This is the most fiscally irresponsible document ever offered by the GOP

They are NOT the same. The Republican party is 90% white and mostly Christian. They vote in lockstep.

Democrats are basically everyone else. Truly a party of coalitions. This is why Democrats have a difficult time getting their "agenda" passed. Because first, they have to agree on an agenda. Then they have to work to get the votes for it.

Republicans do what they are told and believe anything, no matter how far fetched or strange.

There is an enormous difference between these two parties.

Judge by the results.

Dimocrats in power, bigger government more debt

Repugnantcans in power bigger government more debt.

I don't care how you get there the end destination is exactly the same so there is no difference.

Well that's just plain ignorant.

What have Democrats done to make government so much "bigger"? Most of the jobs lost in the last 8 months have been government jobs. What the hell is wrong with you people? You sit in front of the DAMN Internet. Don't you guys go look things up? EVER?

Do you even think a little before you type? You asked what Dimocrats have done to make government bigger then you answer your own question by stating that the government has added more jobs in the last 8 months. Isn't that making the government bigger?

You can't possibly believe they are the same. Just looking at them will tell you that.

If you're going to explain how they're both built by Race then yes, the Democrats have more of a variarety than Republicans. But we all knew that. right?

But me and Skull Pilot aren't talking about Race. We're talking about how both Parties say different shit, but they act the same way..

Republicans promise Smaller Government, but they won't do it.

Democrats promise Social Programs which expand government and they do it.

So essentially they're the same. That's why I left the Republican party.

That's bullshit. The CBO says the Health Care bill will save billions over the next 10 years. Rarely do you see Democrats push a bill that isn't offset by cost reduction of some type, closing tax loopholes, raising revenue. Why? Because Democrats are a party of coalitions. They have to AGREE on stuff to get anything done.

Republicans passed, through reconciliation, a drug bill costing over a trillion, possibly 5 to 7 trillion over the next ten years, WITH NOT A PENNY TO OFFSET IT.

Republicans passed, through reconciliation, a 2.4 TRILLION Dollar tax cut while waging TWO FUCKING WARS with not a penny of offset.

You sit in front of the Internet DAMNIT. USE IT!!!! GO LOOK STUFF UP!!!! THE TRUTH IS OUT THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!

You really have overdosed on the Kool Aid if you think the health care bill will reduce costs.

Just look at Massachusetts and you'll see what we're in for. In MA insurance costs have risen faster than the national average and the 3 largest non profit insurance providers are on the verge of bankruptcy.

And again you have proven my point that both parties increase the size scope and expense of government.
The Republican Party's new "Pledge to America," already battered by liberals, is now facing criticism from an unlikely source — some conservatives

Other conservative bloggers called it "milquetoast" and "smoke and mirrors."

The plan also pledges to honor "traditional marriage" and faith-based organizations.

GOP's 'Pledge to America' gets blasted by some conservative bloggers - Sacramento Politics - California Politics | Sacramento Bee


If all else fails, attack the gays. The old Republican stand by.


You can read it here. Add another trillion to the deficit giving millionaires and billionaires tax cuts. Do nothing about jobs going overseas. It's the same old story. Nothing new. America will put these people in office. You watch.


After November, the Republican base will crow, "We Won!"

Then what?

And don't forget, they want to privatize SS, the VA and Medicare. Wonder how that will play. Wall Street needs some more money to play with. They don't have enough. Buying politicians is expensive.
You have a rare talent Rdolt.

I've never seen someone stack bullshit this high before... save maybe the contents of my ignore list.

But this level of libberish could only come from one with many years experience in university food service.

If that word is not in the Dictionary, it should be.
If you're going to explain how they're both built by Race then yes, the Democrats have more of a variarety than Republicans. But we all knew that. right?

But me and Skull Pilot aren't talking about Race. We're talking about how both Parties say different shit, but they act the same way..

Republicans promise Smaller Government, but they won't do it.

Democrats promise Social Programs which expand government and they do it.

So essentially they're the same. That's why I left the Republican party.

That's bullshit. The CBO says the Health Care bill will save billions over the next 10 years. Rarely do you see Democrats push a bill that isn't offset by cost reduction of some type, closing tax loopholes, raising revenue. Why? Because Democrats are a party of coalitions. They have to AGREE on stuff to get anything done.

Republicans passed, through reconciliation, a drug bill costing over a trillion, possibly 5 to 7 trillion over the next ten years, WITH NOT A PENNY TO OFFSET IT.

Republicans passed, through reconciliation, a 2.4 TRILLION Dollar tax cut while waging TWO FUCKING WARS with not a penny of offset.

