This Is the Woman Responsible for Alec Baldwin’s Gun

How dare anyone discuss the responsibilities of you Leftards and what you actually accomplished!

You have no fucking clue about her but a video where she was being weird. you have no clue what she has done, what training she has or anything .

you just need one more target for your hate and rage...and you found it...I am so happy for you.
Probably makes $700K a year too.
Doubt that. Bet she is unemployed now. With her qualifications she can land a top flight job in either the food service industry or the home cleaning industry.
“Democrats need to embrace Hollywood because this is where they need to come to learn how to tell a story.” – Michael Moore

She looks like a sweet harmless little girl that want to sell girl scout cookies to buy her mom a set of dentures.

You have no fucking clue about her but a video where she was being weird. you have no clue what she has done, what training she has or anything .

you just need one more target for your hate and rage...and you found it...I am so happy for you.
Feel free to post videos of her, I handed you her Twitter account. I’m sure you can show she’s a fine upstanding and responsible person.
BTW, more facts to piss you off:

Baldwin film crew had been target shooting with “prop gun” before incident.

“The source went on to state that following the target practice sessions, the police found live ammo alongside blank rounds stored in the same area. Like so many other failures by the crew, that should have been a violation of the most basic safety rules and could have contributed to how Baldwin wound up with a hot gun in his hands.”
The last person I blame is the actor, Baldwin. He was given a prop and told it was safe. Whom I blame is both this girl and the producer who hired her, and for setting up a system where not only live ammo was brought on set, but that there were no apparent checks and balances to assure that these props were safe and properly set up.
I blame Baldwin most of all. First rule of gun safety is always check to be sure any gun is unloaded. Second is treat all guns as if they are loaded. Third is do not point a gun at anything you do not mean to kill. Fourth is do not put your finger on the trigger if you do not mean to kill what you are pointing a gun at.
So he did not follow any rules. You do not play with dynamite if you do not know anything about it and follow proper procedures.
The crew complained that he was doing things on the cheap. So he probably hired this young lady because she was cheaper then more experienced people.
One has to wonder if the script called for him to point the gun at the woman that died and the director.
Yes the girl probably has a small amount of culpability but all in all it appears to be Baldwin that did not follow the rules of gun safety and was attempting to do things as cheaply as he could.
1. WHY was Baldwin pointing a gun at his asst. director, much less pulling the trigger??

2. In the age of CGI and sound effects, and real life looking "toys"........WHY are real weapons used on sets????

3. WHY would a so-called "veteran actor" NOT double check his props before he uses them???

4. Baldwin is an arrogant POS, with a Diva disposition that rivals Hilters.

Something stinks about this whole thing.
I'm old enough to remember that when a woman walked on to a film set she was merely expecting to be sexually assaulted by the star, not downright murdered.
Blanks are never ‘safe’. Long list of deaths and injuries from blanks. The gas escaping alone will blow a hole in your head.
Reagan was deafened in one ear, permanently, by a gun loaded with blanks fired near his ear. During one of his Western movies.
Apparently she's the daughter of a famed Hollywood prop master.

There was an L.A. Times article some place that quoted prop master Jeffrey W. Crow, who was Gutierrez-Reed’s supervisor on a previous movie, as saying that “She was without a lot of experience, but coming from her family lineage, I thought she was exceptional, professional.”

Reports have been that this was an extremely low-budget film with all sorts of cost-cutting measures and the staff complaining about very long hours, the long drive from Albuquerque to the film set and then problems getting their paychecks.

Anyway. The irony here is that once the initial drama blows over, then we get to have Hollywood leading the anti-gun narrative 24/7. Led by Alec Baldwin of all people. Think about that. Can't make this stuff up.

Wait for it...
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Feel free to post videos of her, I handed you her Twitter account. I’m sure you can show she’s a fine upstanding and responsible person.
BTW, more facts to piss you off:

Baldwin film crew had been target shooting with “prop gun” before incident.

“The source went on to state that following the target practice sessions, the police found live ammo alongside blank rounds stored in the same area. Like so many other failures by the crew, that should have been a violation of the most basic safety rules and could have contributed to how Baldwin wound up with a hot gun in his hands.”

It is not my goal in life to ruin the lives of as many people as possible, there are enough people like you to do that.
The question that no one seems to want to ask is why was Baldwin apparently pointing the gun at members of the crew? Even the most novice gun owner knows better than to do that so what happened on this set does not happen.

Damn, another person's life for you all to try and must just be giddy with excitement
yeah, cancel culture really sucks, doesn't it? Except for when your right-wing. Then it's a matter of 'paying for your words and actions."

So, I'm going to do what I always do when we are talking about freedom.

She no more deserves to be canceled than any Conservative.

Occupational accidents happen all the time and no one should be shamed for it. Including her.
yeah, cancel culture really sucks, doesn't it? Except for when your right-wing. Then it's a matter of 'paying for your words and actions."

So, I'm going to do what I always do when we are talking about freedom.

She no more deserves to be canceled than any Conservative.

Occupational accidents happen all the time and no one should be shamed for it. Including her.
Gatorbreath never objected to Leftists chasing people out of restaurants or mobs outside peoples homes shouting murder threats.
The last person I blame is the actor, Baldwin. He was given a prop and told it was safe. Whom I blame is both this girl and the producer who hired her, and for setting up a system where not only live ammo was brought on set, but that there were no apparent checks and balances to assure that these props were safe and properly set up.

No, he is still ultimately to blame. Just because it's a movie doesn't mean you throw safety rules out the window.

Every propmaster I know hammers home the safety rules.



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