This is disgusting


Lakhota's my *****
Jun 4, 2011

California Teacher Fired for Refusing to Lie to Parents About Student Gender Identity​

Unreal the State requires educators to lie to parents about their kids? The left is full of Nazis, doing social experiements on kids and does not care about normal people at all. I hope CA falls in the ocean as soon as possible. What a disgusting set of people that approve this/

Why does the left want to harm children, other than to make more victims they can control? What a sick sick bunch of people.
What kind of country do we live in when it is okay for teachers to lie to parents? We need to restore sanity before it is too late. late


These policies exist because we let deranged groomers into the schools & groomer enablers defend them
These policies are outgrowth of safe spaces made in schools for kids to tell teachers they might be gay. Kids were afraid of their parents throwing them out of the house and disowning them, which did happen.

Because conservative parents only care about the well being of kids.
yeah, god forbid the parents might try to get them help, instead of having a bunch of grooming POS adding on to their illness. If they even actually have an illness because they are fucking KIDS.
Amazing that the kids are afraid that their parents might try to "help". Imagine how terrible a parent you'd have to be to have your kids afraid to talk to you.

These policies exist because of bad parents.

California Teacher Fired for Refusing to Lie to Parents About Student Gender Identity​

Unreal the State requires educators to lie to parents about their kids? The left is full of Nazis, doing social experiements on kids and does not care about normal people at all. I hope CA falls in the ocean as soon as possible. What a disgusting set of people that approve this/

Why does the left want to harm children, other than to make more victims they can control? What a sick sick bunch of people.
You're such a rube...

These children are frequently protected from very hostile home environments.

The parents are generally supported in these efforts by the people asking you to send checks.
Amazing that the kids are afraid that their parents might try to "help". Imagine how terrible a parent you'd have to be to have your kids afraid to talk to you.

These policies exist because of bad parents.
Pretty sure adding to the kids delusion, and possibly ruin their entire life, isnt good.
I would think most normal people wouldnt want their kids to chop off their limbs because they are immature and easily influenced by a fucked up society.
Pretty sure adding to the kids delusion, and possibly ruin their entire life, isnt good.
I would think most normal people wouldnt want their kids to chop off their limbs because they are immature and easily influenced by a fucked up society.
This isn't about chopping things off. It's about pronouns.

Forcing kids to be something they're not leads to bad places. We've been down this road. It doesn't work.
California Teacher Fired for Refusing to Lie to Parents About Student Gender Identity

The state government of California has effectively discriminated against and fired this woman for exercising her freedom of religion.

Amazing that the kids are afraid that their parents might try to "help". Imagine how terrible a parent you'd have to be to have your kids afraid to talk to you.

These policies exist because of bad parents.

My daughter had a friend in high school to whom the school was a sanctuary.

After enduring hell at home for years, he was accepted by his parents...they even hosted a pre-prom party for him and his date

I spoke to his dad....he was tearing up telling me his child was the bravest person he'd ever known.

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