This is so bad. NY Times doctored what Hunter said today, leaving out the key word. Wow.

An amazing moment. The slimes still covering for Biden and lying to readers.

You can tell when communists run the show.....because they lie or deceptively censor everything.
Some of these idiot journalist's eyes would bug out if they discovered how the Nazis, the Chinese communists, and the Russians pulled this same crap in the lead up to totalitarianism.
You can tell when communists run the show.....because they lie or deceptively censor everything.
Some of these idiot journalist's eyes would bug out if they discovered how the Nazis, the Chinese communists, and the Russians pulled this same crap in the lead up to totalitarianism.

No, they wouldn't. They are all fellow travelers.
An amazing moment. The slimes still covering for Biden and lying to readers.

Outrageous is an understatement.

They don't learn. Their readers and subscribers continue to fall, and they don't seem to give a hoot.
An amazing moment. The slimes still covering for Biden and lying to readers.

The MSM are no longer REPORTING the news. Long dead are the watchdogs of government. The MSM are now working for a corrupt arm of the fed and are manufacturing lies to conceal criminal activity from the public. The MSM therefore should no longer enjoy the "freedom of the press" and must be criminally charged and held liable for acting as a manipulative tool for coercing our elections thereby subverting America.
No, they wouldn't. They are all fellow travelers.
I think some journalists are motivated by greed, not by their belief that communism is a rational alternative to Capitalism.
I used to be a journalism student.....and some of those folks aren't exactly the most brainy college students. Some of them do it because they were the prom queen or a letterman on the football team. Being a journalist is just an extension of being popular in high school.
So I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt and say they really don't know the full extent of the evil they're supporting with their coverage.

Here's an example of a journalist that doesn't care about the truth....because she's paid to lie for the Deep State. They pay her to interrupt people who are making sense.

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