THIS IS HUGE! — BREAKING NEWS FROM ARIZONA AUDIT: The Number Of Illegal Votes In Maricopa County Could Easily Reach More Than 250,000 Votes

So when can we expect 250,000 arrests?
You can expect other states to demand audits.
I expect the right wing losers to continue this idiocy forever...
And if fraud is proven in Arizona?

Not sure what the ramifications of this would be... please let me know when they start arresting folks will do that right? Good boy.
If fraud can be proven, arrests will not matter. Public opinion will crush any spin if tangible evidence like ballots themselves that prove fraud. Even the media or big Tech will not be able to hide it.

No, arrests and more correctly the convictions that come from the matter because, unlike public opinion, it's subject to the laws, evidence, etc...

No amount of evidence has convinced a blob supporter of anything yet...ever.

You still believe the blob's favorite book is the Bible and that he's never told a lie in his life, bless his little heart. You still believe every kookie conspiracy theory spun about the election like the US military staging a raid in Germany.

That will highlight the governments corruption not prosecuting the criminals. If fraud is proven you are fucked.

No it will highlight that your "proof" is nothing more than wishful thinking on your part.

How many times have you dumbfucks came in here with "absolute proof" since November? 70 times? How many arrests? zero.
Now you understand why the Dims didn't want to examine the ballots. If they audit all the toss-up states, then there will be a call for Biden to step down.

On Saturday, the Arizona forensic audit continued at the Veterans Memorial Coliseum in downtown Phoenix.
In Arizona, for months the Board of Supervisors in Maricopa County have complained about calls for a forensic review of the ballots in this large and crucial county.
The Board members guaranteed everything was fine but they won’t let anyone get close to their results.
They spent weeks after the election messing with ballots before they formally concluded the election results.
However, regardless of their efforts to prevent an audit of the Maricopa County results the forensic audit is now taking place at the Veterans Memorial Coliseum.
The audit is being live-streamed from 9 different angles from the arena floor at
The election workers are running true forensic testing on the ballots!
Something HUGE is being revealed there right now!
Here’s what we’ve received on Sunday morning:


I know the election was a fraud but I hope to god those numbers are wrong
Now you understand why the Dims didn't want to examine the ballots. If they audit all the toss-up states, then there will be a call for Biden to step down.

On Saturday, the Arizona forensic audit continued at the Veterans Memorial Coliseum in downtown Phoenix.
In Arizona, for months the Board of Supervisors in Maricopa County have complained about calls for a forensic review of the ballots in this large and crucial county.
The Board members guaranteed everything was fine but they won’t let anyone get close to their results.
They spent weeks after the election messing with ballots before they formally concluded the election results.
However, regardless of their efforts to prevent an audit of the Maricopa County results the forensic audit is now taking place at the Veterans Memorial Coliseum.
The audit is being live-streamed from 9 different angles from the arena floor at
The election workers are running true forensic testing on the ballots!
Something HUGE is being revealed there right now!
Here’s what we’ve received on Sunday morning:


Since it's illegal to ask for proof of citizenship for a federal election, where did they come up with 36, 000 non citizen voters?
The election was the most fraudulent we ever had the dems used covid to stuff ballots...and you fucking libs know it or you wouldn't still have a fence around my capitol...and you wouldn't be trying to permanently rig the system of voting in America.....its gonna bite you back hard....Trump 2024......Make America obey its laws again....

The election was not fraudulent. That is a lie. The fact that there was a larger turnout is not stuffing ballots. Trump's own AG saw no evidence of fraud that would overturn the results. We have a fence around the capitol because of people like you. Republicans are trying to rig elections by making it harder to vote.

Larger turn out? Yes. Like with the Rallies Trump had huge number of voters turn out to vote for him...while Biden couldn't get hardly anyone to turn to turn up.
Which worked against Trump as many Americans viewed that as irresponsible during a pandemic.
Yeah sure Faun that is why Trump had so many supporters at his rallies while biden often had trouble just getting a dozen to show up.
I showed the poll...

