This is the plan to liberate America.


VIP Member
Nov 17, 2013
This is the plan to liberate America. I will be as brief and to the point as possible. We are living under the ILLUSION of freedom and democracy - most TRUE political activists in America have been banned from political forums and are hardly allowed to speak on TELEVISION, while the airways and message boards are FILLED with ignorant people who are allowed to REMAIN on those forums, and propagandists working for the government, who are insulting and discouraging the public from participation. UP TO A CERTAIN POINT, our organization MUST be kept secret, our numbers must NOT be made public. We must NEVER interact with the establishment media, and we must understand the extent of CONTROL of the media by the establishment, which extends WAY beyond liberal and conservative networks and includes practically ALL the so called independent networks, which they back and encourage with their unlimited supply of money - in fact MOST of the media networks claim to be independent. For us to participate in debates and discussions on the establishment media, would be like for a Christian to go to Somalia and preach about Christianity - the hypocrites on the establishment, have all kinds of tricks at their disposal, all kinds of editing tools, and they are KNOWN to add audience BOOS to political candidates which they wanted to smear, and to add CHEERS, and edit in large crowds of supporters from OTHER EVENTS, in order to build UP politicians who are in their pockets, despite their criticism of the establishment. For us to participate in their debates would only give them credibility to later destroy us. THAT IS WHY, I remind you there are NO political candidates, NO movements, NO political organizations, NO experts that represent the American people, ON the establishment media - NONE. They are ALL DISTRACTORS. And they HAVE to speak the certain amount of truth, because without it no one would listen to them.

Liberation of America can ONLY begin, and be achieved, with YOUR faith in GOD, because NO amount of donations can help - if we are to collect hundred Billion dollars in donations for our movement, then the ESTABLISHMENT which controls the media and the MONEY supply, if the need comes, will throw hundred TRILLION dollars to suppress our movement.
ONLY our faith in GOD can give us determination to contribute our efforts to a MOVEMENT, without expecting any personal FAVORS in return... they talk about separation of Church and State, but what kind of separation IS there, when they both depend on MONEY? THAT is the difference between Church and GOD - God does NOT need money, Church DOES, Our movement does NOT need money, but WE, NEED this movement. We need this movement to eliminate the welfare class of politicians, welfare class of lazy people, welfare class of billionaires.

And so if the AIRWAYS can give power for ONE man to reach out to hundreds of MILLIONS, to the whole NATION, and eventually BRAINWASH them, Then I ask of GOD, and for the people of FAITH, to unite US. Some may say "be patient, Jesus will return" If Jesus will return, then I will shut my mouth and listen, but until that time I remember how I was taught in school, that if you see a crime in progress, such as a woman being raped, and you do nothing about it, you are a PART of that crime. And so I can NOT live my life with a clear conscience, knowing what I know and doing nothing about it. I see humanity being RAPED by the world of politics. And THEIR god, who has lived BEFORE our time, and is supposed to come back some time in the FUTURE, and perhaps AFTER our time, despite the fact that they call him a "LIVING" god, is in fact a DEAD god, because it denies us the possibility that a man can rise up in the world of politics TODAY, and bring heaved back DOWN to earth for ALL of us.

Establishment has a very clever scam they use to suppress any threat to their rule, and this scam must be fully exposed. It can not be easily understood by ordinary people who have been brainwashed since childhood, but if you have intelligence, I ask you from the bottom of my heart to listen carefully, check the facts that I will state and decide for yourself.

- Adolf Hitler and the Nazis: They are being used today in the world of politics to smear the opposition, liberals compared Bush administration to Nazis, conservatives compared Obama administration to Nazis, Eastern Ukraine today is comparing Kiev junta to Nazis, and Kiev junta is comparing Eastern Ukraine to Nazis. Everyone who is bad is a Nazi. But LET us look at the FACTS. Under Nazis, all working class people in Germany were able to take lavish vacations; as soon as Hitler took power, Germany went from great depression to prosperity, and WITHOUT starting any wars, while the REST of the world, USA, Great Britain and Russia were still in great depression. World war 1 started LESS than a YEAR after federal reserve was enacted in America, at the time the GREATEST nation on earth. Just four years after THAT, communists, who were backed by international bankers, came to power in Russia through a bloody coup; Despite all the circus about the cold war, and the new so called tensions between American officials and Vladimir Putin today, RUSSIA was American ALLY against the Nazis, at the time it mattered MOST. I will NOT defend Hitler, I did not LIVE at the time and I do not claim to know EVERYTHING, but we must be wise enough to understand, that HISTORIANS, who leave out these facts, are being PAID, they have their careers at stake, they can NOT accept these facts, or their political careers will be OVER.

