Zone1 This guy pretty much responds the way I would....

Baron Von Murderpaws

Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2021
In the recesses of your mind
This video might sound a bit puzzling at first, this is the first time I've ever heard of this guy or his channel, so I'm not used to his way of speaking or his views or beliefs.......... but he gives some very good logical and reasonable responses to questions asked by a religious person.

This video might sound a bit puzzling at first, this is the first time I've ever heard of this guy or his channel, so I'm not used to his way of speaking or his views or beliefs.......... but he gives some very good logical and reasonable responses to questions asked by a religious person.

1. What would you ask God? The atheist said God was a horrible person and blah, blah, blah. That really didn't say anything. So, what specific things makes you believe God is bad? You want evidence so you should be specific and not just make slanderous accusations with nothing to back it up.
2. So, the existence of God relies solely on you and your understanding of God. Because you haven't experienced the testimony of the Holy Ghost doesn't mean others haven't. So, the proof of no existence of God is solely depended upon your experiences and yours only. And, why do believers have to demonstrate to you anything? Are you God? Are you the judge of all mankind? We actually do have something but you are unwilling to test it out.
3. You say you cannot prove that non-existent things exist. First, the question is, how do you know that God is non-existent to conclude that God doesn't exist. He expects us to live by faith and develop belief through our faith. He will manifest proof to those who do this without a double-mind. Just because you haven't proven to yourself through a method that will not work to prove God exists, doesn't mean I haven't proven to myself the God does exist. It's not important for you to prove it empirically. And, no, I don't have to believe in every thing and every god that people have to represent God. I can distinguish the one and true God.
4. It's not up to me to prove God exists to you. It's only up to you to prove God exists because only God can atone for your sins. I don't have to prove anything to you. So, I don't need you to prove that God doesn't exist because he does to me.
5. Oh, here comes the atheist rant of religious indoctrination. So, let's say the only commandments that are necessary are the 10 commandments. Is anyone of them going to hurt anyone? Why do you think loving the Lord is somehow going to hurt anyone and make them a bad person? There is no proof that it does. We are all responsible for our own actions and not the actions of others. A child molester joining up as a religious leader over children doesn't prove that the church involved is at fault for a molestation. Now, hiding the molestation is a problem but that would be "lying" which is one of the other commandments, Thou shalt not bear false witness." It's the duty of parents to train them up to be responsible and good members of society. But, whether it's with or without the belief in God isn't right or wrong in and of itself. Using the 10 commandments or other laws of your religion is good for the society in which you live is all that matters. But, with that said, I can agree that homosexual acts is a sin while still being kind and thoughtful to homosexuals. I do this all the time.
6. What is truth? Why is your truth not nonsense? I see it as nonsense and sad not to know God the Father, Son and Holy Ghost. That's my truth. Mine doesn't have to be yours and vice versa. Unless you believe in silencing thought and speech. Which most Democrats want to do.
7. You assume that if atheists don't agree that some how we are dumb asses and run away. I've never run away as people in here will attest to. In fact, I've asked atheists to do a simple test found in the Bible and Book of Mormon. Read the scriptures, study them intently, meditate on them, then after all you can do to gain knowledge about the scriptures, then ask God with real intent, faith not wavering, without a double mind if those things are not true (and are true) and you will receive your answer if you have an honest heart open to the experience of meeting the Holy Ghost. You won't do this because it would be like you inventing the light bulb and refusing to plug the bulb cord into a place to get electricity from with the reason to refuse is because you've never seen the light bulb glow. With your reverse logic, how would anyone have invented anything new?
8. What is God? Is an important question that atheists need to know to have a discussion about God and if He exists. So, back to number 7's logic of atheists, you would have to first be a God to know what God is and if man may become a god. So, how do we move forward because if I give you an answer, you will just say, "what about Muslims dude." Understand that you have built up a wall for any amount of learning and understanding so that you don't have to be presented with things of God. It's what is known as a "double-minded" man.
So, here is my definition of who and what God is: "Man is now as God once was. As God is now, man may become." It doesn't mean all persons who ever lived on this earth will become gods. In fact, very few will obtain the highest degree in the 3d heaven or Celestial Glory. So, what are the criteria and steps to become as God of our own universes? Certainly not believing in atheistism. We must do our best, choosing the right according to God in each person's present days on earth from the time of Adam and Eve to today and tomorrow. We must keep His commandments and not the commandments of atheists and religious persons who don't know all the commandments. We must have the required ordinances performed by us from those who have the authority to do so. And, when we mess up, we must repent and allow for the atonement of Jesus Christ to take hold. Do all that God commands and we may obtain the Celestial Kingdom with Father in Heaven and receive our reward, a universe to be God to all those spirit children that we will have. Psalms 82:6 and John 10:34. "I said ye are gods and children of the Most High. "
9. Actually, understanding why all creatures great and small are the way they are is very important to understanding God and these three questions: Why are we here? Where did we come from before this life? Where are we going after this life? So, why did we end up children of our Heavenly Parents and cheetahs did not? What makes all other creatures great and small different. Science actually can partly answer this. Energy cannot be created nor destroyed, only changed. Energy is also intelligence as well. The greatest of intelligences became mankind while the lesser became the animals, insects, trees.....So, animals cannot evolve into greater intelligences or energy. Thus, evolution is dead. The evolution of mankind then starts with our intelligence which has always existed. Father and Mother in Heaven, who once were on an earth like ours in another universe had children. Their bodies are much finer than our own and therefore we call them spirits or spirit children. Then, we evolve again by descend into physical bodies sometime after conception and learn as our Heavenly Parents did about our bodies and how to control them. After our life, we await in spirit prison (paradise or hell) for the resurrection of our flesh and bones as Jesus did. If we did well enough on earth, we may evolve into Celestial beings and become Gods and Goddesses of our own universe.

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