59% disapproved of Trump holding rallies during a pandemic while 64% approved of Biden not holding rallies. And I have no doubt Trump catching Coronavirus, apparently at a mock debate where almost no one wore a mask or social distanced, showed America how irresponsible he was. How the fuck does a president put themselves into such a dangerous situation? Voluntarily, no less. America saw it even though you were blind to it.

Biden held rallies---and very few people showed up. 59% of who? DEMS? trying to silence free speech. Don't care if they didn't like the rallies---most people and many showed up. Biden still couldn't get hardly anyone at his despite he too holding them as pathetic as they were. Hell even now, biden and his wife can't get people to show up for their gatherings which is very very telling.

Oh and trying to blame Trump's rallies as being the spreader of covid...really given the riots and diseased libs phlucking everything and burning everything else?
Now you understand why the Dims didn't want to examine the ballots. If they audit all the toss-up states, then there will be a call for Biden to step down.

On Saturday, the Arizona forensic audit continued at the Veterans Memorial Coliseum in downtown Phoenix.
In Arizona, for months the Board of Supervisors in Maricopa County have complained about calls for a forensic review of the ballots in this large and crucial county.
The Board members guaranteed everything was fine but they won’t let anyone get close to their results.
They spent weeks after the election messing with ballots before they formally concluded the election results.
However, regardless of their efforts to prevent an audit of the Maricopa County results the forensic audit is now taking place at the Veterans Memorial Coliseum.
The audit is being live-streamed from 9 different angles from the arena floor at
The election workers are running true forensic testing on the ballots!
Something HUGE is being revealed there right now!
Here’s what we’ve received on Sunday morning:


Since it's illegal to ask for proof of citizenship for a federal election, where did they come up with 36, 000 non citizen voters?

Think about what you said here...”it’s illegal to ask for proof of citizenship for a federal election”...

Why in the hell would that be, unless you wanted illegals voting.
Now you understand why the Dims didn't want to examine the ballots. If they audit all the toss-up states, then there will be a call for Biden to step down.

On Saturday, the Arizona forensic audit continued at the Veterans Memorial Coliseum in downtown Phoenix.
In Arizona, for months the Board of Supervisors in Maricopa County have complained about calls for a forensic review of the ballots in this large and crucial county.
The Board members guaranteed everything was fine but they won’t let anyone get close to their results.
They spent weeks after the election messing with ballots before they formally concluded the election results.
However, regardless of their efforts to prevent an audit of the Maricopa County results the forensic audit is now taking place at the Veterans Memorial Coliseum.
The audit is being live-streamed from 9 different angles from the arena floor at
The election workers are running true forensic testing on the ballots!
Something HUGE is being revealed there right now!
Here’s what we’ve received on Sunday morning:


Since it's illegal to ask for proof of citizenship for a federal election, where did they come up with 36, 000 non citizen voters?

Think about what you said here...”it’s illegal to ask for proof of citizenship for a federal election”...

Why in the hell would that be, unless you wanted illegals voting.
My question, too, but look it up. It's true.
Why are the Klanocrats so afraid of legit recounts and Voter ID laws?
Seems fishy.

This is not a legit recount. A legit recount was done by REPUBLICAN election officials in Maricopa.
It doesn't matter. The audit will "show" that Trump won by a zillion votes, then they move to the next state and get the same "result".

Kabuki Theater. Fine with me. Whatever calms them down a bit.
These things will be proven. If they happened in another state it can be proven there also. The forensic audit of the ballots will turn up all kinds of stuff. And the proof will be that ballot itself, The one they have to keep another year and a half. So that evidence will be available for a while.

Why do they have to be proven?
Because these people have completely and emotionally invested themselves in this.

They're so far down the rabbit hole now that there is no turning back.

They'll always believe this paranoid fantasy. At least a majority of them will.
Well it seems pretty clear why the left work so hard to block this audit
Because it's bullshit as expressed by the OP.
i don’t disagree voter fraud is bs
Then for what reason(s) do you believe the left is working so hard to block this "audit?"
because they freaking objected and tried to get an injuction...there is an entire thread on it, where you and I were talking...geez
Now you understand why the Dims didn't want to examine the ballots. If they audit all the toss-up states, then there will be a call for Biden to step down.

