This doesn't worry Republicans?

Just 3 months ago today we woke up to find out that Democrats won in Ohio, Kentucky and Virginia. This doesn't worry Republicans? It should.

Wins in Ohio, Kentucky and Virginia bolster Democrats looking for signs for next year’s national election.​

I keep reminding them who's been winning all the recent elections. You know, to soften the blow this fall.

They aren't listening though.
Oh so you don't know. You just "believe" that Republicans haven't been trying since Reagan to cut these programs out? They haven't for only one reason. They are too popular. So America loves it's socialism.

Why is it that every single person who glorifies Socialism, doesn't know what it is?
medicaid, social security, medicare

Are all socialist programs... They take money/resources from people (you call that stealing) and give it to people who need it..
It is government run and is highly efficient when compared to private operations.

The Right hate it... It fucking embarrasses them, it makes them look like fucking idiots... Because it works..

You will gut it if you can to non existence...

Are all socialist programs...

JFC the stupidity with some of you.
Just showing what is out there. I am sure you personally are against getting rid of medicare, as all normal Republicans are. You people should make your voices heard. Most people think you are for gutting Medicare, and Social Security, to let old people sink, swim or drown on their own, no matter how much they have paid in Medicare and Social Security taxes.


Getting rid of and making better are not the same thing.
Sometimes, it was because when Rudy was asked if he was charging fraud, he responded "No" in front of the Trump appointed judge, while calling it out on the courthouse steps and right wing TV.

I keep reminding them who's been winning all the recent elections. You know, to soften the blow this fall.

They aren't listening though.
The Democrats' Demographic Demolition Derby Dooms Us

Constitution-bangers don't dare blame the growing and soon terminal election losses on the Civil Rights for the Uncivilized Acts and the Come One, Come All Immigration Act. Denying their own race treason, they actually brag about the fact that most of their Republican masters voted for those nation-destroying White Replacement bills.

Not allowing the 50s majority to vote on those issues through national referendums will soon eliminate the Republican Party. It's like only a club's officers being allowed to vote on who can become new members. This elitist system cannot be changed through the legal procedures imposed by traitors.

So there was no decisive election fraud. That decoy, in order to silence anti-Constitutional, direct-democracy discussion of the real cause of Trump's loss, was invented by a bootlicking lying foreigner, Dinesh D'Souza, whom we, the 50s majority, never would have allowed to become a citizen here either.
I'd be worried if I were Republicans. Right now in Florida they're talking about if abortion will be on the ballot and 60% of Floridians are pro choice. Florida could go blue.

I finally said something to my neighbor who says she likes Trump. I pointed out to her when Republicans are in charge the first thing they go after is medicaid, social security, medicare, and any other social program that benefit us not the rich. I said "just consider that".
Gee another stone cold gutless liar.
Hmmmm. Maybe articles like this from Rolling Stone?
Yes, read it on insurance forums. Trump and some other republican's want a senior turning 65 to default to Medicare Advantage plans instead of Part A and Part B of Medicare. There's a few middle of the road news sites reporting this. Just remember it was George Bush who brought us Part D of Medicare and expanded Part C (Medicare Advantage)
Your 'info' was bogus and partisan, and not at all a true reflection of anything truthful. Why can't the op defend himself, he needs you, a moderator, to do his work?

Talk about a cult, you're a brainwashed graduate from the cult of modern 'media'. :cuckoo:
"My infor" was just the result of a simple search argument, not expanded on. You could have countered with a list of quotes from key leadership, voicing their support, while talking to their constituents of standing up in Congress. Anybody can use a search argument. I am not sure why you did not. Your choice, I'm sure.

Wooo-oooh, a moderator!:eek: Lions and tigers and bears, oh my!:eek: I did not realize they were such fearsome creatures. A look at moderator actions tab, will not show any of those vast, spooky, moderator powers used. Somehow, I can't quite picture you shaking in your shoes, at the thought. Tell you what though, a look at log times might reflect the 2-1/2 hour nap, I took. It was great!:bigbed:
a. Lots of young people going to vote pro choice this November
b. We didn't cheat
c. The economy is booming. You were wrong about the 2023 recession. What else are you wrong about?
d. We didn't cheat. YOU TRIED TO. We weren't in charge of the Federal Government Trump was. And he tried to cheat. If only Mike Pence went along with you Nazi insurrectionists he might have gotten away with it. Some of you actually believe Trump is the rightful president. You're insane. Now the House wants to say Trump didn't lead an insurrection?
e. Most of the 1 million covid deaths were old people and unvaccinated people. Republicans basically. How many few of you are voting this year? Here's one less Trump vote

View attachment 898805
you may want to retract the claim that young voters are going to turn out for Biden .

The Democrats' Demographic Demolition Derby Dooms Us

Constitution-bangers don't dare blame the growing and soon terminal election losses on the Civil Rights for the Uncivilized Acts and the Come One, Come All Immigration Act. Denying their own race treason, they actually brag about the fact that most of their Republican masters voted for those nation-destroying White Replacement bills.