- How do people achieve their great wealth? - There are doctors, innovators, certain kinds of businessmen who invest their money wisely, rather than buying personal items. And these people deserve all their wealth WITHOUT QUESTION - they ALREADY contribute ENOUGH to society. But there are also MANY OTHERS, who profit from misery of OTHERS - (primarily the establishment media and the world of politics) They CREATE the welfare class that is dependent on government hand outs, on food stamps - these people are CRAMMED into the ghettoes, like SARDINES, ALL they can DO is sell drugs, complain, become gang bangers. It is NOT their fault, if we are better than them, we MUST UNDERSTAND, that we are ALL the SAME SOUL, experiencing life from a different perspective. And ONLY our faith in GOD can give us that understanding. If for the LACK of our UNDERSTANDING, for the LACK of our LOVE, we will continue wishing that these people suffer and DIE, then BELIEVE ME - these people will find something bad to wish on us in RETURN - Remember the teachings of the GOD - we are ALL sinners. When my father lived in Soviet Union, he was a LAZY man, he hardly did ANYTHING, hardly ANYONE there did anything - but as soon as he came to America, almost INSTANTLY he became a very hard working man. But this system does NOT work for EVERYONE, There CAN be a better system, a system that represents us ALL, instead of providing WELFARE to suppress THOSE that it does not represent. The system we have NOW, perfectly represents THOSE who MAKE it in POLITICS, MAKE it in the ENTERTAINMENT BUSINESS, THEY have it MADE, they no longer need any CHANGE, they just need to learn to become HYPOCRITES and keep their positions, and WE CAN NOT BLAME THEM, because if they will not play the game, they will be OUT of the game, replaced by OTHER hypocrites, because the MEDIA is controlled by MONEY, and MONEY today is GOD - it is NOT controlled by our elected representatives, it CONTROLS our selected representatives.

I will now take your questions.
I do think there is a popular agenda that is propagandizing the youth of this country, I don't know if it really is an organized effort by a few or just random happenstance. But that popular agenda seems hell bent on maintaining it's momentum, and that would imply something more than just chance. Lessening our overall morality, pushing for "acceptance", homosexuality or illegal immigration. People that are just as judgmental and hateful as the ones they are opposed to. Crude abusive people that are vulgar and mean spirited pushing for ...tolerance, acceptance and love. Always with the names and accusations. So, maybe there is something going on here, some phenomena, that really needs to be examined closer. Independently and by someone that isn't bent to the political wind.
I do think there is a popular agenda that is propagandizing the youth of this country, I don't know if it really is an organized effort by a few or just random happenstance. But that popular agenda seems hell bent on maintaining it's momentum, and that would imply something more than just chance. Lessening our overall morality, pushing for "acceptance", homosexuality or illegal immigration. People that are just as judgmental and hateful as the ones they are opposed to. Crude abusive people that are vulgar and mean spirited pushing for ...tolerance, acceptance and love. Always with the names and accusations. So, maybe there is something going on here, some phenomena, that really needs to be examined closer. Independently and by someone that isn't bent to the political wind.
Name one such group so we can discuss it.
I do think there is a popular agenda that is propagandizing the youth of this country, I don't know if it really is an organized effort by a few or just random happenstance. But that popular agenda seems hell bent on maintaining it's momentum, and that would imply something more than just chance. Lessening our overall morality, pushing for "acceptance", homosexuality or illegal immigration. People that are just as judgmental and hateful as the ones they are opposed to. Crude abusive people that are vulgar and mean spirited pushing for ...tolerance, acceptance and love. Always with the names and accusations. So, maybe there is something going on here, some phenomena, that really needs to be examined closer. Independently and by someone that isn't bent to the political wind.

Yep, they also think that welfare is good.

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