This Is What Has Happened To Late Night Entertainment

Really good entertainment, but that is not what Rod Serling thought.

What did Rod Serling believe?

He believed firmly in the burgeoning medium's power for social justice. “The writer's role is to be a menacer of the public's conscience,” Serling later said. “He must have a position, a point of view. He must see the arts as a vehicle of social criticism and he must focus the issues of his time.”Apr 1, 2019

An Early Run-In With Censors Led Rod Serling to 'The Twilight ...​

Television used to be about really good entertainment:

It just don't get anymore entertaining than that.

Then the Left came along and did this to it:

Made it all about meanness and politics. Bitterness, Vengeance. Hate.

I got money says Colbert gets canned within 1 week after Trump is elected.

Colbert has nothing without Trump.
Television used to be about really good entertainment:

It just don't get anymore entertaining than that.

Then the Left came along and did this to it:

Made it all about meanness and politics. Bitterness, Vengeance. Hate.

Will the Whoville charges be heard in federal or state court?
Television used to be about really good entertainment:

It just don't get anymore entertaining than that.

Then the Left came along and did this to it:

Made it all about meanness and politics. Bitterness, Vengeance. Hate.

Ann Marget really didn't have much of an ass, but she never wore a bra and exaggerated everything else and

dressed sexy, and was so talented so many may never notice that. Oh, I love me some Ann Margret, but that's just how it is.
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Ann Marget really didn't have much of an ass, but she never wore a bra and exaggerated everything else and
dressed sexy, and was so talented so many may never notice that. Oh, I love me some Ann Margret, but that's just how it is.

Back in the 60s, they didn't have clothing like they have now, but her ass was pretty good enough for me. Just imagine going to high school or college with her and hitting some of that?
Once people are paying attention again, Bill Maher will say something to get you guys all giddy again and of course...him back into relevance briefly.
Ann Marget really didn't have much of an ass, but she never wore a bra and exaggerated everything else and

dressed sexy, and was so talented so many may never notice that. Oh, I love me some Ann Margret, but that's just how it is.

She had nice bumps.

Once people are paying attention again, Bill Maher will say something to get you guys all giddy again and of course...him back into relevance briefly.

I really don't know a single word this Maher has ever said. Is he some kind of left-wing shithead or something?
I really don't know a single word this Maher has ever said. Is he some kind of left-wing shithead or something?
Nah, he's one of them liberals with sense. I got a cousin like that. One, out of hundreds

Really those like that are rarer than hen's teeth and white supremacists.

They are the real liberals. I can't agree with them on everything, but at least they're reasonable and respect others.
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Ann was one of those rare women who only get better and more beautiful with age. Great singer and stupendous dancer and performer who really knew how to use her body and threw everything into her performance! But the funniest part was Johnny Carson and his comments after her performance! Hilarious! You could see that Carson was visibly moved that he had trouble even keeping his thoughts straight after that show and Ann knew it!

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