This country needs a sedative.


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2011

Seriously, maybe we're drinking too much coffee.

Some little independent restaurant causes a national stir (a pizza restaurant saying it's not going to serve gays for their weddings, can we possibly break this down to something even smaller?), and everyone has to start screaming at each other. Again.

We're so broken up into little, angry grievance groups that all we do now is go from one little story to the next, everyone taking sides, everyone who doesn't fully agree with us is our mortal enemy who must be attacked and destroyed.

And it's usually the same people doing the screaming. Not everyone is like this, you know. I still think that a majority of Americans (those who don't get their opinions from MSNBC, Fox, Levin and Maddow) are more than willing to live and let live, and talk through differences like mature adults.

Not the screamers, they've gotta scream. Maybe less caffeine, huh?

If anyone asks you if you'd serve whatever you make at a same-sex wedding, just start going "lalalalalalalalalalalalalala....".:lalala:
We have surpassed sedative and moved into enema territory.
All the pizza place said is they would not cater a gay wedding, in the liberal progressvie gay mafia mind, they deserve death and thier business burnt to the ground.Liberals keep telling us how tolerant they are.
Funny how Democrats assume they can sit on the fence on this issue.

Their base is Blacks, Hispanics, and Muslims......some of the most homophopic people on the planet, yet they think they can patch things up in time for the election, or they can simply use demagoguery to destroy the likeability of any potential Republicans.

It didn't work in the last election, and this same-sex, freedom of religion nonsense is only going to cost them in the long run.

Seriously, maybe we're drinking too much coffee.

Some little independent restaurant causes a national stir (a pizza restaurant saying it's not going to serve gays for their weddings, can we possibly break this down to something even smaller?), and everyone has to start screaming at each other. Again.

We're so broken up into little, angry grievance groups that all we do now is go from one little story to the next, everyone taking sides, everyone who doesn't fully agree with us is our mortal enemy who must be attacked and destroyed.

And it's usually the same people doing the screaming. Not everyone is like this, you know. I still think that a majority of Americans (those who don't get their opinions from MSNBC, Fox, Levin and Maddow) are more than willing to live and let live, and talk through differences like mature adults.

Not the screamers, they've gotta scream. Maybe less caffeine, huh?

This incident does prove how easy it is for a small elite to divide us and propagandize many of us. Of course, that is their intention.

What is most hypocritical is the Left's radicalism in this nation about gay and women's rights, yet they ignore the much more heinous actions against these groups in the Muslim world.
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Seriously, maybe we're drinking too much coffee.

Some little independent restaurant causes a national stir (a pizza restaurant saying it's not going to serve gays for their weddings, can we possibly break this down to something even smaller?), and everyone has to start screaming at each other. Again.

We're so broken up into little, angry grievance groups that all we do now is go from one little story to the next, everyone taking sides, everyone who doesn't fully agree with us is our mortal enemy who must be attacked and destroyed.

And it's usually the same people doing the screaming. Not everyone is like this, you know. I still think that a majority of Americans (those who don't get their opinions from MSNBC, Fox, Levin and Maddow) are more than willing to live and let live, and talk through differences like mature adults.

Not the screamers, they've gotta scream. Maybe less caffeine, huh?

Imagine if you went into a pizza place and said that you were having an finanicial advisors meeting and wanted to order pizza. The owner says no way I don't like what you do and I won't support it. What would you do?

Would you tell the man that he is fulll of crap and take your business elsewhere and telly your peers? Or would you try and get a laws passed to FORCE the man to accept your life style? Is not that where we are heading? that laws will dictate what we believe?

What do you think that the punishement the left wing would inflict on a store owner who refused to service gay marriage? Financial ruin through the law? What else is there? So for years we have been hearing form the left about theocracies and they are building their own. Must admit, well played.

The real truth is that the majority of people really don't give a crap, until a left winger tryies to force their beliefs upon everyone else.
The stock market will close tomorrow to commemorate the death of Jesus, as described by Bill O'Reilly on Fox News. It doesn't get any better than regards shoving our Christian faith up the ass of LIBTARDS. Dominus vobiscum.
The stock market will close tomorrow to commemorate the death of Jesus, as described by Bill O'Reilly on Fox News. It doesn't get any better than regards shoving our Christian faith up the ass of LIBTARDS. Dominus vobiscum.
Imagine if you went into a pizza place and said that you were having an finanicial advisors meeting and wanted to order pizza. The owner says no way I don't like what you do and I won't support it. What would you do?

Would you tell the man that he is fulll of crap and take your business elsewhere and telly your peers? Or would you try and get a laws passed to FORCE the man to accept your life style? Is not that where we are heading? that laws will dictate what we believe?

What do you think that the punishement the left wing would inflict on a store owner who refused to service gay marriage? Financial ruin through the law? What else is there? So for years we have been hearing form the left about theocracies and they are building their own. Must admit, well played.

The real truth is that the majority of people really don't give a crap, until a left winger tryies to force their beliefs upon everyone else.

Ironically, I was let go from a job, for reasons that may have related to my religious views. It never occurred to me to sue the owner, and try and force my views into his work place or something. I just simply got another job.

But this is the America of today, where crazy people think everything in life is their "right". Just like flipping burgers at McDonalds entitles you to $15/hr.

Crazy people.
Funny how Democrats assume they can sit on the fence on this issue.

Their base is Blacks, Hispanics, and Muslims......some of the most homophopic people on the planet, yet they think they can patch things up in time for the election, or they can simply use demagoguery to destroy the likeability of any potential Republicans.

