this girl nails it

A fifteen year old gets it,yet a significant portion of our gov doesn't.
Not surprised.
That girl couldn't have been more right when she said that people are the problem instead of the guns. Even if guns didn't exist anymore, people would find some other way to carry out whatever intention it is that they have.

God bless you and that girl always!!! :) :) :)

That girl couldn't have been more right when she said that people are the problem instead of the guns. Even if guns didn't exist anymore, people would find some other way to carry out whatever intention it is that they have.

God bless you and that girl always!!! :) :) :)


Thank goodness James Otto doesn't not exist anymore!
^^^ Go here to see that James still very much exists. :) :) :)

God bless you and him always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. I love how the subject on his mind today is how lousy people's grammar has become these days. :D :D :D
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If people are the problem, and not the guns, then why don't conservatives favor stricter background checks on people wanting to buy guns? Why don't they support other restrictions on people? If people are really the problem, that is - which I don't think the right really gives a shit about that. All they care about is their shiny metal toys.
If people are the problem, and not the guns, then why don't conservatives favor stricter background checks on people wanting to buy guns? Why don't they support other restrictions on people? If people are really the problem, that is - which I don't think the right really gives a shit about that. All they care about is their shiny metal toys.

background checks

we already have a system it is ran poorly and much information is left out

any new background checks must be free from a registration system

what other restrictions on people do you want

felons and those judged mentally incompetent are already barred

from owning a firearm
If people are the problem, and not the guns, then why don't conservatives favor stricter background checks on people wanting to buy guns? Why don't they support other restrictions on people? If people are really the problem, that is - which I don't think the right really gives a shit about that. All they care about is their shiny metal toys.

background checks

we already have a system it is ran poorly and much information is left out

any new background checks must be free from a registration system

what other restrictions on people do you want

felons and those judged mentally incompetent are already barred

from owning a firearm

It is not criminals who go on shooting sprees, it is ordinary folk who have a bone to pick.
Stricter background checks, and make everyone with a gun register it and take out insurance in case of an accident or if someone is injured.
If people are the problem, and not the guns, then why don't conservatives favor stricter background checks on people wanting to buy guns? Why don't they support other restrictions on people? If people are really the problem, that is - which I don't think the right really gives a shit about that. All they care about is their shiny metal toys.

background checks

we already have a system it is ran poorly and much information is left out

any new background checks must be free from a registration system

what other restrictions on people do you want

felons and those judged mentally incompetent are already barred

from owning a firearm

It is not criminals who go on shooting sprees, it is ordinary folk who have a bone to pick.
Stricter background checks, and make everyone with a gun register it and take out insurance in case of an accident or if someone is injured.

you think that lanza - holmes or loughner are ordinary folk

all three of them should have been under some type of commitment

and barred from having a firearm long before the shootings
But how would you rule if someone is mentally impaired? People who see a counselor? People who have had mental health treatment? Or only those deemed mentally unfit by a court?

Questions, questions, questions...
But how would you rule if someone is mentally impaired? People who see a counselor? People who have had mental health treatment? Or only those deemed mentally unfit by a court?

Questions, questions, questions...

if they are adjudicated by the courts

they would be on the list to not be eligible to have or buy firearms

actually that is already supposed to be happening

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