You sit in front of the Internet DAMNIT. USE IT!!!! GO LOOK STUFF UP!!!! THE TRUTH IS OUT THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!

You really have overdosed on the Kool Aid if you think the health care bill will reduce costs.

Just look at Massachusetts and you'll see what we're in for. In MA insurance costs have risen faster than the national average and the 3 largest non profit insurance providers are on the verge of bankruptcy.

And again you have proven my point that both parties increase the size scope and expense of government.

The only folks with smiles from the Insurance Reform Bill are sporting Kool Aid stains on their upper lips.

The first increases in insurance costs have already occurred. Adding young adults to their parents insurance is one added cost that increased premiums will need to cover and taking life time caps off the coverage is another cost to be born by the policies' premiums.

You have to pass it to find out what's in it is so true. It may be the only factually acurate thing that Nancy has said since she became Speaker.
The Republican Party's new "Pledge to America," already battered by liberals, is now facing criticism from an unlikely source — some conservatives

Other conservative bloggers called it "milquetoast" and "smoke and mirrors."

The plan also pledges to honor "traditional marriage" and faith-based organizations.

GOP's 'Pledge to America' gets blasted by some conservative bloggers - Sacramento Politics - California Politics | Sacramento Bee


If all else fails, attack the gays. The old Republican stand by.


You can read it here. Add another trillion to the deficit giving millionaires and billionaires tax cuts. Do nothing about jobs going overseas. It's the same old story. Nothing new. America will put these people in office. You watch.


After November, the Republican base will crow, "We Won!"

Then what?

And don't forget, they want to privatize SS, the VA and Medicare. Wonder how that will play. Wall Street needs some more money to play with. They don't have enough. Buying politicians is expensive.
You have a rare talent Rdolt.

I've never seen someone stack bullshit this high before... save maybe the contents of my ignore list.

But this level of libberish could only come from one with many years experience in university food service.

If that word is not in the Dictionary, it should be.
Feel free to pester Urban Dictionary to include it. Of course, it'll have to make it into popular lexicon first and be attributed incorrectly to someone famous or rich.
so what is fiscally irresponsible about the Pledge, rdean?
It's hard for some to free men, and not a slaves.

That requires a level of personal integrity and acceptance of ones own mistakes many do not have the intestinal fortitude for anymore. It's been bred out of them.
Then don't vote.

I've given up on voting.

repugnantcans and dimocrats are exactly the same so why bother.

I'll work to see a third party but I won't vote in any elctoral race that only has a choice (non choice) between repugnantcans or dimocrats.

They are NOT the same. The Republican party is 90% white and mostly Christian. They vote in lockstep.

Deans White hating christiaphobic tendencies showing again.
That's bullshit. The CBO says the Health Care bill will save billions over the next 10 years. Rarely do you see Democrats push a bill that isn't offset by cost reduction of some type, closing tax loopholes, raising revenue. Why? Because Democrats are a party of coalitions. They have to AGREE on stuff to get anything done.

Republicans passed, through reconciliation, a drug bill costing over a trillion, possibly 5 to 7 trillion over the next ten years, WITH NOT A PENNY TO OFFSET IT.

Republicans passed, through reconciliation, a 2.4 TRILLION Dollar tax cut while waging TWO FUCKING WARS with not a penny of offset.

You sit in front of the Internet DAMNIT. USE IT!!!! GO LOOK STUFF UP!!!! THE TRUTH IS OUT THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!

You really have overdosed on the Kool Aid if you think the health care bill will reduce costs.

Just look at Massachusetts and you'll see what we're in for. In MA insurance costs have risen faster than the national average and the 3 largest non profit insurance providers are on the verge of bankruptcy.

And again you have proven my point that both parties increase the size scope and expense of government.

The only folks with smiles from the Insurance Reform Bill are sporting Kool Aid stains on their upper lips.

The first increases in insurance costs have already occurred. Adding young adults to their parents insurance is one added cost that increased premiums will need to cover and taking life time caps off the coverage is another cost to be born by the policies' premiums.

You have to pass it to find out what's in it is so true. It may be the only factually acurate thing that Nancy has said since she became Speaker.

The first increases? How many insurance increases have there been in the last 20 years before the healthcare bill passed?
You really have overdosed on the Kool Aid if you think the health care bill will reduce costs.

Just look at Massachusetts and you'll see what we're in for. In MA insurance costs have risen faster than the national average and the 3 largest non profit insurance providers are on the verge of bankruptcy.

And again you have proven my point that both parties increase the size scope and expense of government.

The only folks with smiles from the Insurance Reform Bill are sporting Kool Aid stains on their upper lips.