It didn't work in the last election, and this same-sex, freedom of religion nonsense is only going to cost them in the long run.
Funny how you, and many others, insist on bringing party politics into the issue. The issue is PEOPLE, just every day ordinary PEOPLE. The issue is NOT exclusive to either party, it's a moral and ethical issue that many are basing it on bias, prejudice, hatred, and serious dislike. There are many that associate themselves with one party or the other that practice prejudice, hatred, bigotry, and bias. It's NOT one party or the other, it's PEOPLE, period.
I think it's great. I think it's wonderful that dimocraps can't take their victory and be gracious winners about it.

They won the war, they got their way, they won the battle against Christian Conservatives on the gay rights issue and what they're doing now is the equivalent of walking the battlefield and shooting the wounded.

You think Conservatives aren't more motivated than ever over this? Oh yeah.

You think Blacks like this? You better think again. Blacks don't believe that gay rights is a civil rights issue. In fact, the majority of Black people don't like gays one bit.

Hispanics? The majority of whom are devout, practicing Catholics? Think they're not paying attention?

Go for it, dimocraps. Show the world who and what you truly are.... Jack-Booted thugs that will FORCE anyone who dissents to kneel to their power.

Go for it.

BTW, if I go to a printer and ask him to print me up some hand bills that say, "obama is a lying, Kenyan, communist piece of Garbage that hates America!" and he refuses. Can I use the power of The State to FORCE him to print those posters?

No? Why not? I have the right to free speech under the 1st Amendment, don't I?

dimocraps are what they are, people. the scum of the earth.

Don't you ever forget it.
I think it's great. I think it's wonderful that dimocraps can't take their victory and be gracious winners about it.

They won the war, they got their way, they won the battle against Christian Conservatives on the gay rights issue and what they're doing now is the equivalent of walking the battlefield and shooting the wounded.

You think Conservatives aren't more motivated than ever over this? Oh yeah.

You think Blacks like this? You better think again. Blacks don't believe that gay rights is a civil rights issue. In fact, the majority of Black people don't like gays one bit.

Hispanics? The majority of whom are devout, practicing Catholics? Think they're not paying attention?

Go for it, dimocraps. Show the world who and what you truly are.... Jack-Booted thugs that will FORCE anyone who dissents to kneel to their power.

Go for it.

BTW, if I go to a printer and ask him to print me up some hand bills that say, "obama is a lying, Kenyan, communist piece of Garbage that hates America!" and he refuses. Can I use the power of The State to FORCE him to print those posters?

No? Why not? I have the right to free speech under the 1st Amendment, don't I?

dimocraps are what they are, people. the scum of the earth.

Don't you ever forget it.
What about the Republicans? Are they any different? If so, how? Thanks.
The stock market will close tomorrow to commemorate the death of Jesus, as described by Bill O'Reilly on Fox News. It doesn't get any better than regards shoving our Christian faith up the ass of LIBTARDS. Dominus vobiscum.
A day off is shoving something up ones' ass????
Funny how Democrats assume they can sit on the fence on this issue.

Their base is Blacks, Hispanics, and Muslims......some of the most homophopic people on the planet, yet they think they can patch things up in time for the election, or they can simply use demagoguery to destroy the likeability of any potential Republicans.

It didn't work in the last election, and this same-sex, freedom of religion nonsense is only going to cost them in the long run.
Funny how you, and many others, insist on bringing party politics into the issue. The issue is PEOPLE, just every day ordinary PEOPLE. The issue is NOT exclusive to either party, it's a moral and ethical issue that many are basing it on bias, prejudice, hatred, and serious dislike. There are many that associate themselves with one party or the other that practice prejudice, hatred, bigotry, and bias. It's NOT one party or the other, it's PEOPLE, period.

Look dumb-ass......without Democrats this discussion wouldn't even save the self-righteous indignation...
The stock market will close tomorrow to commemorate the death of Jesus, as described by Bill O'Reilly on Fox News. It doesn't get any better than regards shoving our Christian faith up the ass of LIBTARDS. Dominus vobiscum.
A day off is shoving something up ones' ass????
First, you have to understand the mentality of certain people, then the answers come to you very easily. Obviously, the person that made that remark is lacking, in more ways than one.
Imagine if you went into a pizza place and said that you were having an finanicial advisors meeting and wanted to order pizza. The owner says no way I don't like what you do and I won't support it. What would you do?

Would you tell the man that he is fulll of crap and take your business elsewhere and telly your peers? Or would you try and get a laws passed to FORCE the man to accept your life style? Is not that where we are heading? that laws will dictate what we believe?

What do you think that the punishement the left wing would inflict on a store owner who refused to service gay marriage? Financial ruin through the law? What else is there? So for years we have been hearing form the left about theocracies and they are building their own. Must admit, well played.

The real truth is that the majority of people really don't give a crap, until a left winger tryies to force their beliefs upon everyone else.

Ironically, I was let go from a job, for reasons that may have related to my religious views. It never occurred to me to sue the owner, and try and force my views into his work place or something. I just simply got another job.

But this is the America of today, where crazy people think everything in life is their "right". Just like flipping burgers at McDonalds entitles you to $15/hr.

Crazy people.

I think if those supporting gay marriage would base their argument on fairness instead of the BS of gay marriage being a right I would have more respect for them.

They just seem to want to be "in your face" about it. Gay marriage isn't a right but, entering into marriage as a financial agreement between two people, regardless of sex, certainly does seem to be fair. Forcing someone to accept a ceremony that is against their beliefs, whether we agree or not, doesn't seem right or fair.

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