This angry old woman wants to be POTUS

This elitist needs to be in a nursing home or at a bare minimum - in some sort of anger management counseling VIDEO: Hillary Loses Her Cool, UNLEASHES on Student for Asking Simple Question
I think she's knows a set up when she sees one. What you call "losing her cool", I call "putting a shill in their place". I mean, who's going to believe Conservative Tribune isn't slanted? They probably planted the questioner to try and trip Hillary up and now they have to scramble and make it out to be some sort of psychotic break, when it wasn't even as bad as what Trump does every day. Silly wingnuts!!! :laugh2:
This elitist needs to be in a nursing home or at a bare minimum - in some sort of anger management counseling VIDEO: Hillary Loses Her Cool, UNLEASHES on Student for Asking Simple Question
I think she's knows a set up when she sees one. What you call "losing her cool", I call "putting a shill in their place". I mean, who's going to believe Conservative Tribune isn't slanted? They probably planted the questioner to try and trip Hillary up and now they have to scramble and make it out to be some sort of psychotic break, when it wasn't even as bad as what Trump does every day. Silly wingnuts!!! :laugh2:
It doesn't matter if the clip ran in mother jones dingbat
The clip doesn't lie
She was rude and snotty to the student
But you keep making excuses for her?
Imbecile much?

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I think she's knows a set up when she sees one. What you call "losing her cool", I call "putting a shill in their place". I mean, who's going to believe Conservative Tribune isn't slanted? They probably planted the questioner to try and trip Hillary up and now they have to scramble and make it out to be some sort of psychotic break, when it wasn't even as bad as what Trump does every day.
It doesn't matter if the clip ran in mother jones dingbat.The clip doesn't lie..She was rude and snotty to the student
The clip may not lie, but you do. What you're reporting is your interpretation, not facts, Chef.

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