This is unbelievable. What’s even the point of having a border if hundreds of thousands of people can just walk in and be given IDs ...

That was a stupid reply
Your interpretation of my reply is the problem.
Why not be honest
I always am.
and admit that you enjoy seeing America flooded by illegal aliens for the chaos they cause?
You cannot be this stupid...?

Read my post again and see if you can figure out what I was saying.

Maybe have an adult help you out if any of the words confuse you.

I am not stupid

You make up words such as “goob” and expect others to follow your meaning
Fair enough.

My point was that the border at this point only exists to establish the tax boundaries so that the government (goobs) can force citizens to pay for this insanity.
Biden and Harris said there is no border problem! AOC hasn’t been down at the border crying! It’s all going great at the border and this is all fake news!

The only are where is a problem is in New York City and that is only because of Republicans!

I hope you see the sarcasm because I laid it on pretty thick!
Fair enough.

My point was that the border at this point only exists to establish the tax boundaries so that the government (goobs) can force citizens to pay for this insanity.
I agree that for many in washington the border is not important, nor are the principles this country was founded on

Money is all that swamp rats care about

If you think so too then we can agree on that
Half the country doesn't give a damn as long as they can keep Trump out of the White House.
They would vote for Biden if he was in a coma.
If the Dem party senses they are in trouble with Biden, which they are, they will 100% toss in Newsom - and the Democrats will flock to vote for him despite being one of the worst governors in modern times.
Doesn't matter.
Cloward-Piven in action.

America is being sold out by the most corrupt President and most corrupt administration in history.

This is unbelievable. What’s even the point of having a border if hundreds of thousands of people can just walk in and be given IDs to work and subsidized housing?

I was watching La Pierre the other day and I about bust a gut laughing when she proudly proclaimed how many more border patrol agents there are now compared to a year or two ago when we know the jobs Biden has given them is to help illegals out of the water and give them goody bags and we are now offering them jobs on top of all of the other benefits.

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