The first increases in insurance costs have already occurred. Adding young adults to their parents insurance is one added cost that increased premiums will need to cover and taking life time caps off the coverage is another cost to be born by the policies' premiums.

You have to pass it to find out what's in it is so true. It may be the only factually acurate thing that Nancy has said since she became Speaker.

The first increases? How many insurance increases have there been in the last 20 years before the healthcare bill passed?
They go up every year. However in those 20 years they have never increased as much in one shot as they have this time. Wonder why that is.
They go up every year. However in those 20 years they have never increased as much in one shot as they have this time. Wonder why that is.

What are you referring to? Group market, individual market? Individual companies, the overall average of premium increases across plans?
Anecdotes here don't have much value, as someone telling you simply that they're paying more doesn't reveal anything. For example, see this thread: the average employee's premiums went up 14% this year, yet the actual premiums on their (total) plan only increased 3%. That is to say, premium growth this year was actually relatively low, yet it'll feel like premiums are skyrocketing because employers are shifting more of the cost burden of health plans onto employees.

Which is why anecdotes like "O'Reilly's premiums went up X this year" (which for some reason I see all over the place) provide virtually no information.
I've given up on voting.

repugnantcans and dimocrats are exactly the same so why bother.

I'll work to see a third party but I won't vote in any elctoral race that only has a choice (non choice) between repugnantcans or dimocrats.

They are NOT the same. The Republican party is 90% white and mostly Christian. They vote in lockstep.

Democrats are basically everyone else. Truly a party of coalitions. This is why Democrats have a difficult time getting their "agenda" passed. Because first, they have to agree on an agenda. Then they have to work to get the votes for it.

Republicans do what they are told and believe anything, no matter how far fetched or strange.

There is an enormous difference between these two parties.

On a Side note; the Democrat party is mostly white and mostly christian.

And it's possible that MOST of those Christians may not be white.

Remember, the Democratic Party also includes, among those "whites", gays, feminists, atheists, scientists and all those "white" people NOT welcome in the Republican party.

And THOSE white people voted for Obama.

THOSE white people have no problem with a "black" guy in the "WHITE" House.

Don't you realize how calling "way different" the "same" makes you look?
They are NOT the same. The Republican party is 90% white and mostly Christian. They vote in lockstep.

Democrats are basically everyone else. Truly a party of coalitions. This is why Democrats have a difficult time getting their "agenda" passed. Because first, they have to agree on an agenda. Then they have to work to get the votes for it.

Republicans do what they are told and believe anything, no matter how far fetched or strange.

There is an enormous difference between these two parties.

On a Side note; the Democrat party is mostly white and mostly christian.

And it's possible that MOST of those Christians may not be white.

Remember, the Democratic Party also includes, among those "whites", gays, feminists, atheists, scientists and all those "white" people NOT welcome in the Republican party.

And THOSE white people voted for Obama.

THOSE white people have no problem with a "black" guy in the "WHITE" House.

Don't you realize how calling "way different" the "same" makes you look?

The membership, race, ethnicity etc make no difference. Both parties do the same thing while claiming to do different things.

The things that both parties do so well are expanding government, creating debt and thinking up ways to take our money from us.
You really have overdosed on the Kool Aid if you think the health care bill will reduce costs.

Just look at Massachusetts and you'll see what we're in for. In MA insurance costs have risen faster than the national average and the 3 largest non profit insurance providers are on the verge of bankruptcy.

And again you have proven my point that both parties increase the size scope and expense of government.

The only folks with smiles from the Insurance Reform Bill are sporting Kool Aid stains on their upper lips.

The first increases in insurance costs have already occurred. Adding young adults to their parents insurance is one added cost that increased premiums will need to cover and taking life time caps off the coverage is another cost to be born by the policies' premiums.

You have to pass it to find out what's in it is so true. It may be the only factually acurate thing that Nancy has said since she became Speaker.

The first increases? How many insurance increases have there been in the last 20 years before the healthcare bill passed?

I can't tell if you're making a joke.

This is why you guys make me so mad. Go to any search engine and type in "Health Care rate rise xxxx" and then put in the years for "xxxx". Here is 2006 and 2009.

And you guys get so mad when I call you "stupid". Well, what would you call it? You are sitting in front of a damn computer. USE IT FUCKERS!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Health insurance costs rise 7.7%, twice the rate of inflation

Workers and employers won't find much comfort in the smallest increase in health insurance costs since 1999. The 7.7% increase this year is still more than twice the rate of inflation.