Not allowing the 50s majority to vote on those issues through national referendums will soon eliminate the Republican Party. It's like only a club's officers being allowed to vote on who can become new members. This elitist system cannot be changed through the legal procedures imposed by traitors.

So there was no decisive election fraud. That decoy, in order to silence anti-Constitutional, direct-democracy discussion of the real cause of Trump's loss, was invented by a bootlicking lying foreigner, Dinesh D'Souza, whom we, the 50s majority, never would have allowed to become a citizen here either.
"Constitution-bangers", "race treason", "nation-destroying White Replacement bills", "not allowing the 50s majority to vote", "bootlicking lying foreigner". Good god, man! Take a breath before you explode!:auiqs.jpg:
you may want to retract the claim that young voters are going to turn out for Biden .

A LOT of woke kids. You don't seem to understand all the young ladies who are pro choice who are showing up this November. You really believe polls suddenly huh?
Self-Educated White People Built America and Lost It to Elitists

When we take our country back, the only thing that will count is the White non-college vote (Trump 63-37%). And we will make sure that college is never again an anti-White brainwashing center.
I was going to say that the one good thing that might come from that would be that you guys will freak out when you realize Trump's policies fucked you. But that'll never happen. When it happens, you'll blame Biden.

When you realize the manufacturing jobs Trump brings back only pay $15 hr.

And we know Trump has to deliver very little to make you happy. Look at what he delivered in 4 years. Nothing. Yet you would say he MAGA. Right? Was America Great when Trump was president? Were middle class people really saving enough to retire? No they were not.

In fact, the year before Trump became president, Democrats passed a Federal minimum wage increase. And a lot of states raised their minimum wages. And those increased kicked in or started in Trump's first year. So he took credit for people doing better. But it was Democrats who did it.

It's like how you give Newt credit for Clinton. This is true. Wages went up because liberals increased the minimum wage. Republicans fought it.
The abortion vote is going to influence the elections on behalf of the Dems.

Before Trump was president

  • A record number of states, cities and counties are raising their minimum wage this year.
  • Almost 7 million workers could benefit from the pay increases, with some earning as much as $1,700 more per year.
  • Workers in Seattle will be guaranteed pay of at least $16.39 an hour, among the country's highest minimum wages.
These min wage increases that Democrats passed are why Trump can say he did better for the middle class than Obama did. It's bullshit.
"My infor" was just the result of a simple search argument, not expanded on. You could have countered with a list of quotes from key leadership, voicing their support, while tal king to their constituents of standing up in Congress. Anybody can use a search argument. I am not sure why you did not. Your choice, I'm sure.

Wooo-oooh, a moderator!:eek: Lions and tigers and bears, oh my!:eek: I did not realize they were such fearsome creatures. A look at moderator actions tab, will not show any of those vast, spooky, moderator powers used. Somehow, I can't quite picture you shaking in your shoes, at the thought. Tell you what though, a look at log times might reflect the 2-1/2 hour nap, I took. It was great!:bigbed:

I know what it was, your 'simple search' resulted in 'articles' full of partisan bullshit, and you posted the links as if they had some kind of significance, which they didn't. You didn't even understand what the 'articles' were stating. Why would I try to counter any of it, it's all bullshit lies your leftie propaganda rags are trying to push on idiots like you.

The comment just goes to show your bias, and that you're incapable of moderating fairly. I've witnessed all kinds of shady bullshit on this board. I was a moderator once, I know how it goes.

Go back to your nap gramps, you're going to need it. lol

"Constitution-bangers", "race treason", "nation-destroying White Replacement bills", "not allowing the 50s majority to vote", "bootlicking lying foreigner". Good god, man! Take a breath before you explode!:auiqs.jpg:

Says the TDS cult boot licker running around with your hair on fire screaming how democracy is going to be destroyed. :rolleyes:
Just 3 months ago today we woke up to find out that Democrats won in Ohio, Kentucky and Virginia. This doesn't worry Republicans? It should.

Wins in Ohio, Kentucky and Virginia bolster Democrats looking for signs for next year’s national election.​

I'm from Kentucky. What win did they have here, the governor? Republicans won every single other statewide race. And, if you look at Kentucky history, we have pretty much always had a Democratic governor, for decades and decades and decades. So, that is nothing new. If you don't believe me then look it up.
I know what it was, your 'simple search' resulted in 'articles' full of partisan bullshit, and you posted the links as if they had some kind of significance, which they didn't. You didn't even understand what the 'articles' were stating. Why would I try to counter any of it, it's all bullshit lies your leftie propaganda rags are trying to push on idiots like you.

The comment just goes to show your bias, and that you're incapable of moderating fairly. I've witnessed all kinds of shady bullshit on this board. I was a moderator once, I know how it goes.

Go back to your nap gramps, you're going to need it. lol

Says the TDS cult boot licker running around with your hair on fire screaming how democracy is going to be destroyed. :rolleyes:
I wasn't moderating at all. Simply posting. I doubt you read any. Cheer up. Don't feel so threatened by people not of the cult, you live in. :9:

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