On Saturday, the Arizona forensic audit continued at the Veterans Memorial Coliseum in downtown Phoenix.
In Arizona, for months the Board of Supervisors in Maricopa County have complained about calls for a forensic review of the ballots in this large and crucial county.
The Board members guaranteed everything was fine but they won’t let anyone get close to their results.
They spent weeks after the election messing with ballots before they formally concluded the election results.
However, regardless of their efforts to prevent an audit of the Maricopa County results the forensic audit is now taking place at the Veterans Memorial Coliseum.
The audit is being live-streamed from 9 different angles from the arena floor at
The election workers are running true forensic testing on the ballots!
Something HUGE is being revealed there right now!
Here’s what we’ve received on Sunday morning:



Like I believe the cyber ninjas.
So the link in the OP says something “could” happen, then there’s a jpg of something they “received” without further explanation, followed by 400 or so links for supplement advertisements.

Now you understand why the Dims didn't want to examine the ballots. If they audit all the toss-up states, then there will be a call for Biden to step down.

On Saturday, the Arizona forensic audit continued at the Veterans Memorial Coliseum in downtown Phoenix.
In Arizona, for months the Board of Supervisors in Maricopa County have complained about calls for a forensic review of the ballots in this large and crucial county.
The Board members guaranteed everything was fine but they won’t let anyone get close to their results.
They spent weeks after the election messing with ballots before they formally concluded the election results.
However, regardless of their efforts to prevent an audit of the Maricopa County results the forensic audit is now taking place at the Veterans Memorial Coliseum.
The audit is being live-streamed from 9 different angles from the arena floor at
The election workers are running true forensic testing on the ballots!
Something HUGE is being revealed there right now!
Here’s what we’ve received on Sunday morning:


I know the election was a fraud but I hope to god those numbers are wrong
Well your hopes are realized.

This "audit" is being done in the dark with no witnesses and sketchy tactics that the whacko independent company refuses to make public
Now you understand why the Dims didn't want to examine the ballots. If they audit all the toss-up states, then there will be a call for Biden to stop down.

On Saturday, the Arizona forensic audit continued at the Veterans Memorial Coliseum in downtown Phoenix.
In Arizona, for months the Board of Supervisors in Maricopa County have complained about calls for a forensic review of the ballots in this large and crucial county.
The Board members guaranteed everything was fine but they won’t let anyone get close to their results.
They spent weeks after the election messing with ballots before they formally concluded the election results.
However, regardless of their efforts to prevent an audit of the Maricopa County results the forensic audit is now taking place at the Veterans Memorial Coliseum.
The audit is being live-streamed from 9 different angles from the arena floor at
The election workers are running true forensic testing on the ballots!
Something HUGE is being revealed there right now!
Here’s what we’ve received on Sunday morning:



Worthy Politics isn't reputable.

LOL, and you are?

They haven't been around long and they are hard right Christian conservatives.. Lying is acceptable. See if you can find any other sources.
You're not saying that "Worthy Politics dot com" isn't a top-notch, objective and honest news source, are you?

As opposed to CNN or TNYT or WAPO or any other "reputable" site that constantly gets caught in publishing or reporting LIES?

Try and imagine a group screaming that Trump stole the election in 2016 given the authority by a Democratic legislature to count all the ballots in 2017, and arguing that nobody should oversee what they are doing, including any pesky judges.

I’m sure the Trump cult would have been down with that.
So the link in the OP says something “could” happen, then there’s a jpg of something they “received” without further explanation, followed by 400 or so links for supplement advertisements. :lol:


Adriana Lima could sleep with me one day, and I received an email for Viagara.

It’s gonna happen!
The ONE independent reporter who had some minimal access noted that the "auditors" were all given black and blue pens.

That believe it or not is a huge no no. In any real audit black and blue colored pens are allowed nowhere near ballots . Red pens are THE pens used.


Because scanners only read black and blue and not red. If you want to mark a ballot as counted, you make a red mark on it and there's no way a scanner can "misread" that mark.

If you want to SPOIL or change ballots of need a pen that scanners will see.

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