Why Health Care Reform Is Needed: Insurance Company WellPoint's 39% Rate Hike - DailyFinance

To add fuel to the fire, a report released Thursday by health advocacy group Health Care for America Now, found that the five biggest insurance companies -- WellPoint, Cigna (CI), UnitedHealth Group (UNH), Aetna (AET) and Humana (HUM) -- had increased their profits by 56% in 2009, a year that saw 2.7 million people lose their private coverage. Combined, they earned a total of $12.2 billion. (After checking this figure against company reports, it is clear that the group has stripped out any one-off gains.)
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Anecdotes here don't have much value, as someone telling you simply that they're paying more doesn't reveal anything. For example, see this thread: the average employee's premiums went up 14% this year, yet the actual premiums on their (total) plan only increased 3%. That is to say, premium growth this year was actually relatively low, yet it'll feel like premiums are skyrocketing because employers are shifting more of the cost burden of health plans onto employees.

Which is why anecdotes like "O'Reilly's premiums went up X this year" (which for some reason I see all over the place) provide virtually no information.

believe it or not, not every post here is meant to provide anyone information. Some times people are just sounding off about shit in their lives.
On a Side note; the Democrat party is mostly white and mostly christian.

And it's possible that MOST of those Christians may not be white.

Remember, the Democratic Party also includes, among those "whites", gays, feminists, atheists, scientists and all those "white" people NOT welcome in the Republican party.

And THOSE white people voted for Obama.

THOSE white people have no problem with a "black" guy in the "WHITE" House.

Don't you realize how calling "way different" the "same" makes you look?

The membership, race, ethnicity etc make no difference. Both parties do the same thing while claiming to do different things.

The things that both parties do so well are expanding government, creating debt and thinking up ways to take our money from us.

That's flat out bullshit.

They don't "do the same thing".

Republicans passed their 1.3 trillion dollar drug for votes bill through reconciliation without a penny of offset. They passed their 2.4 trillion dollar tax cut for the rich through reconciliation without a penny of offset. They want the middle class to pay for BP's disaster. They fucked the poor after Katrina.

Sure, some Democrats do this stuff because they are a coalition. Not all Democrats "put America first". There's the "Blue Dogs" for one. Conservative dogs in Democratic clothing.

But to compare the two and come to the conclusion they are exactly the same is just dumb.
And it's possible that MOST of those Christians may not be white.

Remember, the Democratic Party also includes, among those "whites", gays, feminists, atheists, scientists and all those "white" people NOT welcome in the Republican party.

And THOSE white people voted for Obama.

THOSE white people have no problem with a "black" guy in the "WHITE" House.

Don't you realize how calling "way different" the "same" makes you look?

The membership, race, ethnicity etc make no difference. Both parties do the same thing while claiming to do different things.

The things that both parties do so well are expanding government, creating debt and thinking up ways to take our money from us.

That's flat out bullshit.

They don't "do the same thing".

Republicans passed their 1.3 trillion dollar drug for votes bill through reconciliation without a penny of offset. They passed their 2.4 trillion dollar tax cut for the rich through reconciliation without a penny of offset. They want the middle class to pay for BP's disaster. They fucked the poor after Katrina.

Sure, some Democrats do this stuff because they are a coalition. Not all Democrats "put America first". There's the "Blue Dogs" for one. Conservative dogs in Democratic clothing.

But to compare the two and come to the conclusion they are exactly the same is just dumb.

Has the debt gone up under both repugnantcans and dimocrats?


Has the size, scope and expense of government increased under both dimocrats and repugnantcans?


They are the same.
They are NOT the same. The Republican party is 90% white and mostly Christian. They vote in lockstep.

Democrats are basically everyone else. Truly a party of coalitions. This is why Democrats have a difficult time getting their "agenda" passed. Because first, they have to agree on an agenda. Then they have to work to get the votes for it.

Republicans do what they are told and believe anything, no matter how far fetched or strange.

There is an enormous difference between these two parties.

On a Side note; the Democrat party is mostly white and mostly christian.

And it's possible that MOST of those Christians may not be white.

Remember, the Democratic Party also includes, among those "whites", gays, feminists, atheists, scientists and all those "white" people NOT welcome in the Republican party.

And THOSE white people voted for Obama.

THOSE white people have no problem with a "black" guy in the "WHITE" House.

Don't you realize how calling "way different" the "same" makes you look?

Do you know how stupid you look responding to that? It was nothing more than a statement about your racism dumb fuck. And you proved both your racism and your hatred for anything right of you. And that is almost all of us.....
BTW, I have never heard anyone being told they were not welcome at any Republican gathering I have been at. I don't understand where you get this stupidity, but it has earned you another neg, Just for the stupidity, racism, and generally because you are such a far left loony hack.

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