different Deep State FBI Agents Fed ...
THIRTEEN Different Deep State FBI Agents Fed Information to ONE LIBERAL REPORTER (VIDEO)”. Below is an excerpt from the article . Rep. Jim Jordan: Remember Stuart when Michael Horowitz, the Inspector General, did his investigation he talked about the fact that one reporter had …

Thirteen individuals in the FBI violating the law by leaking. Just the tip of the iceberg I suspect? Does any rational, honest individual NOT believe that this "Deep State" plot was an actual political coup d'état to destroy Trump as a candidate and as the president with the full knowledge and approval of Barack Hussein Obama?
Progressive Democrats and their Fifth Columnist MSM sociopaths are right there regurgitating Obama's nonsense, along with tricky Dick Durbin, Cory Booker and Kamala Harris just a few days ago.
The DOJ, FBI, CIA, NSA, DNA, IRS and EPA needs to be disbanded, at t
he very least each agency needs a complete "overhaul" or a major decontamination job!
and completely restructuring. Why? Because there has been PROVEN to have allied itself between political hacks, using the FBI, Intelligence agency officers to conduct political dirty tricks based on illegal leaks of classified intelligence. Ask yourself: Do you believe this wont happen again in the future if we leave the FBI intact?
Rush had a caller point that out and Rush agreed the Deep State is in panic mode. What they did to our President could have been done many times before to innocent people. In fact Mueller and Weismann were guilty of putting innocent people in prison way back when. And as we were reminded yesterday with their failure or whatever that lead to "9/11," WTF is the FBI? Who do they really work for?
The DC swamp has been weaponizing government agencies for decades. The blatantly break the very laws they pass and almost none are held accountable. Especially true the higher up the ladder you go, those at the top are clearly above the law because the fox is guarding the henhouse.
When is Rudy going to share the FBI leaker that fed him information about Hillary and Weiner's laptop?

I mean if you are going to prosecute the leakers, Rudy flat out knows one.
It's evidence of the FBI's involvement in a political coup but where is the media?
very body in Washington Politics had dirt on Hillary and could have pushed their agendas without any resistance "PRESIDENT" Trump ruined their dream of seizing complete and utter control of your life and now the Depth of their dishonesty and treason is about to be exposed. When the culprits are exposed they should be tried convicted and Executed for treason on the White house Lawn, for all to see John Adams did it over 200 years ago. Maybe a good house cleaning is in orde
THIRTEEN Different Deep State FBI Agents Fed Information to ONE LIBERAL REPORTER

Seriously?!? :disbelief:

Of all the good, bad and ugly shit that IS the Trump Administration thus far, this is the kind of story that keeps you up at night!?!


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